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Things that really piss you off when driving.

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4 minutes ago, Irv said:

I worked at the utility company in my town.  Most accidents were backing accidents.  We had a rule that if you had an opportunity to park in a manner that will allow you never to back while parking and pull forward when leaving - you did it.  I never have that problem anymore.  We call it "first-move-forward".  


That's good advice for most situations, but it's a bit impractical at Costco.  If I park so that I can pull forward out of the parking space, it's awkward to to transfer a boatload of Costco stuff from my shopping cart into the hatchback of my vehicle.  There's often not enough room to pull the shopping cart between parked cars.

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7 hours ago, Jon in Pasadena said:

"You can't see something that you can't see" - well I certainly can't argue with that logic 🤣


I am constantly scanning all my mirrors, as well as what's in front of me. Usually I can see what's coming up on me. Sometimes the timing is just bad and you get a "surprise".  I hate surprises.


Agreed that highly congested areas with poor visibility are death zones. I avoid those whenever possible, no matter how many wheels I'm rocking. And for sure, many people driving every type of vehicle, including the 2-wheeled variety, are just idiots, and drastically increase the odds of a disaster by their poor choices.  Another favorite: when I'm in my car, people in the lane to my left have an uncanny habit to almost, but not quite, pass me but then match my speed exactly while their front turn indicator is perfectly lined up with my A-pillar, and their rear turn indicator is in my blind spot.  Then they get all bent out of shape that I'm not slamming on my brakes to let them in because...  telepathy?

If you want to pass me, PASS ME, goddamit. Show me your ugly ass with the rear indicator flashing. I'll let you in. I promise.


There's nothing wrong in general with being cordial when safe and appropriate, however in my OP I was making reference to the comic I linked, where the author demonstrates how there are situations where taking actions that you think are being polite are in reality unsafe and inappropriate. When operating heavy machinery, including motor vehicles, just do it by the book so you don't confuse people and get someone killed.  I dunno, don't you tell big boats where to go or something like that? Do you randomly break protocol sometimes for the sake of "politeness"?

Good post!


BUT (highlighted part), big boats go wherever they damn well please, that's why the smaller boats will get bossed around.  Smaller vessels are the "give-way" vessel (burdened).  Bigger vessels the "stand-on" vessel... They have right of way.  Yes protocol can be broken out of politeness because size really does matter!  It's the smaller vessel's burden to get out of the damn way because they are more maneuverable with better acceleration. Use the maneuverability or die.  Same should apply to the road.


Again... Protocol can always be broken because size matters. Why I don't mind cycles lane splitting when needed. Protocol is not just a rigid, structured proposition YET of course protocol is important when everything is going swimmingly!



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51 minutes ago, Sweats said:

I just moved to northern Quebec for work, and it's well known that people round here are terrible drivers......stopping at a stop sign is optional, posted speed limits are suggestions only, etc.


Countless times i've pulled up to a 4 way stop only to have a driver run the stop sign in the other direction, like i'm talking not even attempting to stop, just barreling on through.......and then glaring at me like i'm the ***hole.


**** the French.


It could be an Official Retreat Route? Of course they're not going to stop for anything.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, DD4Bills said:

People who do this wrong...


That's misguided. I can see it wrong if there is two left turning lanes.  That shows one-lane to two lanes. 


Maybe it's half right. It's the blue vehicle's responsibility, prerogative to get to the right after completing the turn.  Vehicles that are behind the blue vehicle shouldn't beat around the right.  I can see immediately choosing going right to avoid and promote this temptation with vehicles behind the blue one.


Simply not a big deal in this situation.





AND blue vehicle should be UNDER light in middle of intersection waiting to turn left. So... The right lane is totally theirs.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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18 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

AND blue vehicle should be UNDER light in middle of intersection waiting to turn left. So... The right lane is totally theirs.


That's a sure way to find NY drivers in other states. Most everyone else hangs back waiting for the light to change to they can sit there another cycle.

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3 hours ago, ICanSleepWhenI'mDead said:


That's good advice for most situations, but it's a bit impractical at Costco.  If I park so that I can pull forward out of the parking space, it's awkward to to transfer a boatload of Costco stuff from my shopping cart into the hatchback of my vehicle.  There's often not enough room to pull the shopping cart between parked cars.

This is true.  It may require a little longer walk from your car to Costco.  

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Sports talk radio shills trying to convince me what I should bet on.  Honorable mention: radio ads for online betting sites.


These things make me wanna light one up and the next thing you know I'm hard on the brakes and my car smells like a Yuengling. Double whammy.

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Posted (edited)

I drive a lot with my job, and I have a list.


cars that merge into 70 mph traffic at 50 mph.  Do these nimrods not understand flow?


cars that do the speed limit in passing lane, have cars continue to pass on the right, yet do not move over to the traveling lane where they belong.


#######s who when three lanes morph into two, and there are signs to merge, these selfish idiots wait until the last second to merge.  I NEVER let them in.


people that do not use turn signals.


brake happy people, that constantly brake.  You control speed with gas pedal.  Lay off it, and you don’t need to brake a dozen times.


Slow turns into an empty parking lot.




Edited by Pete
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10 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:


Sports talk radio shills trying to convince me what I should bet on.  Honorable mention: radio ads for online betting sites.


These things make me wanna light one up and the next thing you know I'm hard on the brakes and my car smells like a Yuengling. Double whammy.

Agree.  WGR on Saturday morning is puke worthy.

That Sperm Bank commercial WGR commercial they run 100s of times a day makes my skin crawl

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57 minutes ago, Pete said:

I drive a lot with my job, and I have a list.


cars that merge into 70 mph traffic at 50 mph.  Do these nimrods not understand flow?


cars that do the speed limit in passing lane, have cars continue to pass on the right, yet do not move over to the traveling lane where they belong.


#######s who when three lanes morph into two, and there are signs to merge, these selfish idiots wait until the last second to merge.  I NEVER let them in.


people that do not use turn signals.


brake happy people, that constantly brake.  You control speed with gas pedal.  Lay off it, and you don’t need to brake a dozen times.


Slow turns into an empty parking lot.





Don't you just love it when people constantly brake and there is nobody driving in front of them. That is a WTF moment for me. 

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To add a little twist to the idiots that don't use their turn signals at all... the morons that hit the turn signal lever WHILE they're turning. Why even bother?


The damned things were designed to let other drivers around you know what your intentions are... if you're already turning it's too late!

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13 hours ago, Pete said:

cars that do the speed limit in passing lane, have cars continue to pass on the right, yet do not move over to the traveling lane where they belong.


The inability to differentiate between the travel lane and the passing lane is a level of idiocy I will never be able to comprehend.

If the right lane is a stretch of bad road and there is no other traffic around then I get it; I do that sometimes.

But to be hanging out there doing the same speed as a car you're not even passing, while 5 people are stacked up behind you is stunningly stupid and you will get an intimate close up view of my bumper.

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Posted (edited)

Two things....


1) Now that weed is legal, I can actually smell it in my car while driving with the windows closed and the air conditioner on, this even on a parkway. This is not once in a while either. It happens all the time. 


2) Bicyclists who purposely drive in the middle of busy streets. It's as if they are trying to prove some political point. They can easily ride their bikes on roads without jamming up traffic, or for that matter risking getting themselves seriously hurt or killed.

Edited by Bill from NYC
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On 5/14/2024 at 8:17 PM, 4merper4mer said:

1. The spandex mafia

2. The whining from the spandex mafia

3. The lack of banning of the spandex mafia

4. The dumb advertising on the spandex of the spandex mafia



22 hours ago, Sweats said:

I just moved to northern Quebec for work


Are you living anywhere near Andre "Poodle" Lussier?




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On 5/14/2024 at 6:17 PM, 4merper4mer said:

1. The spandex mafia

2. The whining from the spandex mafia

3. The lack of banning of the spandex mafia

4. The dumb advertising on the spandex of the spandex mafia

5. Potholes


I agree, spandex mafia is out of control. I have had so many negative experiences from cyclists.

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On 5/14/2024 at 8:17 PM, 4merper4mer said:

1. The spandex mafia

2. The whining from the spandex mafia

3. The lack of banning of the spandex mafia

4. The dumb advertising on the spandex of the spandex mafia

5. Potholes


Nice. How did I miss this!


A broken clock is right twice a day.


A blind hamster finds a desiccant pack!





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1 minute ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Nice. How did I miss this!


A broken clock is right twice a day.


A blind hamster finds a desiccant pack!





I had potholes listed at #5 but should point out that they’re not always bad.  Sometimes potholes send a spandex mafia member flying.  

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