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  1. Heartbreaking to see her like this. Such a strong woman.
  2. We also did a cruise there. Beautiful area. Especially in the fall! Peggy’s Cove is a must. Couple interesting facts. Halifax was pivotal in the rescue/recovery efforts regarding the Titanic. Many of the dead were buried in Halifax, survivors were brought there and many ended up staying for some time. Titanic connection Halifax was also the site of the largest man made explosion at the time in 1917. Couple of ships with collided in the harbor that caused the massive explosion. Halifax explosion
  3. Got a 6am call our networks were down across our health system and needed to get to the clinic ASAP. Needed to decide if we were canceling patients for the day or ride it out until we couldn’t. Ended up canceling long treatments as shorter ones were able to get done. Our IT had to touch every PC on the system as has been documented elsewhere. Fully up and running 1230/1:00. Makes you think how an unintentional bug like this brought down computers worldwide, what could they do if it was intentional?
  4. Love going to games. It’s about the total experience - tailgating, people watching, huge crowd going nuts, ability to see the whole play and how it develops from the upper deck, high fives/hugs with strangers after a great play! Tough part? Disconnect from what’s going on - injuries, benched players, etc. Nothing better than a home game playoff game. Atmosphere is off the hook! It does make me enjoy watching from home a bit also. It is a long day going to games and it’s nice on away games to sit, watch, listen. Has a different feel from home knowing what’s going on all plays, replays, controversial plays.
  5. Joe Montana. Niners started to get good just as I started to like to watch football. Bills were not good yet and it was easy to like the guy.
  6. RIP Donald. Animal house, JFK, Italian Job, Space Cowboys, Invasion of the body snatchers were all good. Loved his character in Kelly’s Heroes the best!
  7. My favorite sports moment with my son was watching him wrestle in his first meet. He was a freshman on the varsity team because the varsity guy had a bum knee. He was wrestling a senior who had done very well in sectionals the year before. It was about 2/3 through the match and my son was getting a bit tired. Other guy looked to be getting him in a pin. My son got a burst, reversed him and pinned him for the win! Entire gym erupted, all his teammates flooded the floor. It was awesome! Never left the Varsity team after that. My favorite Bills moment with him? Called me out of the blue to ask if I wanted season tickets with him.
  8. I love our team. I wish we had gotten to a Super Bowl with Josh by now, but I love our players! I can’t respect a team that has been to, or won a Super Bowl with that many dirt bags on the team, or their family members are dirt bags.
  9. Got mine today. Have to do it from a computer. Tried on my phone, couldn’t get the pass added. Called home, got my wife on the computer. Done in a few minutes. Yes, emails sent to those who asked. I believe only to those who purchased passes last season. Call your rep, they can fire off an email for you.
  10. I’d like to know also. If it is the same as moving seats, it’s a small time slot. If you didn’t do it on time, may have missed it? I think mine may be tomorrow.
  11. My understanding from a more senior ticket holder is there will be a parking pass sale much like the seat upgrade process. You’ll get an email explaining the process and another the morning of your slotted time to purchase. Will be done by seniority. I believe it’s one pass per account.
  12. Will be interesting seeing where they plan to hold it. Stadium? Open it for food and beverage? Would love to have it here!!
  13. At what ticket price though? Current Super Bowl prices? I’m sure the NFL would do their due diligence regarding piecing tix, and most importantly suites. Need suites. Anyhoo, terrible idea to play the game over seas.
  14. Not a great idea. Team and fan travel would be more of an issue. Can they command exorbitant ticket prices there? Will enough people go who will pay?
  15. The “F” word. Versatility is why I love it. You can use it in a sentence 5 ways with a different meaning for each use. Simply lovely.
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