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Trump Alone at the Top

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Remember when everyone said he was running a fake campaign with no TV ads ?

Social Media Campaign Helped Win It For Trump.




Keith Olbermann Calls for Open Resistance Against Donald Trump.

“Ironically ending this video with the word ‘peace,’ Keith Olbermann shows extreme delusion, saying that we don’t have to accept the results of this election. He calls for open resistance against Donald Trump. He claims he’s not inciting violence, but you be the judge.”



Also: remember how outraged you were by Rush's "I hope Obama fails"






WAIT, THIS DOESN’T FIT THE NARRATIVE: Trump considering openly gay man as U.N. ambassador, woman to head RNC.


Note, however, that this wouldn’t, in fact, “inject new diversity into the GOP” as both Richard Grenell and Ronna McDaniel are already Republicans. It might, however, force the press to cover the GOP’s actual, existing diversity, at least for a few minutes.

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WAIT, THIS DOESN’T FIT THE NARRATIVE: Trump considering openly gay man as U.N. ambassador, woman to head RNC.


Note, however, that this wouldn’t, in fact, “inject new diversity into the GOP” as both Richard Grenell and Ronna McDaniel are already Republicans. It might, however, force the press to cover the GOP’s actual, existing diversity, at least for a few minutes.


The man isn't truly gay, and the woman not truly a woman, if they're not Democrats.

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The man isn't truly gay, and the woman not truly a woman, if they're not Democrats.


While Tom's response gets right to the heart of Liberal 'thinking' (as usual)


The truly sad part is, that while we see this as a humorous reply, there are way too many who actually believe that absurdity.

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The problem isn't that Trump doesn't have the answers. The problem is that he didn't even know the questions.

Well I for one did not know there were 4,000 patronage jobs to be filled. Talk about government bloat!

The moving van business must be booming in the District and Bethesda and Arlington.

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You'd be even better off if you lived in reality. Everything - everything - you just said is more applicable to liberal dipshits like yourself than it is to the Republicans or conservatives.


More to the point, those are all questions he's asked over and over and over the past year or so, and people have responded with thoughtful answers supported by links to docs, breaking down specific plans with goals and budgets...to which baskin always replies "That's no plan!!!!" before he disappears for another month or two before returning to ask the same, embarrassing questions.



I find the disarray talk about the transition humorous.


Whether it was Trump or Clinton, the idea that either would have all the answers only EIGHT DAYS after the election on staffing an entirely new executive branch is absurd.




I disagree with this. I would not be surprised to find out Hillary saw her presidency like some little girls see their wedding.


From their first Disney princess movie, they know where they'll get married, who will be in the wedding party, what the cake will look like, where bridesmaid gifts will be, what font and card stock her invitation will be. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Hillary not only had all 4,000 jobs filled, but business cards already created, a fresh new personal server on which to communicate, all while creating a few hundred more jobs as parting gifts to life-long kowtowers.



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Ford was never moving that plant to Mexico.


It's ridiculous, really, but while i don't relish the Trump presidency, I genuinely enjoy the way he trolls the left. This was something of an Obama move, making a big deal about something that was happening anyway, and many on the left were going apeschitt over his tweet last night.


No harm, no foul, plenty of chuckles.

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It's ridiculous, really, but while i don't relish the Trump presidency, I genuinely enjoy the way he trolls the left. This was something of an Obama move, making a big deal about something that was happening anyway, and many on the left were going apeschitt over his tweet last night.


No harm, no foul, plenty of chuckles.


The plant was going to stay, but some production models were leaving the plant.

We can still credit Trump's phone call (according to reports) for keeping quite a few jobs in America, if not all of them.

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The plant was going to stay, but some production models were leaving the plant.

We can still credit Trump's phone call (according to reports) for keeping quite a few jobs in America, if not all of them.


It's still the razor's edge between imply and infer.


Obama is a master at it. We'll see if it's something Trump does regularly.


The no harm. no foul stuff I am okay with. It's when they ride that edge to push more spending that I get cranky.

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Ford was never moving that plant to Mexico.

Correct. But jobs would have flowed south along with the production of their small Urban Shopping Vehicle the MKC.

Well hey, Nixon was POTUS when Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon, and B. O. was POTUS when the economy recovered. :w00t:

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