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  1. Did Green Bay drag out the Love negotiations too? 3 days into camp, which Tua participated in, is not dragging it out. He was already under contract. This isn't unusual. Again, the post I replied to stated that the entire team folds in child weather. That's what I was referring to.
  2. Were they distracted only when miami made it close, but not when they built a big lead.
  3. If the front office didn't value him, they wouldn't have signed him. Being a 4 year deal, I think does say something about their thoughts on him, they think he's the best option for them the next few seasons, he'll get Hill's final elite seasons then that can move on if necessary.
  4. Haha, I was just thinking...I never said that! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. He's in the system that is designed around his skill set. The system works well. I know everyone looks at the NFL through buffalo colored glasses, but the dolphins have a tremendously dangerous offense. I understand the questions about Tua, but it's quite possible he can improve. Be careful what you wish for. We don't even know who our starting safeties are going to be, and they'll have to deal with Hill and Waddle, I'm not jumping for joy today like most here.
  6. They'll have the same cap issues many top teams have. Look at our purge this last off season.
  7. He was hurt, but the post I replied to mentioned that the whole team folds in cold weather I think all qbs need a strong supporting cast. Tua has one.
  8. Most teams in the playoffs pay that kind of money to a qb, they can still field a solid team
  9. Wasn't it under 32 degrees for the wild card game when their 3rd stringer almost beat us at home?
  10. I think it's a good thing for the Bills when our opponents have crappy QB's, like the Patriots the last few seasons, the Jets forever...
  11. And the dolphins can do the same in a couple years.
  12. Allen has a $60 million cap hit next year. I guess we're screwed too. Most good teams have qbs with huge contracts. Somehow, they manage to keep a lot of their players.
  13. Of course there's risk, but what other option did they have. When healthy, he's a top QB in a dynamic offense.
  14. Would be nice to never hear about this topic again. It's like a bunch of 10 year olds arguing for years about something meaningless.
  15. He's a pretty damn good qb. They have a tremendous offense. I would much prefer if they didn't sign him It's crazy that Bills fans think this is a bad thing for the Dolphins.
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