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Trump Alone at the Top

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JONATHAN ADLER: Republicans Won’t Let Democrats Filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court Pick: Nor Should They.


“Just one month ago, Reid indicated that Senate Democrats — were they to obtain control of the Senate — would not allow Republicans to filibuster a Clinton-nominated Supreme Court pick. . . . Given Reid’s decision to go nuclear in 2013 — and threat to go further, if need be — there is no reason for Senate Republicans not to eliminate the filibuster for nominations once and for all.”

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JONATHAN ADLER: Republicans Won’t Let Democrats Filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court Pick: Nor Should They.


“Just one month ago, Reid indicated that Senate Democrats — were they to obtain control of the Senate — would not allow Republicans to filibuster a Clinton-nominated Supreme Court pick. . . . Given Reid’s decision to go nuclear in 2013 — and threat to go further, if need be — there is no reason for Senate Republicans not to eliminate the filibuster for nominations once and for all.”


Well, except that if they do, they're well and truly !@#$ed when the Democrats get control of Congress again. Which is the main reason Reid's "nuclear option" was such a stupidly rotten idea to begin with.


Why is it no one ever learns this lesson?

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Well, except that if they do, they're well and truly !@#$ed when the Democrats get control of Congress again. Which is the main reason Reid's "nuclear option" was such a stupidly rotten idea to begin with.


Why is it no one ever learns this lesson?


because, america.

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Well, except that if they do, they're well and truly !@#$ed when the Democrats get control of Congress again. Which is the main reason Reid's "nuclear option" was such a stupidly rotten idea to begin with.


Why is it no one ever learns this lesson?

Winning. Charlie Sheen level winning.

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Yes, Trump’s Going to Dump the Iran Deal.




PEN AND PHONE: Trump’s Broad Powers to Revoke Tax Regulations Issued By the Obama Administration.




ELIZABETH NOLAN BROWN: There Is No Wave Of Trump-Inspired Hate Crimes.


“The bulk of racist graffiti incidents appear to have happened around middle- and high-schools, which doesn’t make their messages any less hurtful, I’m sure, but does suggest a phenomenon driven by mean and immature kids rather than rogue bands of serious neo-Nazis. . . .


The ‘hate acts reported across the country’ in the wake of Trump’s victory seem mostly relegated to graffiti at a few schools and one carjacking which may or may not have had anything to do with racial or religious prejudice. . . .


Pushers of this ‘rampant racist crimewave’ in Trump’s America story will dismiss posts like this one, and anyone who challenges their narrative, as naive, enabling of racists, or unconscionably non-empathetic to non-straight, white, Christian Americans. But I’m not the one trying to stoke false terror in vulnerable people or over-hype America’s levels of hate for pageviews and Twitter faves.”


Related: Stop Sharing News That Trans Teen Suicides Spiked Post-Election—It’s Not Just Wrong, But Dangerous to LGBT Youth: This false epidemic going viral could drive real suicide attempts among struggling teens.

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Now I find this an absolute scream. Trump goes to dinner with his family and leaves the press behind. Now he's being pilloried by them as not being "transparent".

OMG. Where were they when Hillary was incommunicado during her failed campaign?

I remember when Bloomberg did this when he first became mayor of NYC (I think he took his plane to Bermuda for a weekend or something like that). It was a big "how dare you" moment for the press. He told them to eff off. Then they got over it.

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The Trump excuse makers will be working overtime. So far his transition team is a clown show. It will be a dumpster fire by January. I hope the country survives the next 4 years.

So you have knowledge of the inner workings of the transition team, or are you getting this from the petulant media reports? The man hasn't announced his team nor has he been sworn in yet and already the left is up in arms. Big shock there.

Edited by keepthefaith
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The Trump excuse makers will be working overtime. So far his transition team is a clown show. It will be a dumpster fire by January. I hope the country survives the next 4 years.


Thank God you're here. We were running out of doomsday-panicking left wing talking point robots.


Clown show!


Dumpster fire!


The only dumpster fire and clown show I've seen lately is the party that couldn't even beat this meandering chucklehead at the ballot box.

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From the front page of today's BN



Trump transition in disarray with firings, infighting
2 advisers on national security team ousted as world leaders try for contact
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Mark Mazzetti and Maggie Haberman
Two officials who had been handling national security for the transition, former Rep. Mike Rogers and Matthew Freedman, a lobbyist who consults with corporations and foreign governments, were fired. Both were part of what officials described as a purge orchestrated by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser.
The dismissals followed the abrupt firing Friday of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as transition chief in favor of Vice President-elect Mike Pence
Kushner, husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka, was systematically dismissing people such as Rogers and Freedman who had ties with Christie, a transition official said. As a federal prosecutor, Christie had sent Kushner’s father to prison.
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From the front page of today's BN



Trump transition in disarray with firings, infighting
2 advisers on national security team ousted as world leaders try for contact
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Mark Mazzetti and Maggie Haberman
Two officials who had been handling national security for the transition, former Rep. Mike Rogers and Matthew Freedman, a lobbyist who consults with corporations and foreign governments, were fired. Both were part of what officials described as a purge orchestrated by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser.
The dismissals followed the abrupt firing Friday of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as transition chief in favor of Vice President-elect Mike Pence
Kushner, husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka, was systematically dismissing people such as Rogers and Freedman who had ties with Christie, a transition official said. As a federal prosecutor, Christie had sent Kushner’s father to prison.


Sure. Blame the Jew. Always good form to blame a Jew.

Feel better?

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From the front page of today's BN



Trump transition in disarray with firings, infighting
2 advisers on national security team ousted as world leaders try for contact
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Mark Mazzetti and Maggie Haberman
Two officials who had been handling national security for the transition, former Rep. Mike Rogers and Matthew Freedman, a lobbyist who consults with corporations and foreign governments, were fired. Both were part of what officials described as a purge orchestrated by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser.
The dismissals followed the abrupt firing Friday of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as transition chief in favor of Vice President-elect Mike Pence
Kushner, husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka, was systematically dismissing people such as Rogers and Freedman who had ties with Christie, a transition official said. As a federal prosecutor, Christie had sent Kushner’s father to prison.


Some of this might be true, some might be exxagerated. For sure though we know that the leftist media will work hour by hour to find anything that even sniffs of Trump-bad. They'll report it based on "sources" and half the population or more will eat it up.

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I remember when Bloomberg did this when he first became mayor of NYC (I think he took his plane to Bermuda for a weekend or something like that). It was a big "how dare you" moment for the press. He told them to eff off. Then they got over it.


That was during a massive snowstorm, where they couldn't clear out many streets and he was MIA.

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