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  1. Admiral William McRaven would appeal to me. His military background would balance the ticket nicely. No Buttigieg for me. He is a great communicator but I would prefer a bit more culturally conservative candidate who can appeal to the undecided middle of the electorate. I could support Shapiro too which would help hold PA. They don’t have much time for background investigation so they need to be convinced that the choice has a clean background.
  2. I wonder if access to such a weapon was a factor in this incident? Maybe not since any ole gun could have done that.
  3. Social media is the scourge of civil society. The algorithms are pushing hate which leads to political violence. We all need to figure out a way to live with each other, even if we disagree.
  4. So can we all agree that violent rhetoric and violent actions have no place in American politics? Whether the victim or target represents the blue or red team shouldn’t matter right? It’s all wrong and not acceptable period.
  5. My plastic gas can works fine, my toilet works, my shower works. Sounds like you all want to return to the glory days when you could buy a Ford Pinto, pollute as much as you want and get a fractured skull from a rear end collision and or get cremated in the accident.
  6. So the platform says trump is going to end inflation. They never say what policies are going to accomplish this. Is it by doing mass deportations of workers and imposing mandatory tariffs on imported goods? That sounds like a recipe to spike inflation to me.
  7. Look at gun ownership of men vs women. Women now have higher graduation rates from college. Many men are falling behind women on career tracks. In the teens and twenties, young women are smarter than men. The tragic non-disease deaths at these ages almost always seem to be men doing stupid things. Young men are often dumb, and get into trouble with the law or get injured/die due to poor risk assessment.
  8. You can’t cut 25% in one year. If we started by cutting 5%-10% combined with minor tax increases/expiration of tax cuts/eligibility for benefits changes would be progress. We need to bend the debt curve on the graph to maintain faith in the American economic system.
  9. This is good. Let’s have a real discussion of dealing with the growing debt. The politicians should also be doing this instead of making TikTok videos. What real solutions would you support? Personally I think there needs to be combination of spending cuts and tax increases. I would start with small but increasing cuts to social security, defense and discretionary spending. Increase taxes on wealthy and corporations, increase SS. and Medicare tax. America needs to learn how to and think about living with less to begin to address the debt. Ignoring it and dumping the problem on our kids is irresponsible.
  10. Love me some Rush, anytime, any song. Sad they are done.
  11. Hamas is just fine with Palestinians dying. Palestinians support Hamas. The left wants Biden to stop the war. Nothing is logical about any of this mess. What a SNAFU. Applying logic from our western perspective is probably doomed to fail.
  12. Because the question is dumb. If you ask 10 people you might get 10 different answers. I know people who left for sunshine and warmer weather, others to be near their kids, etc. People come and go. Many people leave NY for CA and vice versa. Many go south to FL or TX. I know people who have moved from the south to NYS too. Many leave NYC and CA due to high rents because of high housing demand. There are advantages and disadvantages to wherever you choose to live. MAGA likes to paint Dem states as unlivable hell holes. Anything that isn’t Trump/MAGA approved is the worst thing imaginable. It’s all part of the cult mentality. I know plenty of people in NYS who would never move to TX or FL if you paid them. If people don’t like where they live, they should run for office or move.
  13. If you are unhappy, then move or go get therapy. It’s a free country. We are allowed to be happy even if it goes against the MAGA narrative.
  14. The discussion isn’t about tax policies. My comment was about Blitzy was calling CA & NY the top two dictatorships. I wish our government could go back to the days when they had real serious debates about tax policy.
  15. The MAGA crowd loves to hate on America and fly their flags upside down if they don’t get their way. I see a lot of happy people in NY and CA. MAGA wants you to think they are the worst places on earth.
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