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Things that really piss you off when driving.

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When I moved down to Tennesee a few years ago, apparently they do not want you to merge when getting on the interstate. They do not move over to the left lane, nor will they let you merge. Apparently it is not allowed to get on in front of someone and will do everything to prevent you from doing so.


Have nearly been driven off the road a few times. 


Then conversely you get behind the person on the on ramp who refuses to accelerate to get up to speed on the on ramp and you feel like is going to get you killed merging at 35 mph

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Drivers who enter a multi-lane highway via a right turn from a side street and turn directly into the left-hand lane. First, make a small turn to the right lane and then change lanes to get wherever you want.

I have to admit that there is an instance where I myself was guilty of that on a special occasion. When I came to the US in 1990, NY state made me take a road driving test to transfer my German license. Well, the test was very easy compared to a German road test. However, the driving instructor had one comment: "You make pretty wide curves." Usually, I accept such criticism with a Thank You, but on that day something caused me to respond "Well, I want to but a large car". I still passed, and my first US car was a full-size Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser station wagon. 

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Different side of road here…
but the other nite someone drove past the turn right lane which had a Red Arrow. Being peak hour, was full. His lane was straight through on the Green Light. He got to the intersection, 1 car behind the 2st car in the turning right lane and then put his indicator on, and made a move to merge. As there was no room, he was blocking the lane.


Just now, someone attempting to do a “3-point” turn but summoning Austin Powers in the tunnel. Took sooooo many goes. 

I work in the Transport accident area as well, seeing people years after a crash really helps your driving awareness!

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Jon in Pasadena said:

Don't worry about it.


All motorcyclists who survive past their first six months have learned the lesson that car drivers are mostly blind. (Including myself, when I am driving my car, although I am more aware than average.)


Fortunately we have sufficient acceleration to get the heck out of Dodge when we spot Ray Charles weaving down the road.  Bicycles on the other hand....

You can't see something that you can't see or judge.  LoL... It's not about not paying attention.


Your original post called into question being cordial.  What's wrong with being cordial?


I mentioned the addition of jug handles or "Michigan Lefts."  The problem is NOT the car not paying attention.  It's the volume of automobiles and the vulnerability of cycles.  Just ban lefts in high volume areas.






Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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3 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

You can't see something that you can't see or judge.  LoL... It's not about not paying attention.


Your original post called into question being cordial.  What's wrong with being cordial?


I mentioned the addition of jug handles or "Michigan Lefts."  The problem is NOT the car not paying attention.  It's the volume of automobiles and the vulnerability of cycles.  Just ban lefts in high volume areas.






"You can't see something that you can't see" - well I certainly can't argue with that logic 🤣


I am constantly scanning all my mirrors, as well as what's in front of me. Usually I can see what's coming up on me. Sometimes the timing is just bad and you get a "surprise".  I hate surprises.


Agreed that highly congested areas with poor visibility are death zones. I avoid those whenever possible, no matter how many wheels I'm rocking. And for sure, many people driving every type of vehicle, including the 2-wheeled variety, are just idiots, and drastically increase the odds of a disaster by their poor choices.  Another favorite: when I'm in my car, people in the lane to my left have an uncanny habit to almost, but not quite, pass me but then match my speed exactly while their front turn indicator is perfectly lined up with my A-pillar, and their rear turn indicator is in my blind spot.  Then they get all bent out of shape that I'm not slamming on my brakes to let them in because...  telepathy?

If you want to pass me, PASS ME, goddamit. Show me your ugly ass with the rear indicator flashing. I'll let you in. I promise.


There's nothing wrong in general with being cordial when safe and appropriate, however in my OP I was making reference to the comic I linked, where the author demonstrates how there are situations where taking actions that you think are being polite are in reality unsafe and inappropriate. When operating heavy machinery, including motor vehicles, just do it by the book so you don't confuse people and get someone killed.  I dunno, don't you tell big boats where to go or something like that? Do you randomly break protocol sometimes for the sake of "politeness"?

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Posted (edited)

- merging onto a highway and the person in the right lane won’t let you on. Even though the middle lane is empty, they won’t move over and allow a speedy entrance.


- people who have to pull out in front of you/cut you off on a regular road when your going the speed limit, then they slow down to a crawl.  Especially worse when there is not a car behind you and they could have pulled out after you.


- we have a few intersections near me that go down to one lane right after the light.  Why must people line up in the merging lane and assume they have the right of way? No, it’s called a MERGING lane for a reason.


- people who have to dictate the road to you.  Make sure they are in front of you as long as they can.  

- lastly. Those who hang out in the left lane going the speed limit.  You know you’re going to cause more traffic problems/possible accidents? Just move out of the way and let the rest of us get on their way.



Edited by davefan66
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2 hours ago, davefan66 said:


- we have a few intersections near me that go down to one lane right after the light.  Why must people line up in the merging lane and assume they have the right of way? No, it’s called a MERGING lane for a reason.


The zipper merge. Learn it, live it.

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Being stuck in a one lane behind somebody driving slow as f***



10 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:

Spilling my beer to avoid rear ending the car I didn't notice stopping in front of me while I was lighting up a spliff.






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People that fly over to the right lane so they can move 3 or 4 cars up in the left lane. I love it when they get to that slow moving truck or car in the right lane and can't get back over and end up where they started. 

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I just moved to northern Quebec for work, and it's well known that people round here are terrible drivers......stopping at a stop sign is optional, posted speed limits are suggestions only, etc.


Countless times i've pulled up to a 4 way stop only to have a driver run the stop sign in the other direction, like i'm talking not even attempting to stop, just barreling on through.......and then glaring at me like i'm the ***hole.


**** the French.

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1.  When I am the only car driving in my direction, with miles of empty space both behind and in front of me on both sides of the road, with an empty center lane that cars going in either direction can use to safely make left turns, and some moron makes a left turn out of a driveway to pull into that center lane and either stop or drive slowly as I approach.  WTF - - you couldn't wait 3 seconds for me to pass in front of you before you pull out of the driveway into the miles of empty space behind me?  Are you going to merge into my occupied lane and hit me?  You've already shown me that you are a complete moron, so there's no telling what idiot move you are going to make next.


I usually deal with this situation by coming to a complete stop and waiting for the idiot to merge into my lane in front of me.  I don't care how long that takes.  I won't honk or flip you the bird, but I aint going anywhere until you drive off and can't possibly hit me unless you throw it in reverse.  If we both starve to death while I'm waiting for your next moron move, so be it.  If I make the situation uncomfortable enough for you (there's a certain amount of poetic justice in making YOU uncertain about whether I will take off and hit you when you eventually decide to merge into my lane), maybe you'll be less of a moron the next time you pull out of that driveway, but I'm not optimistic.


2.  When I'm slowly backing out of a parking space in a crowded parking lot, because it's difficult to see what's coming, and some fool comes around the corner after I'm already backing up, sees me already part way out of the parking spot moving backwards, and speeds up to pass behind me (if he didn't speed up he'd hit me).  This is a regular occurrence at my local Costco.  I'm open to suggestions about non-lethal ways to deal with this situation.  I got nothin'.

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  1. Not getting into the intersection while waiting to take a left turn
  2. Guys on crotch rockets doing 120 weaving through traffic on the highway.
  3. Blowing through red lights.  Happening more and more each day.  I always wait a couple of seconds extra if I am first in line when the light goes green.
  4. People texting or talking without hands free.  
  5. Getting behind somebody who is obviously smoking MJ.
4 minutes ago, ICanSleepWhenI'mDead said:

2.  When I'm slowly backing out of a parking space in a crowded parking lot, because it's difficult to see what's coming, and some fool comes around the corner after I'm already backing up, sees me already part way out of the parking spot moving backwards, and speeds up to pass behind me (if he didn't speed up he'd hit me).  This is a regular occurrence at my local Costco.  I'm open to suggestions about non-lethal ways to deal with this situation.  I got nothin'.

I worked at the utility company in my town.  Most accidents were backing accidents.  We had a rule that if you had an opportunity to park in a manner that will allow you never to back while parking and pull forward when leaving - you did it.  I never have that problem anymore.  We call it "first-move-forward".  

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To head south on the major highway near me, you turn right to get on.  There is a sign that says "KEEP MOVING".  When you leave the highway and get on the exit to turn right, there is another "KEEP MOVING" sign.  Approximately 60% of the people stop causing a major slow down both getting on and getting off the highway.  


It's amazing to me how after several years, they can't figure it out.

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