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  1. Wait wait wait wait. There are Canadian airlines? How many tries does it usually take spinning the prop before the thing starts up?
  2. I’ve actually been on flights where it appears they allowed Canadians on board. I can’t prove it but they had accents, lacked teeth and kept asking stupid questions. One dude even had a Celine Dion t-shirt. Also I agree with the bare feet thing. Why? Thank God in heaven I have never experienced a suspected Canadian with bare feet. Can you imagine?
  3. No positions lol. Spoken with a perfect 50-50 mixture of arrogance and ignorance.
  4. Finnegan makes a lot of sense for them but I’m not sure they get along with Washington. Kopech is no better than Kimbrel. Neris sucks. Marlins guy? With Bautista back next year they are in a weird spot. I suppose Estevez might be the prime target.
  5. Memo to Washington Nationals: Cease getting hits for one day. Nice job Dylan.
  6. Add Massey in there. He is under the radar but a factor. Salvy is a pro’s pro. They are fun. I love Witt but have to put him behind a few guys for MVP. Beyond the Semi-legitimate Yankee hype train for Soto and Judge, you have Henderson and the all but forgotten Jose Ramirez. He is a dude.
  7. Now they only have 24 infielders better than the Yankees best infielder.
  8. Probably not but far from impossible. Read today that Mullins and/or Mountcastle could go. Embarrassment of riches.
  9. I think Holliday is almost certainly untouchable and that under any circumstance not including “but we already have Rutchsman”, Basallo would be too. Maybe he moves to first and Mountcastle is part of a deal in the off-season? Mayo or Westburg has to be part of any Skubal deal. Add in Bradfield. I think Kjerstad or probably Cowser gets added to that and Povich rounds it out. A top 5 MLB pitcher on a controllable contract won’t be cheap.
  10. I see Crochet as someone the Sox should move because the are just so bad, but……he is dicey as a pickup because of his innings versus his history. He has appeal beyond this year due to his contract status but if he runs out of gas this year he defeats part of the purpose of getting him. If I’m Bal/NYY/LAD and I pick him up, I rest him for a while, build him back up in September an use him in the playoffs. Skubal OTOH is a monster. IMO he will cost way more. I don’t think Detroit is as bad as most think. I’m not sure I’d trade him. They have pieces and could contend soon in that division. They can get some additional pieces and likely will by trading Flaherty. As much as Baltimore has to offer there isn’t really a lot of pitching there. To me, if Skubal goes it is not NYY or Bal. Maybe the Dodgers. The dark horses for me are the Padres who could package in Lesko or Snelling or the Phillies utilizing Painter.
  11. Pack up the car and head to Bowie because there is another one there who night be atop the wish list.
  12. They could loose. Or they could tight. It really doesn’t matter but we need them to have a bad record.
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