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  1. Ah yeah. Clinton and the tenor sax. Cool to have a musician in the WH. I was watchng the Arsenio Hall Show the night candidate Bill Clinton was a guest. First he came out with his horn wearing Ray Bans playing the blues. Pretty cool. Then he sat Down and Arsenio interviewed him. Arsenio asked Bill if he had ever smoked weed. Bill said he had but didn't inhale. I thought that was going to hurt him. Turns out it didn't. But I decided that night I would never vote for him. That's a waste of perfectly good weed.
  2. Thems the breaks. Elections have consequences.
  3. Stereotype much? Stereotyping is lazy thinking. You also didn't answer my question. Is being very gay a bad thing?
  4. My favorite part of this is at the 2021 sweating in, Justice Sotomayor mispronounced her name. <crickets>
  5. My favorite blue dog democrat just bought 2 pair. One for her and one for her daughter.
  6. There is currently a run on Converse Chuck Taylor's cuz that's what VP Harris likes and wears. Buy yeah, the bandage thing was sooooo dumb.
  7. The Big Blue Machine rolls on and over whoever or whatever it has to. Give 'em credit. I have been saying all along President Biden was too selfish to get out. Boy was I wrong. It impresses me how they did it. They didn't even try to couch it that they were worried about his health. Just he couldn't win. They all love Joe (or so they say) but not one said they were concerned about his health or ability. Just that he can't win. When did this become a thing? If the current president or would be nominee is losing in the polls, kick them to the curb. In my lifetime can think of several Democrats that everyone knew was going to get their doors blown but they didn't do this. I'm thinking Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, and Michael Dukakis. But what really impresses me the most is how they have all rallied around VP Harris. There were we several that said they wanted an open convention or some kind of mini primary. Nancy Pelosi and AOC for example. But not today. Word has come down it's Harris so they all got in line. Clintons endorsed. AOC and Pelosi are now all in as well.
  8. As someone who was 5 miles from Dealy Plaza in 1963, I have never watched the Oliver Stone movie and never will. I predicted at the time that people who saw the movie and didn't know much about it would view it as what really happened. And now my prediction has been proven true. The Kevin Costner character is based on Jim Garrison, a doofus DA who tried Clay Shaw for the assassination but failed to get a conviction. Great acting by Costner but not factual. Its a freaking' movie yall. Even Oliver Stone says it's not accurate.
  9. Surely you are not using the Oliver Stone movie as some kind of proof of anything.
  10. I was thinking the second shooter was Woody Harrelson's dad.
  11. I remember a time when a mental patient was able to get within 20' of a President and shoot him and a staffer. So why not?
  12. I would agree there is some squirrely stuff about this. Who do you think is behind it?
  13. I'm wondering if maybe the 2 women agents by the Beast are temporary agents. And I'm with @sherpa. Your posts about this are quite bazaar. I thought a couple of times they were pure comedic sarcasm but it's starting to seem you really believe it.
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