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Things that really piss you off when driving.

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On 5/27/2024 at 8:38 AM, AlCowlingsTaxiService said:

Don’t get me wrong, this goes on all day at some of these signals … I feel like public officials give lip service to energy conservation and CO emissions, then allow for things that are polar opposites of what they claim is important 



Lowered taxes will pay for expensive sensors and its maintenance.  🙄




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I only have one- it's when somebody turns their signal on as I'm passing or about to pass them.  Wait until I've ***** passed- now I have no idea if you're not paying attention and are about to jut into my lane, and I'm committed...

I can anticipate any stupid ***** going on around me, but for the love of God, please teach your children to lay off the turn signal until the other cars are clear and it's their turn to change lanes.  

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:15 AM, ExiledInIllinois said:



Lowered taxes will pay for expensive sensors and its maintenance.  🙄




Sensors were expensive when Lou Saban was coaching the Bills.

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Trash and lack of maintenance:  Here in PA, trash on the roads is a big problem, and on some roads, the trash seems super-sized, like tire treads, big pieces of trash, vehicle parts, animals.... so if you had to pull off the road in an emergency, you're hitting stuff. The state doesn't put a priority on any sort of regular landscape maintenance either, so there's trees over signs, tall grass obscuring right of way, and the dead ash trees falling all over.  PennDOT always says "small maintenance budget" but you drive over to any other state, and it seems they've got a much better handle on these things.   The roadkill in some areas is ridiculous, likely because there's animals living in the grass that gets mowed once a year.


Also have a growing issue with dirtbikes and ATVs.  They don't care about the traffic laws and that works 90% of the time, but when they miscalculate that weave between the tractor trailer and car, the crashes are violent and deadly, and involve hours long road closures and innocent people who have to live with those images.

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11 hours ago, boyst said:

when ambulances and firetrucks won't change lanes from the fast lane to let you pass. wtf!!!!


True story from several years ago.  I'm on a three-lane highway, and see a firetruck coming up behind me, running lights and sirens.  So I move over into the right lane and slow down. They get up next to me in the middle lane and slow down, matching my speed.  So I slow down even more.  And they slowed down.  Finally I'm like, screw this, and come almost to a complete stop. They finally pass me and keep going.  Have no idea why if they are in a hurry that they would not pass me at speed.  

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On 6/3/2024 at 1:56 PM, Just Jack said:

When you’re in heavy traffic and someone is tailgating you.  I can’t go any faster than the vehicles in front of me, so why don’t you back off.  

That's easy... and frickin' entertaining when they have their windows rolled down- spray your windshield washer for a looooong time.  They'll back off, and you'll get an occasional hearty laugh at the reactions- I've seen some of the funniest stuff!  

And if they're close enough to get blasted by my windshield washer, they can consider it a learning experience.  )


( side note- I've learned over the years that many Europeans drive aggressively in ways that resemble brief tailgating, and it's part of their accepted driving manner, so please be sure to fling hand gestures in the appropriate language )

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Hey, Wow!!  I just fixed a post and reposted it here, and now I've accidentally increased my post count to become a bona-fide 'Veteran' in the eyes of two bills drive!  No more UDFA here, my friends.  

I am  truly, truly honored.  I'd like to thank the droplets of falling water shared between our two great nations, my sponsor, Schlagg Beer, my mom Rhonda, all the children at the academy, and finally, Tom Cruise, without whom I would probably have had a few extra hours in life and not reached this plateau until tomorrow.  Thank you, Tom.  


The angel food cake get-together is currently set for August 28th- Please let us know how many guests you'll be bringing so we can plan accordingly.  

They said it couldn't be done, but only 20 years later and here I am.  God bless all the drivers I've ever come across. 

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5 hours ago, Just Jack said:


True story from several years ago.  I'm on a three-lane highway, and see a firetruck coming up behind me, running lights and sirens.  So I move over into the right lane and slow down. They get up next to me in the middle lane and slow down, matching my speed.  So I slow down even more.  And they slowed down.  Finally I'm like, screw this, and come almost to a complete stop. They finally pass me and keep going.  Have no idea why if they are in a hurry that they would not pass me at speed.  

Thanks for the reminder- I'd almost forgotten about Washington (the state) drivers.   I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.  THEY think everyone else on the road is an awful driver, but I swear to God I've never seen such a consistent schmattering of incredibly stupid driving from anywhere that can touch Washington. 

Seriously, they have special contracted diving schools that all the residents have to get their license through, and every mile or so on their highways are signs posted with a number to call for the accident you've just been involved in... -  no lie.  They don't post those signs for no reason, and I've never seen anything like it in any other state. 

It's not like I believe people are stupider in Washington about driving cars, but they just see it different than the other 49 states.  Seriously, if you see a Washington plate, get the hell away from that car. 

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9 hours ago, Just Jack said:


True story from several years ago.  I'm on a three-lane highway, and see a firetruck coming up behind me, running lights and sirens.  So I move over into the right lane and slow down. They get up next to me in the middle lane and slow down, matching my speed.  So I slow down even more.  And they slowed down.  Finally I'm like, screw this, and come almost to a complete stop. They finally pass me and keep going.  Have no idea why if they are in a hurry that they would not pass me at speed.  

pff. i treat it like we are in a race. if you're an ambulance behind me it is my goal not to let you catch me.

just like the ETA on a GPS - it's my score i need to beat! even by 1 minute.

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On 6/3/2024 at 2:32 AM, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

I only have one- it's when somebody turns their signal on as I'm passing or about to pass them.  Wait until I've ***** passed- now I have no idea if you're not paying attention and are about to jut into my lane, and I'm committed...

I can anticipate any stupid ***** going on around me, but for the love of God, please teach your children to lay off the turn signal until the other cars are clear and it's their turn to change lanes.  


I'd like to add one thing to that. Also, don't click on the turn signal after you've started changing lanes. The car cutting in front of me has already told me you're changing lanes, not the blinker. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/14/2024 at 9:17 PM, 4merper4mer said:

1. The spandex mafia

2. The whining from the spandex mafia

3. The lack of banning of the spandex mafia

4. The dumb advertising on the spandex of the spandex mafia

5. Potholes



Warms my heart that after all these years I still annoy the hell out of you. 😛


Just picked this whip up...about 500 miles on it so far. Its devine. https://enve.com/products/melee-complete-bike

Edited by RkFast
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17 hours ago, Just Jack said:


True story from several years ago.  I'm on a three-lane highway, and see a firetruck coming up behind me, running lights and sirens.  So I move over into the right lane and slow down. They get up next to me in the middle lane and slow down, matching my speed.  So I slow down even more.  And they slowed down.  Finally I'm like, screw this, and come almost to a complete stop. They finally pass me and keep going.  Have no idea why if they are in a hurry that they would not pass me at speed.  


What would REALLY suck is if it was YOUR house on fire!  😂 

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So was in NJ over the weekend. First, this has to be the most confusing place to drive off the Parkway and turnpike.

Second, on the way back to the airport, a cop pulled out with his lights on, and just started slowly swerving back and forth and slowing down traffic. I had never seen this before. Even stranger, the other drivers who were right behind him were riding his ass, made no sense to me.


Apparently the cop did this just so some road cones could be picked up 🤷‍♂️

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Posted (edited)

When Maryland can't deal with my EZ-Pass.  Tolls not registered, tolls registered on the account but I get violations from neighboring states anyway, calling to refresh a credit card speaking to a human who adds the information only to have it not work a week later and have to repeat the entire process over again. You name it.


Got a violation today from Delaware for non-payment of a toll last month.  Fun fact. I drove through two toll plazas in DE that day. Half an hour apart.  Only one violation came.  Further fun fact. Pulled up the account register, the toll was dinged off my account and paid on the day it occurred.  Maryland apparently screwed up paying Delaware for one toll, but not both which makes zero sense whatsoever.


This is after a string of violations that came last month from MD, NJ, PA, and NY on a day we drove to RI and the EZ-Pass just decided to not work.  No reason.  The account was fine, the tag was fine, just nothing processed through MD's garbage system so I got a series of violations in the mail from 4 different states.  


MD EZ-Pass sucks and they are getting fired. Today.


Further annoyance.  All the other states had some sort of pay-by-mail markup.  Whatever, that's to be expected.  Delaware made a 3 dollar toll into a 53 dollar bill.  That's ridiculous.  If you drive down DE route 1 with no EZ-pass they will charge you 106 dollars to do it.  For those who don't know, that's about a 40 mile ride between the 2 tolls.  They already triple the tolls on weekends to take advantage of shore traffic from $2 to $6, then they add fees like that for not having EZ-Pass?  Crazy.  If you went to the beach and back on a weekend without EZ-Pass they'd send you a bill for $212.

Edited by That's No Moon
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5 minutes ago, That's No Moon said:

When Maryland can't deal with my EZ-Pass.  Tolls not registered, tolls registered on the account but I get violations from neighboring states anyway, calling to refresh a credit card speaking to a human who adds the information only to have it not work a week later and have to repeat the entire process over again. You name it.


Got a violation today from Delaware for non-payment of a toll last month.  Fun fact. I drove through two toll plazas in DE that day. Half an hour apart.  Only one violation came.  Further fun fact. Pulled up the account register, the toll was dinged off my account and paid on the day it occurred.  Maryland apparently screwed up paying Delaware for one toll, but not both which makes zero sense whatsoever.


This is after a string of violations that came last month from MD, NJ, PA, and NY on a day we drove to RI and the EZ-Pass just decided to not work.  No reason.  The account was fine, the tag was fine, just nothing processed through MD's garbage system so I got a series of violations in the mail from 4 different states.  


MD EZ-Pass sucks and they are getting fired. Today.


Ahhh, and to think……these are the good old days!   😋


My wife loves her express pass, but I never bothered to get one.  I try to stay off these highways. Ugh

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