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Trump Alone at the Top

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A Movement That Inflicted Hillary on America has Little Justification for Lecturing America About Trump
by David French
Last night there was another one of the countless, petty incidents that are roiling polarized America. Mike Pence went to see the musical “Hamilton” on Broadway, the crowd loudly booed him, and then the cast (as he was apparently leaving) gathered on stage to declare that they were “alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir.”
It would be far easier to credit such angry booing, or to empathize with the cast’s no-doubt heartfelt (though ill-informed) plea for respect for civil liberties if we didn’t know that the same cast and audience would almost certainly be overjoyed to welcome a president-elect Hillary Clinton into the theater. Yet in reading the tidal wave of anger sweeping over liberal America, there is not nearly enough appreciation for the role they played in this extraordinarily contentious election.
The Democratic party served to America – with the full cooperation of its elite and much of its celebrity base – a thoroughly corrupt candidate with a decades-long record of dishonesty and duplicity. She mishandled the nation’s secrets, used her family foundation to run a secretive, high-dollar pay-to-play scam, and advanced a platform that would have trampled the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. Her one ideological consistency was relentless, extremist support for abortion rights.
I see why my Democratic friends supported her as (in their opinion) the better of two bad options, but the sometimes-shrieking and always-righteous indignation against her opponents is overwrought, to say the least. In reality, such conduct represents the flip-side of the Trump partisans they thoroughly despise – willing to overlook manifold failures in basic character and integrity to achieve the ideological outcomes they want – including ideological outcomes that would directly impair the “inalienable rights” to free speech and free exercise of religion of their fellow Americans.
That’s the moral high ground?
In this case, naked partisanship only serves to alienate Americans from what is truly a magnificent work of art. “Hamilton” has connected a new generation of Americans to the principles and story of our nation’s founding. Now, many of their fellow citizens will identify the musical’s stars as just one more group of condescending liberals, completely oblivious to values and beliefs different from their own.
Too bad. The show – and its stars – are better than they showed last night.
Edited by B-Man
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I like this under Freedom of Speech. It does sell newspapers and gets a lot of clicks however. By getting all butt hurt about this, conservatives are acting like liberals.

Yes freedom of speech and if I were the boss, the cast member that read the message to Pence would have been fired immediately for using the stage in front of paying customers to make a political statement. I'd do the same regardless of the political leaning of the message.

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The Hamilton cast should STFU, and Trump should even more STFU and be grown up.


Pence had the right reaction.


Yet everyone is talking about Hamilton and absolutely no one is talking about Trump's $25M settlement.


I suspect this time his team knew how to throw the frenzied media into a tailspin to avoid the more important story.

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Yet everyone is talking about Hamilton and absolutely no one is talking about Trump's $25M settlement.


I suspect this time his team knew how to throw the frenzied media into a tailspin to avoid the more important story.


It's almost as though the NY liberal elite is more concerned with the NY liberal elite than they are the people defrauded by Trump U.

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Forgive me if I have missed it in these massive threads, but what is it that you are expecting/predicting will happen that justifies comparing Trump to Hitler?


Mass executions? Internment camps? Making Muslims wear some kind of symbol (I know he mentioned wristbands or something, but that won't happen). Death Squads killing Illegal Aliens?

He learned these code words at the Katy Perry/Hillary Clinton "roar" rally.


You sexist racist xenophobic devil.

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Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.


“Hiring freezes, an end to automatic raises, a green light to fire poor performers, a ban on union business on the government’s dime and less generous pensions — these are the contours of the blueprint emerging under Republican control of Washington in January.”


This won't hurt President Trump with the voters.........



Well, we heard before the election that a whole lot of them were going to quit anyway if he won. Have they started turning in their resignations yet?

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Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.


“Hiring freezes, an end to automatic raises, a green light to fire poor performers, a ban on union business on the government’s dime and less generous pensions — these are the contours of the blueprint emerging under Republican control of Washington in January.”


This won't hurt President Trump with the voters.........



Well, we heard before the election that a whole lot of them were going to quit anyway if he won. Have they started turning in their resignations yet?


Government workers have had maybe one raise in the past six years. They'll probably get another one this year, as an outgoing present from Obama.


The ultimate result of all this will be greater reliance on contractors.

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