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  1. Maddy Glab said it best , Beane said hold my beer 😄 , he made the salary cap somehow work. The man really is a wizard.
  2. I don’t think they have cap space Beane has been restructuring contracts like a wizard and squeezing the cap like a sponge I don’t know if there is anyone besides Josh he can restructure without some players getting really mad about it.
  3. That’s my point. Bills simply match . Bates will be a Bill next year. Beane is smart. Exactly my point. This is why Beane is a Wizard.
  4. If we wanted magic why not just have Beane go up there he's a wizard.
  5. Let's GO!!!! Can't believe two punters went before him and he was still available for Buf here in the 6th. This is shaping up to be a "just what we needed" draft. Beane the Wizard!
  6. Could not agree more. So much of the concern appears to come from the perspective that we are in a competition to get an A grade in the Sunday morning draft report. Beane is concerned about making the team stronger. In round 3, he could find an OL for the future, but he has been tinkering with OL in FA, so maybe that can wait. Or he could go speedy WR, or he could look to strengthen the LBs, and the list goes on. All needs, it's just how to go about it. He opts to find a backup (at least for now) for Matt with what looks like possibly a Matt clone. Outside of 13 secs and other season-ending moments, for me, when Matt went down two years ago, my stomach dropped. And remember, for a game or two, it did not look like AJ was going to be the answer. When he grabs Bernard, he addresses that need and starts a run at the position. Hmm. Then he sneaks up and grabs Shakir, who many grade much higher. Over the last few years, every time a drumbeat starts that Beane is over his skis, he suddenly comes back with another wizard move.
  7. "Beane is a wizard. Moves unexpected will come. People will complain."
  8. If Beane is penciling in guys to start who aren't under contract, we need to revoke his "wizard" status ASAP! 😅
  9. The Bills need to make a Brandon Beane jersey or blazer with his nameplate on it. Maybe a little wizard patch on the lapel? Who here has a contact with Bills marketing?!
  10. Good point about possibly waiting until after the draft. It certainly seems Beane has made his price point clear and it’s a matter who takes it. Playing for a super bowl contender, even if making less than one wanted, has be a perk for some. About the rookie signing contributing to a Super Bowl win, I was being facetious. Basically, as long we win the Super Bowl this year, I’m good ☺️ But your right, our draft picks need to be made more with the future in mind. It seems like cb, rb, iol, and wr are the positions that have a chance of more immediate contribution to one degree or another. Question, assuming we don’t sign a vet cb (or atleast starter quality level) before the draft, does that make you want cb in the first over the wr’s you listed? Would you be willing to wait for a cb in the second/third or later? Personally, I don’t know. I’d be happy with a number of directions, we really are in a nice place going into this draft. I trust the wizard to make the right call.
  11. Whaley is a not a cap wizard. Beane however is
  12. Because people see that they were $60M over the cap, now they are $30M under the cap, don't see a lot of lost players (i.e. consider their roster basically the same) and make a conclusion that cap space is a myth. It is the same principle when people are calling Beane a "wizard" when he makes cap space by restructuring Milano or keeps Von Millers cap hit at $5M this year. Whereas it obviously isn't a myth, Saints lost some players and they are definitely borrowing from the future and Beane is just doing something trivial what every other GM can do and does. Problem I see that nobody exactly knows to what extent they (Saints, and at some extent Bills already this year) mortgaged the future. At least I don't remember seeing any quality article or something like that. I mean I can see all the data on Sportrac too, I think I understand all the basics about cap space, I understand that they restructured all deals, that all base salaries are now minimal at the expense of the future (prorated restructure bonus), but I don't remember seeing any quality analytics when will this eventually catch them - something like when the ratio between dead cap / restructures to total cap space next year will be worse than X then Y happens or so. I'll try to analyze that myself after the draft (when Sportrac has all preseason data), but I am not sure I have enough data (I'd need some previous seasons probably) and enough brains to come to anything meaningful.
  13. This is really a weird logic. It's not like Beane haven't signed Williams and Feliciano at the first place. This is not a knock on Beane. Just saying that if he is a wizard now for this he is less of a wizard for what he had done in 2021. I'll eat my socks if I used correct English tenses in previous sentences btw
  14. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Beane somehow makes this happen. He’s a wizard 🧙‍♀️ and it’s been a crazy off season.
  15. When you look at some of the trades, and deals Beane has made in the past-- the things that have given him the moniker of "Wizard"-- it's clear that he has a reputation for being a man of his word, with high integrity. I imagine reputation goes a long way in Beane's field, and must apply to Martin Mayhew, as well. The Commanders lost a lot of their FAs last week, and I wonder what effect their free agency had on Mayhew's reputation around the league?
  16. This is why Edmunds is so valuable and you guys just don’t appreciate his impact. Guys who absolutely smoke him on a big play (Crowder) or critical 3rd down (Johnson) are then targeted by Beane in free agency. He helps identify future talent. 4-D Chess. Beane is a wizard!
  17. Don’t have to worry about it until final roster cut downs. Either you cut him, cut someone else, or get something for him in a trade when needs come up during/after camp. Beane is an absolute wizard at this.
  18. Why should that stop us? Beane is a wizard…right?
  19. My inside source at Applebees told me Because Beane is a wizard. He doesn’t work on Mondays
  20. This is the type of deal I’d make in Madden. 2 years. Relatively cheap. Then that keeps Knox’s production low, which makes his long term extension SUPER cheap. Trade Gronk in year two. Beane is a wizard!
  21. I don't disagree that if the money isn't a big discrepancy then absolutely we would be in play, and I would love to see him here. Not unreasonable to forego a little bit to play in a big time offense with an elite QB like Josh. I think where I differ with some people here is that I am just of the opinion that I think the discrepancy to what the Bills can or will offer is going to bigger than people think compared to what is on his table. I just believe the market for him will be robust and competitive, so not sure Beane can afford to be as competitive. I will say this though, Beane is, and always will be, seen as a wizard in my eyes. So I won't put it past him to find a creative way to get a guy he covets. But, even so, I just think this particular player seems like a long shot to land here. I would be happy to be wrong about that and see him somehow land here, just today it seems unrealistic given the reasons I stated. I think with a deep WR draft, Beane more likely sounds an affordable vet and then drafts 1 or 2 guys this year. I think if Beane was to make any kind of splash move in FA or in Trade ahead of the draft, odds are higher it would be at RB, CB, DT, or DE than say WR. Then again, you never know with Beane, just my personal opinion of what I think he will do this year.
  22. I remember last year where we thought Bean had some tough decisions to make on who to keep Milano or Williams , I know there were some restructuring / extensions made and all that , but still I don’t remember at the time anyone saying that the salary cap was myth and will be able to keep both !!! I do remember everyone calling Bean a wizard for signing both !!
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