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Trump Alone at the Top

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Forgive me if I have missed it in these massive threads, but what is it that you are expecting/predicting will happen that justifies comparing Trump to Hitler?


Mass executions? Internment camps? Making Muslims wear some kind of symbol (I know he mentioned wristbands or something, but that won't happen). Death Squads killing Illegal Aliens?


I didn't compare him to Hitler. Someone else started that chain and I noted an example of one of his idiotic statements that places him closer to that line of thinking. Of course, it is easy for others to then say, "You said Trump was Hitler" than to appreciate nuance.

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I didn't compare him to Hitler. Someone else started that chain and I noted an example of one of his idiotic statements that places him closer to that line of thinking. Of course, it is easy for others to then say, "You said Trump was Hitler" than to appreciate nuance.


Again, what are you expecting to happen? You insinuate terrible crimes and abuses of power are forthcoming, but are never specific.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I didn't compare him to Hitler. Someone else started that chain and I noted an example of one of his idiotic statements that places him closer to that line of thinking. Of course, it is easy for others to then say, "You said Trump was Hitler" than to appreciate nuance.


Closer to Hitler's line of thinking? What, we now rank people on a 0-100 Hitler scale? :lol:

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Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start.


Personally, I don't believe we as a country, would let it get that bad, no matter how much hatred he or his staff may have for certain cultures/races, so I don't see him getting anywhere near Hitler level. At least that's my hope. I also don't see anything wrong with disagreeing or protesting things he's said, policy ideas he's communicated, or staff selections he's putting in place. There is still a right to free speech in this country, last I checked.

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Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start.


Personally, I don't believe we as a country, would let it get that bad, no matter how much hatred he or his staff may have for certain cultures/races, so I don't see him getting anywhere near Hitler level. At least that's my hope. I also don't see anything wrong with disagreeing or protesting things he's said, policy ideas he's communicated, or staff selections he's putting in place. There is still a right to free speech in this country, last I checked.


How is wanting to secure the border, getting rid of criminal illegals, and vetting Muslim immigrants, hatred?

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You hear what you want to hear. I don't think the president has that much power, and I don't think Trump wants to round up Muslims.


You seem to have grave concerns. You make it a point to come here to let people know how wrong they are, how racist they are, and how stupid they are, yet when pressed for what you believe to be the real consequences of Trump being elected, you now say it's not a big deal.


I am open to arguments (I have concerns about Trump), I just need some way to gauge the threat that you consider Trump to be.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start.


Don't be ridiculous.


Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler - but I can see the argument - it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide - ridiculous, empty pragmatism - I see both sides blah blah blah bull%$@#.


I read your posts and I know you're smarter than that. People need to acquaint themselves with Godwin's Law.

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Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start.


Personally, I don't believe we as a country, would let it get that bad, no matter how much hatred he or his staff may have for certain cultures/races, so I don't see him getting anywhere near Hitler level. At least that's my hope. I also don't see anything wrong with disagreeing or protesting things he's said, policy ideas he's communicated, or staff selections he's putting in place. There is still a right to free speech in this country, last I checked.


It's like Versailles never even !@#$ing existed. :wallbash:

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You seem to have grave concerns. You make it a point to come here to let people know how wrong they are, how racist they are, and how stupid they are, yet when pressed for what you believe to be the real consequences of Trump being elected, you now say it's not a big deal.


I am open to arguments (I have concerns about Trump), I just need some way to gauge the threat that you consider Trump to be.

Ozy is racist. Except maybe Rich in Ohio and one particular unabashed anti Semite, don't think I called anyone else here a racist.


I watch Trump warily on race. That's all. Not grave concerns. I hope he focuses on jobs, debt, and trade.

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Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start.


Personally, I don't believe we as a country, would let it get that bad, no matter how much hatred he or his staff may have for certain cultures/races, so I don't see him getting anywhere near Hitler level. At least that's my hope. I also don't see anything wrong with disagreeing or protesting things he's said, policy ideas he's communicated, or staff selections he's putting in place. There is still a right to free speech in this country, last I checked.

can you see :

1) why its so dangerous that presidents posses so much power? Obama took it further than anyone

2) why you believe this from propaganda spread by msm and Clinton?

3) realize the irony that would certainly come from Hillary winning. The in your face celebrations... etc and see that in total the Democratic party has completely shown their ass and is now dead in the water?

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Can some adult please take his Twitter.


I like to pretend that the future leader of the free world isn't getting his skivvies in a bunch over Hamilton.


He's out of his mind. Him becoming president hasn't changed that.

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