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  1. Buffalo Boy


    The night they lost I said the Chiefs were winning it all. The next day I was one who said it was a rebuild and McD needed to go also. Right, right and right!!! This coach absolutely squandered our best chance in decades , multiple seasons in a row. Now , here we are getting ready to rinse and repeat. Never fear, at the beginning of the new season , I’ll pour some more salt in the would and point out that we will never win it all with McD. Peace out till then, Boys and Girls✌️
  2. McDaniels is furious, he has his hat off, everyone runs in fear
  3. Only by restructuring some contracts and kicking the can further down the road, making it harder for us to sustain excellence. I fear that Beane's personnel and cap skills (or lack thereof) will result in us fielding a playoff-caliber team every year, but never a championship one.
  4. There is zero chance this thread isn't gonna go off the rails and get either moved or deleted, I fear. At any rate...I wish I felt even 1% shocked when a new mass shooting happens in America. Alas...
  5. you know gugny I am not disrespecting people who don't like or fear the breed known as pittie. Hundreds of thousands of owners of mixed mutt dogs whom contain that DNA would disagree with you. Ban them too? Where do you draw the line. That's one thought for starters.
  6. Ladd is a technician with speed and hands. One thing not mentioned enough about Kelce is that he almost never does what he’s supposed to do. I think Ladd would be more on script. Im Not sure I would fear Ladd. I want him on my team but im not sure I will be game planning to stop him.
  7. Why would that be dumb? Premium position, some 1st round prospects, need likely next year. I really don’t understand the fear of CB in the first round- and we hear it every year at draft time. It is a passing dominated league, somebody needs to cover receivers- hopefully well. I am not arguing that they should take a CB in the first, but if they do it would not be like taking a RB or S or LB in the first- those positions have somewhat lesser value based on how the league pays them.
  8. But, we are using our words! Nobody has been bit. Yet. I mentioned earlier I worked with a guy who seemed normal enough, until he started talking about his dog. He told me “I like to see fear in a grown man’s eyes.” Um, excuse me??? I don’t know about the dog, but that is a guy who has a dog for all the wrong reasons. I’ve been bit by a dog once in my life. A friend’s little Schnauzer jumped up and broke the skin on my thigh thru my pants. I was not in fear for my life, but I did consider launching it off the 8th floor balcony. It’s not about how sweet an animal can be, you also have to consider how lethal it can be. If the Schnauzer goes wild, I’ll be OK.
  9. This thread is a classic case of fear diahhorea. Don't forget to wear the depend undergarments next Sunday.
  10. No, I'm not going to riot. I'm very afraid of something bad kicking off. I don't want to see it. If by saying that you are "gone" and you mean leaving the country, I don't blame you. I will stay as long as I can, but knowing the history of NAZI Germany, at a certain point, the writing will be on the wall and it will be time to leave. I fear with the leftist extremists, that we are close to that point now.
  11. Spineless Cowards DAVID STROM Let's face it: academic institutions (and many Blue cities) are run by spineless cowards. They are willing to see conservatives shouted down, harassed, driven off campuses, and persecuted. But when it comes to students who are engaged in planned takeovers and assaults on individuals and police officers, they cower in fear. They mumble nostrums about "free speech," ignoring that there are time place and manner restrictions. They will hold tribunals and silence anybody who knows what a woman is, but students "dearresting" their vile compatriots who have committed actual crimes is A-OK. More at the link: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/04/25/spineless-cowards-n3787212 .
  12. Have no fear. Our very own Bills will make us sweat out the win. Book it!
  13. I shouldn't enjoy this too much as I fear karma will come back to bite me.
  14. No cops can restrain this without fear if something happens, they are all racists (even if 2 of the arresting officers are black. Confront this man you’re at risk of getting shot. For nothing. Absolutely nothing. These clips and worse are happening daily in deep blue ***t holes. Flyover country starting to see it to. Society in free fall. Legalize all drugs tho. And take away my right to defend myself and family if lunatics like this just confront you for no reason. Its going to get so bad
  15. Steelers score on this Drive and I fear this sloshfest is over.
  16. Amen. Even if the Bills do FINALLY decide that 2025 is the year they're going to seriously invest in some offensive weaponry in the draft, then we'll hear "well, rookie WRs are slow to adapt to the NFL. 2026 is the year we should really be ready to dominate!". The can keeps getting kicked. It's always "next year" that we'll address these deficiencies once and for all. There will never stop being defensive depth needs and special teams needs. Until this team decides that they're going to prioritize using premium capital on offense ANYWAY, I fear we'll keep getting to January and having to count on guys like Trent Sherfield, Mack Hollins, and the ghosts of John Brown or Cole Beasley.
  17. They carry the aura now as well. Teams are starting to go against their normal run because they fear failure. Look at the Ravens and 49ers going away from the run to try to have their QBs land the gut punch blow to the Chiefs because they could “see” a win. It’s the fear of Mahomes being in a close game where you gave him too many chances. teams beat the chiefs by giving them no respect. The 49ers gave that team no respect to start, and they were winning. Then it becomes an effort to have Purdy out duel Mahomes, they go away from their offensive gameplan for the 3rd quarter, and it cost them.
  18. Just looked it up. Holy *****, that's even more idiotic than Russian collusion. But hey, anything to keep the fear going, amirite?
  19. But …….. saying “correctly” saying Biden “legitimately” won hahahaha who believes anything these CCP goons tell us Oh yea. Democrats do. They’re the only people they’re talking to. A true bubble. Omg it doesn’t stop. They are full North Korea “Highlights the fears of solo female* athletes.” Omg. *Also, what’s a female?
  20. The Bills D was decimated by injuries.. KC played super conservative with zero fear that Lamar could outscore them. The Ravens offensive game plan was by any measure a complete disaster.
  21. Tell me you're naive and/or partisan and/or hypocritical without actually saying it... They need to invent new and stupid ***** to keep the fear going.
  22. so fearful that Dr's and nurses and respiratory therapist worked without PPE for months (another trump screw up) around infected people coughing on them F U. The vax worked great. Masks do help -overwhelming supported by the literature and nearly every country in the world imposed lockdowns. You think China wanted to damage their economy for no good reason? They were much stricter than us.
  23. Seeing the refs largely allow offensive lines to get away with murder during the playoffs where top defensive linemen are often neutered by uncalled holdings, go wide receiver. We need to take advantage of a league that favors offense and finally give Allen multiple legitimate threats at receiving core. Drafting another defensive lineman in the first who will be neutered in the playoffs is the wrong move. Go wide receiver first and make defenses really fear our offense.
  24. Another nerve wracking final drive coming up I fear
  25. So many variables... New receivers. A new-ish OC. The pessimist in me worries about Diggs' departure. But even more, I worry about Brady. Josh wasn't very productive under Brady at the end of last season. Rushing yards went up but passing yards went down. The optimist buried within hopes, given a full offseason to prepare, Brady puts together a good offense. And I hope some of the new receivers surprise their critics. I'm also hoping Josh benefits from the best passpro of his career. Also, Allen's passing efficiency last year was better when not throwing to someone with a surname that begins with "D." There are no D-surname wideouts this season. When I voted, I decided to listen to my hopes rather than my fears but I'm going into this football season with a lot of questions and curiosity.
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