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Any Bills of late you'd put on the Wall of Fame?

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Brian Moorman, Freddie Jackson? Were both bright spots in some otherwise forgettable years. Both had a lot of heart. Or is that a bit too much of a joke?



Nope - none as of right now. I would not put Fred up there - not a starter long enough and was not quite good enough to deserve it. Played with a ton of heart, but he was not an all time great in a Bills uniform.


Brian was a top level player at his position for several years and was here long enough to merit consideration, but I do not want to see a punter be placed on the Wall of Fame for an above average career. If he was an all time NFL great then maybe, but not because he was the best from a long run of below average talent.


Kyle Williams would also merit consideration as a multi-time Pro-Bowl player and I would not hate seeing him placed on the Wall, but he is still active - let's see if he can help lead the team over the hump. If not - then I would prefer to see fewer guys on the Wall and keep it with the truly All Time Greats.


I think you could go back to the 60's - 90's and find guys just as worthy or more so than anyone on this team since around 2000.

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They should stop putting players on the wall until Gilchrist is added.


I don't understand how Aaron Schobel does not get more love from this board. He was the best player they had while he was there. Second all time in sacks for the Bills - 16 and 26 more than Hansen and Biscuit respectively.


Ruben Brown, Schobel, and maybe Moulds are most deserving for retired players. Fred Jackson was great but Cribbs was better.


They can save a place for Kyle because he is assured a spot when he retires.



Aaron Schoebel. 2nd All-time in sacks behind Bruce and 16.5 ahead of Phil Hanson -who is on the Wall.

I agree, Aaron Schobel has gotten very little love and respect from Bills fans. He is deserving.


I'm in agreement with all of the posters who have said that Eric Moulds & Ruben Brown should be on the wall also.


When Kyle Williams retires, he will be up there.


I see both sides of the argument for and against Fred Jackson. What sets Jackson apart from other players was his determination, hustle, toughness and character. Which is what we saw from him on the field. I think he's earned his place on the wall.

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If not for a guy named Jim Brown, [best running back of all time] a guy named Carlton "Cookie" Gilchrist would be the best running back of his era. He was a beast. Saw him run for a pro football record of 243 yards in a "mosh pit" in the rockpile. Bigger than JB, not quite as elusive, but linebackers and DT's feared him, and he may have been the best blocking RB ever. Most of his career was in Canada, as he never went to college, but one of the most underrated RB's of all time.



Edited by BearNorth
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