Whether Brady is vanilla or not, the results have been a lot more pleasing to the eye than Dorsey's offense.
The combination of Dorsey + Allen was like taking a kid with ADHD and tossing him 40 Pixie Stix and a list of 10 shot plays scribbled on a napkin and calling it an offense.
Brady + Allen is carrot sticks and celery stalks and a copy of The 7 Habits of Hall of Fame Quarterbacks.
This offense has been methodical and highly efficient. We stay on script, rarely getting behind in down and distance. Allen is playing within the confines of the scheme and can always dial up flashes of brilliance when things matter most or when a play breaks down. Like that throw to Ty Johnson on 3rd down to setup a TD, or rifling the ball into Shakir in triple coverage when we absolutely needed a 1st down. He's not trying to produce magic on every single play. For two weeks straight hes looked like the guy who played a perfect game against New England in negative 50 degree weather.
Is this what Low Positive was supposed to be?