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  1. @Roundybout - This is the hypocritical take I'm referring to. It's OK and fun to repeat the uber fact checked and disproven Vance couch story. And then 3 hours later you get butt hurt when someone mentions jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and Walz. Another stupid unsubstantiated claim. If this is not hypocritical somehow in your brain please explain it.
  2. Thanks. But no, you're not right. It's not my or anyone else's job to prove your points. If you make an assertion, you're the one that needs to back it up, not me or anyone else. Besides, I don't use Google because they suck up too much personal information. I use a less intrusive search engine. To each his/her own.
  3. Let's set the yeah but Trump argument aside for a minute. Do you think VP Harris is authentic? And if so, what makes you think so.
  4. Have fun. Who am I to judge what you do? So I take it you're not going to explain your hypocritical take?
  5. Let me see if I got this right. Repeating the couch-banging theory is not weird to talk about but the horse jizz story is. They're both dumb made up stories. You sound very hypocritical with this take. If not, please explain how it is not hypocritical.
  6. Where does this number come from? I mean besides VP Harris saying it? If you have any details please share. Sounds good if true.
  7. His fame comes more from being the son/nephew of a Senator and President that were both assassinated 50 some odd years ago IMHO. I know him more as a lawyer who won court cases in environmental and consumer safety cases against the likes of Monsanto and the FCC. Any details on how she is going to make the economy work for everyone?
  8. This is a gross statement insinuating that people that served in Iraq are too stupid to get out of it Trump got out of Viet Nam. Does that make him smart too?
  9. Me too. President Reagan also put the first woman on the Supreme Court. Just curious. Did you live through the double digit inflation/misery index/gas lines/Iran Hostage Crisis Carter regime as well? The air traffic controllers had in their union contract that they couldn't strike.
  10. Exactly. He got clobbered anyway. Might as well catch the football and get clobbered. To all who say he didn't cuz it was PS he didn't go for it like he would if RS, how do you know that? This was his chance to prove he could.
  11. This is the bigs. That was a catchable football. He heard footsteps. Disturbing.
  12. This guy is saying what I've been saying. These people are going to inherit the earth be they don't believe in abortion.
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