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  1. my sense would be that will change once they get to the rifraf not in the clubs... prolly got fired, aint closing enough. why they still doing clubs after 5 months.
  2. Don’t listen to the high flutin guys like mrags, @Just Jack and @Kirby Jackson, they all in the tea and crumpets clubs and ain’t seen a beer in ages. 😂 For us real fans in the bowl, think a domestic 24 oz Bud or one of the Seltzers is $16 and a 20 oz Hayburner is $17. So for me $20 , which I think is reasonable in a stadium setting. I am seltzer guy in September, Hayburner test is season. no twelve oz or 16 oz options, ( I am guessing there as I would never inquire about them. Just give the largest one ya have so less trips)
  3. I’ve not said I am out. Will prolly get them so my kids have em when I am in the ground. Something had to have changed for this process to be going so slow. Reps quit, close numbers not high enough so they changed their pitch….something happened. If it did not, must be once they get through the lower bowl in the middle of 2025 upper decks just go in groups or something. Cause they won’t get through the whole stadium at the pace they are at now.
  4. Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs. If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile. I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base?
  5. Man, to each their own, it that sounds awful to me! now, back in da day (84 and 85) I spent several hours over several days in the Elbo Room drinking $.50 beers before 3 during spring break.
  6. I am not like many, when I go to away games last thing I want is being around a bunch of drunk Bills fans eating nasty wings and swilling cheap beer like Blues. i much much much prefer getting a feel for the local flavor of the place just like I would do when visiting not for the game. So to clear, you could not pay me enough to go to the Elbo Room. Having said that, we stayed in the Brickell area of Miami last December. Element. Brickell. Cool area , tons of great restaurants , clubs if that’s your thing. Super cool outdoor covered mall with great restaurants as well. No beach though. Metro right there as well. Now, you may hate all that, but best thing we did was tailgate with this guy! Reach out to him on Twitter, boy can cook. He tailgates with Dolphins fans , which makes it even more fun. I guarantee he will have best tailgate food ya ever had.
  7. Don't count yourself short, you suck at a lot of things.
  8. 1. SDS 2. SDS wife 3. SDS bother 4. SDS nephew 5. BringBackFergy 6. plenzmd1 7. Caveat being just had disk surgery on Monday, and my right leg still works as about as good @mrags cognitive skills, but hopefully all be repaired by then!
  9. Have 4 for sale. Section 135,(25 yd line) Row 22, on the aisle. DM me if interested.
  10. First things first. Pay the $ 8 a month to get the blue check mark on Twitter. Put this exact question on Twitter, with about 10 follow up questions each in a separate thread. Collect more than enough money from clicks to pay for your steak. For those that don’t know, people looking for engagement on twitter only post in questions that EVERYONE will have an opinion on, and that EVERYONE (me included) wants the world to know how smart they and will reply and otherwise engage with the tweet. I was a big sous vide guy for 2 inch plus steaks as well. But now that kids are gone and my fat ass is retired , I reverse sear on the Egg 90% of the time cause I gots the time to do it! Only time I sous vide a steak now is if I want to start directly from frozen. and yes, if I do sous vide, if just one steak for wife and me, I put the Egg grill grate right on top of the starter and sear there. I have actually just brought just that set up for small tailgates and do steaks for steak Sammy’s in the lot. No need to lug a grill. You and I sound like we are on a similar cooking journey. I do this as well now for tailgates. I know it’s blasphemy, but I am not a rib guy, so for tailgates mostly butts or brisket. But what I do different is instead of grilling again, I vacuum seal the brisket with some the liquid gold ( point and flat in separate bags) and then reheat in a hot pot of water at the tailgate. For the brisket, no doubt this method will result in a not crispy bark, but damn you can not tell that stuff did come of the smoker that day. Brisket I leave as whole as possible before sealing, pork gets sealed already pulled. Bonus is they can go from frozen as well, so can make your brisket for the home opener today if ya like! Ribs I agree on the grill way better way to reheat. I do this now for when we have people , takes the “ game day worry away”. All I have to time is getting the water to temp! But my question back to you. Do you smoke before the bath or after? I have always done after, but seems like that is split down the middle.
  11. This is pretty describes me, although to be fair not sure about the communist angle. Pre Covid I was “ normie norm” I guess who watched the national news occasionally ( no particular network) and read WAPO everyday. And never questioned what they were writing/ reporting. Holy hell did that change LOL.
  12. Been a long time since I posted here on this topic. The triumvirate below are responsible for so much destruction in our society. Ripped families apart, fractured friendships, made the wealthy wealthier and the middle class poorer. The destruction being done to our youngest generation of folks just entering the workforce is hard to fathom. I mean the utter destruction of education, especially for lower income black and brown kids is going to felt by them for prolly 3-4 generations. All so people like this could lie and misinform to make sure Trump and his ilk would not stay in office. Not sure who is still here, but I was as virulent anti-Trump as one could find on this site pre-Covid. Witnessing what lies and misinformation these despicable folks would keep pushing, pushed me hard to the Republican side. Sucks as even on here , we had a Covid thread on main forum that unfortunately had a mod that only wanted to allow "that" side...everything that eventually proved true was deemed to be from " biased" sources, and deleted and warning points given out. Drove a ton of us away.
  13. Hey @Kirby Jackson, do i have this right? Let's say you had clubs now, but turned them down and told them you needed to move into another part of the stadium for financial reasons...are you put at the top of the list when that non-club section goes on sale? Or once everyone who previously sat in :"that section" has gone through, you then get to pick. and this just keeps repeating until you find seats you like? Maybe just me, but the excitement of the new stadium has already worn off..feels like the news cycle has moved on. i mean I am 135 row 22(28 yd line or so) and it feels like it will be sometime in 25 before I go. just no juice for me there anymore
  14. Terry? Cause if it was KA, and he said he knew right from the jump that the standards and accountability were not high, he should have fired him mid season...when ya still had a season that could have been saved
  15. here is what bothers me. KS states standards and accountability were not high starting with the first day of training camp. 1) Then why did you wait so long to fire Donny? The season may have been salvaged had you made this move between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But maybe you just felt Donny was going to turn it around? 2) He wanted to fire Donny, but Terry would not let him neither one of those scenarios are good if you are a Sabre fan
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