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  1. I like the idea of trying to snag Simmons if not then get one of the older DE similar to what we did with Floyd
  2. If you can DK for decent value I don’t see why we wouldn’t
  3. They will have more than 4 active receivers on game day
  4. These guys are gonna waste Allen Sean and beane just don’t get it
  5. How you can call this a win leaving with one receiver in a loaded receiver class is crazy to me… big meh for me
  6. You sure about that I could see this staff picking him easily
  7. Ding ding the trade doesn’t make sense, neither of them do from a value standpoint
  8. We didn’t get fair market value for moving up 4 spots in the first not to mention, it’s your rival so that should add even more to the price. I have no issue with a trade down, getting the return we got from the team we traded with is not nearly good enough… kc cannot believe we made that deal
  9. It’s not the trade downs that are absurd it’s you traded down with the chiefs and didn’t even get fair market value, if it’s the chiefs the tag should be even higher than market value beane got abused on that trade, it’s shockingly bad
  10. Beane got worked on these deals, both of them he did not receive equal value…. This organization is gonna waste Josh Allen, smh
  11. Not enough of a return to give them that…. Just wow
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