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  1. Just epic and a must-read: https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/nick-wright-and-the-shameless-clown. It is eviscerating and entirely deserved, so enjoy! (For those who don't know, DeBoer writes mostly about politics/society in a variety of media outlets and is the author of a pretty good book on meritocracy and inequality, The Cult of Smart.)
  2. So, a couple of years ago I recall commenting about how the Bills would eventually start getting the calls--much like Brady ALWAYS did--because of Allen and his rising popularity (I think I was motivated by seeing he was #1 or 2 in jersey sales). Certainly, many others agreed. The NFL is essentially a marketing driven business, so you tend to see the big names and big market teams have "favorable" things happen during the season to ensure a playoff appearance. With all of the injuries to top QBs, I imagine the NFL really wants to see Allen's Bills in the playoffs--who wouldn't want another KC-Buffalo match up? So, bottom line, I don't think we have to worry about getting hosed any longer by bad calls, in fact, we will be on the receiving end of good calls....eh Mahomes!? I'm not trying to say it's explicitly rigged, but refs can call (or not) a penalty on any play. I fully expect the Bills will be on the receiving end of more calls that go their way these last 4 games, and I expect them to be in the playoffs. I mean, does anyone really want to see Mahomes vs Browning in a playoff game?
  3. For some reason, some still believe that Josh is getting snubbed again for the Pro Bowl, but that's not the case. "For some who buy in to the “Minshew Magic” the quarterback brings, they were excited to see the quarterback get this accolade after he stepped up this season when starter Anthony Richardson got hurt. For other fans, they questioned why Minshew deserves the honor over other accomplished quarterbacks in the AFC, like Josh Allen of the Buffalo Bills. It’s worth noting that NFL players can turn down a Pro Bowl bid due to a prior engagement or because of injury. In Allen’s case, it appears that he has a tee time at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am already booked for Pro Bowl weekend, which could explain his absence in Orlando." https://www.si.com/nfl/2024/01/30/gardner-minshew-colts-surprise-selection-pro-bowl-alternate-reactions
  4. This was an amazing 10 minute video, not just showing some cool highlights, but extensively detailing what made them so great. From the defensive looks, to the OL protection, to explaining why certain broken plays should've been dead to rights, I really enjoyed rewatching these plays.
  5. Wilkins is a creep. Did anyone else notice this happen again ? This dude belongs on a sex offender registry, not a football field.
  6. I honestly don't think that the Bills do this without Allen give it a thumbs up. I think James Jones on one of those talk shows said the Bills figured out they can with without him. Allen spreads the ball out well, maybe better than any QB in the league. With Diggs getting up there in age, slowing down and Allen not having to worry about getting Diggs his targets....Allen could actually be better. You can't force the balls to Diggs like it's 2020 or 2021 anymore. Diggs will want his targets regardless if he's slowing down. Allen can now just walk up to the line and can just throw it where he thinks its the best place to go rather than satisfying Diggs ego. It has to be a relief IMO. WR are diva's and probably will have to deal with something like this again but a more mature way. I appreciate what Diggs did for us for 4 seasons but these, what Tim Graham said "micro aggressions" do get annoying, especially for Allen.
  7. After hearing Old Beane talking in his PC it doesn’t strike me as a guy who is looking to be over aggressive in the draft. If he does seem to settle for a 2nd/3rd tier as he indicates then I would think a veteran would be helpful as a safety net. At one point Robinson had some decent value but has fallen off in the last few years. Is he a product of getting lost in the shuffle and/or landing up with inexperienced/journeymen (Pittsburgh) QBs? I dunno know if any of that is applicable but I do think that if Beane settles for somebody like McConkey then adding a veteran would hold some value for this offense.
  8. Josh... 5-5 playoff record 2,723 yards passing 21 touchdowns 4 interceptions 563 yards rushing 5 rushing TDs . Jackson... 2-4 playoff record 1,324 yards passing 6 touchdowns 6 interceptions 521 yards rushing 3 rushing TDs. Lamar, sadly, pretty much ensured (somehow) he will be in the HOF as a 2 time League MVP. Josh (somehow) still has work he's gotta do to be considered. Discuss...
  9. Josh Allen at home in the regular season after Nov is gross. A couple anomalies, but the guy is not a good cold weather QB. I took out the game in 2019 vs Jets when he was pulled, but he averages 55% with 2 TD and 1 INT. He is always wildly inaccurate when the weather gets cold.
  10. We traded Ryan Bates to Chicago and released Mitch Morse.
  11. “I started off too strong” (gifts to OL) Josh has made my life better and I smile when he smiles. Merry Christmas all. What should our boy do??? —actual Vince Lombardi items
  12. The Bills faced a combination of Josh being a bit too fast on reads in some cases, in others he was not presented with good options. Thought this was an excellent explanation and balanced by Warner. The Bills were beating themselves. Then they adjusted.
  13. In whatever place these freakozoid athletes get to mentally, Allen has no choice but to get there with them. Jordan has it, Tiger has it, Nicklaus had it, Brady and Montana had it. I’m sure Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio had it. Recently, all three Tennis greats have it. It’s all upstairs. There are ways we can tell that a great one has the instinct for winning championships. It’s how they talk, what they say, what they believe is happening, and how they lead the situation to reach the top — total belief in yourself to be the reason your team wins championships. Athletes are insanely confident individuals. Even proven competent pros think they’re the very best at what they do, when they’re clearly not, usually because of physical limitations. Allen has the physical talent to be in the historical sports best-of-the-best group, so he’ll have to find that mental place that gets him there. His, focus, concentration, and determination needs improvement.
  14. It's all words but Josh Allen gave great EOY presser and looks like there was a fire in his eyes. We need that WR2 but I think we could be ok next year especially if we can retain Brady and Josh plays like he did somewhat down the stretch with little to no turnovers. There will always be some. A lot of tough cap issues but JA is a leader. Still numb but Who knows. Go Bills.
  15. I may get roasted for this so feel free too Last week? Ok the run game went well so 15 passes was necessary. But against one of the worst pass defences in the league and what, 21 passes or something tonight? Not good enough in my opinion. Josh Allen is a rhythm QB and he needs 30 plus throws a game. Got the W so that's all that matters, but it's time to let Josh unleash a bit more in my opinion
  16. It’s hard to watch the Patriots game and think something is wrong with Josh, and it’s not just something mental. And no, I’m not just talking about the last hit he took. I used to count the amount of incomplete passes on one hand that was incomplete solely because of Josh, due to drops or whatever other circumstances. His accuracy is way off. Josh is missing a ton of throws in a way that seems more than just being “off.” So is he hurt? And if so, when did it happen?
  17. Allen was absolutely legendary tonight. Ran when he should have. Passed when he should have. Took the check down when he should have. He was darn near PERFECT. 67%, 258 total yards, 3 TD’s, 0 INT. And against a top 5 Chiefs defense that was mostly healthy, unlike our mash unit. Had Diggs and Sherfield played the game with NFL receiver hands, Allen would have had close to 400 yards of offense by himself. And I don’t want to hear jack squat about his throw to the endzone on 2nd and 9. Allen had two good options on that play; 1) Shakir open in the endzone. 2) Diggs open on the crosser. He chose Shakir, who had made several great catches during the game, over Diggs who had 2 drops during the game. If Chris Jones didn’t push Dawkins into Allen’s side as he threw it, that would have been Allen’s 4th TD of the game. Why do I believe he was better tonight that in the 13 seconds game? In that game, Allen by and large took advantage of the Chiefs falling over each other. Numerous slips and blown coverages. In this game, Allen was methodical tonight.
  18. I have not seen it anywhere, but there were two questionable late hits on Josh. Potential flags aside, the second one was late in the game when a KC D lineman steamrolled across Josh when he was already down crushing his head into the turf. Josh's next two throws were noticeably off, and he didn't look right to me the rest of the game. Does anyone else think that the late hit had a big impact, and he might have been at least mildly concussed?
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