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  1. Definitely agree, which is why I'm hoping for a modest but not market setting extension very soon. Because if he puts up a full injury free season, he's definitely out of our price range with no replacement currently in the pipeline. A true checks and balances situation for sure.
  2. I don't think Davis will have anything to do with whether Cook cleans up his drops or not. This will simply just be the year where progression in those areas will make him or break him as far as superstar or guy fighting for snaps with another different style back.
  3. Because he was a lizard. Whoever thought a lizard could play football should be fired😂😆🤣
  4. Yes but that's all we'd need from him this year.
  5. No that would mean Jones or Oliver were probably playing pretty crappy. Although he is a liability, I've definitely seen way worse safety play. Johnson was complete trash for example.
  6. Maybe Tre shows he can overcome his injuries and comes home next year??? That's my dream. That's how I live 😆
  7. I've had a low key/under the radar vibe since before the draft that something is in the works veteran receiver wise.... we'll see if my gut is right. No inside source BS....just a feeling I've had.
  8. For real???? Damn these kids😂😆🤣
  9. Nice list. One guy I'll add is I really like the center from Georgia. The one poster it was a Georgia fan turned me on to him and I checked them out he looks pretty solid.
  10. So the word is nobody showed up to this guy's birthday party?
  11. Estime in round 5 would be the bomb. Might have to trade up in round 4 for one of your first two, which I'm down with, or a WR who can stretch the field, but im getting an itch that they may have a trade in mind for after the draft.
  12. Very well written and the only thing I can add is if another WR like you mentioned is not obtained, a trade with picks from next year for one of the veterans being floated around could still be a real possibility. I really like your RB options to pair with Cook.
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