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  1. I don't fear the unknown. I'd be willing to hire a new creative young offensive mind. Ben Johnson is at the top of the list. He makes Geoff look special. Imagine what he can do with Allen.
  2. Yup Then Peter began to speak to them: “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. Acts 10:34 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:13 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
  3. I am not saying Allen should be MVP but I am saying Jackson does not have any business nor should he be MVP. This offense of his is ran by the fear of him running instead of him passing or the running back. If a defense can strategically plan to make him actually play QB in the pocket he would be exposed.
  4. I was fearing halftime adjustments...we usually lose that battle.
  5. From the ACTUAL transcript: @ScottPelley I'll ask this as simply as I can. What ideologies do you find troubling? Tina Descovich: I was just saying that your question was about fear. And if this is a fear based movement? I feel like that's a misnomer. This is a fact based movement. Parents are joining us in droves because they open the backpacks, they see the lessons, the light bulb goes off and they say "what in the world is happening?" I thought my child was being taught to read. I thought my child was learning this or that. And then they have a lesson in, in kindergarten or first grade that tells them they can choose their gender. They can be a boy or a girl. And when did that happen? I wasn't taught that in school, guessing you weren’t taught that in school. So at what year did that change? And what year was that interjected? And so parents are now awake and so they take time out of their busy lives, raising their kids, going to work, attending soccer games, doing all the things parents do. They don't wanna be at school board meetings, they don't wanna be filing public records requests, but they're very concerned. You can call it ideology, you can call it whatever you wanna call it. But what got interjected and when, why, why would someone want to teach my five year old that he could be a boy or a girl, neither or both and they can change. That's notsomething I believe is true. Let's stick to the facts. Let's stick to what everyone agrees is the facts. @Moms4Liberty
  6. I wish you were right. Would be a better world. But I fear "very many people...feel as though they know better" than whomever disagrees with them. In general. This board is better than most forums, to be clear. I think fans generally wanted a speedy deep threat WR (because we don't really have that threat on the roster), and would have LOVED if we traded with KC and they took Coleman...and ultimately we took Worthy. Was even getting to the point where Worthy was the guy I wanted the Bills to draft above all others, and thought he'd be gone by 28. (Conversely, I definitely also shared some posts here the past few months proclaiming my counterintuitive optimism for Keon Coleman's prospects, given his combine gauntlet and best-in-class hands. Earlier in the winter, I was definitely concerned with Coleman's contested catch rate, lumping him in with the likes of Q Johnson and N'Keal Harry. It's been a journey.) Is the color-coding on these route graphics inconsistent? Slant and Screen routes, for example, are mis-colored on both infographics, according to their own internal logic.
  7. Nope it's nice out here in the country. Lots of good people. I never go to the city so why would I be in fear? How so? This stuff doesn't happen out where I live and literally everyone owns guns. Most guys learn to shoot as kids and learn how to be responsible gun owners when they are adults. In the city there are no fathers and lots of gangs. Why would anyone want to live there? Even the richest people have dirtbags walking down the street right in front of their house. Now that's bizarre
  8. Ironic that their defense has been well-defined since Day 1 of this regime schematically and in personnel. Offense, not so much. I think McD has always wanted a strong(er) running game, because he prioritizes the offense along what he fears most on defense. And his defense can be susceptible to a strong running game. Still, that's maybe not ideal given league-wide trends that favor passing and who he has at QB. Problem is, the OC's he hired all saw they had Josh Allen and weren't going to avoid using him like Brady seems willing to given the priorities and lack of complete passing options. Issue with this offense...it's safe and predictable. Running the ball complemented with a short to intermediate passing game and personnel to match. The quick-strike ability doesn't fit with reducing the defense's time on field. Then again, that's the HC. He plays it safe on draft day with Beane. Safe offense. A defense that is structured, but the scheme hasn't changed much in years. Safe gets you perhaps into the playoffs, but not much further as demonstrated by the past few years.
  9. Joe Biden Pointed and Told Iran 'Don't' ... Iran Replied 'Watch Us' and Bombed Innocents Today Apparently, Iran was not cowed by Biden's recent pronouncement of 'Don't'. It's shocking they didn't fear a frail old man acting tough. https://twitchy.com/justmindy/2024/01/15/iran-biden-administration-bomb-n2391790
  10. She's the only one, makes me feel so good (makes me feel so good) I can't believe my luck so I knock on wood (so I knock on wood) All my sorrows and fears seem to fly away (seem to fly away) And she looks at me as if to say My baby loves love My baby loves lovin' She's got what it takes And she knows how to use it
  11. And let’s cut sports, band, music, drama and everything else that helps shape and differentiate our kids and most definitely - let’s keep anything not straight swept under the rug so that we have more closeted gay republicans living in fear - playing footsies in airport bathrooms like Republican Senator Larry Craig. You freaks are an insult to the teachers who bust their ass with our kids. More faux drama to distract from the most corrupt POTUS in our lifetime with 91 fkn indictments.
  12. I'm sorry I need 1. Just 1 I'm not greedy. If this organization can't win 1 with a talent like Allen I fear it never will. Guys like Allen and Diggs need 1 I think to cement thier legacy. Winning 1 here would be like winning 2 somewhere else. And all but guarantee thier gold jackets.
  13. I don't agree on the first point I just don't think that is who Beane is. I think he would be much more careful than that and I remember that press conference well he looked genuinely crestfallen. I suspect what he based that on is a further conversation with Matt where he changed his story somewhat from earlier versions he had told the Bills once the material was in the public domain. I agree completely on your second point but unfortunately I fear the genie is out of the bottle and won't go back. Social media mob culture is here to stay.
  14. Agree on pass rusher being the top need. The Bills have no one that can get to the QB quickly. While I don’t have an issue with them taking a DE worthy of the selection, I fear that they will reach in the first to try to fill that need. As it stands they’re going to have to manufacture pressures with scheme and blitzing. That only goes so far though. I’m not comfortable with Rousseau and Epenesa as the starters. If we don’t get much from Von, the. that’s where we are. I just don’t see two starting DEs on this team today. WR is a close second. The Bills really need an X, but they have three WRs that can go in week one with Diggs, Samuel and Shakir. If they’re going with a rookie to fill that - and I’m 99.9% sure that’s the direction they’re going - then they have to get the player in this draft. That will also ease the transition away from Diggs.
  15. My reading comprehension is strong which is why I was able to parse through your histrionics and respond with salient points. Villains are indeed needed. To play your game, replace rich or even millionaires with "Hollywood elites" and you will stand and applaud at the notion that the opinions of a group of wealthy people are totally irrelevant. It seems certain groups you will accept as categorically out of touch with the experience of the common man but other groups, which may be aspirational for you, should be protected. God forbid, EII does the same for fear of "stifling" the speech of the marginalized "rich". "Rich" may be a politically convenient term that is often used to lump any household that makes about $300k a year up to the generational wealthy and billionaires. That's a point worth exploring that does not require invocation of Pol Pot or Marxist revolution. However, in this case the subject is Butker who makes a little over $4 million a year. He's not living the life of a Musk, or Bill Gates, or a Warren Buffet (well maybe he is because Buffet is notoriously boring and cheap) but that type of annual earnings with any financial discipline suits pretty much any definition of rich. Well, except for the definitions of rich which involve a mothers love, or house full of kids, or getting right with Jesus. Those are utter bull####.
  16. I really hope this is the case. Then at least there is hope for Diggs to return to form next year. My fear is that he has either lost some of his edge or his physical abilities have declined suddenly, or both.
  17. I fear a sizable coaching disadvantage against the jags. I have a decent amount of respect for Pederson.
  18. Removing a candidate from ballots sounds ALOT more like meddling. Just like hiding the Biden allegations. Stuffing ballot boxes..etc etc etc Smells like alot of FEAR to me.
  19. I worked on the R&D side of DoD contracting and this wasn't the case. At a certain level it's almost always grabbing someone from the outside or poaching competitors in a way that your CEO will have time at all the major players. Innovation and improvement usually comes from fresh perspectives and not the same staff. The fear is complacency and unfortunately I think we are right there. You don't want to end up like NE who was just void of outside influence and crashed post Brady.
  20. So did the Raiders Media Ambassadors. Streaming service executives fear them.
  21. Not trying to be a smart ass here at all with this comment, but I fear for that child’s safety after this. Unless he’s gotten some help and grown up, Tyreek hasn’t been very forgiving in the past. Really glad everyone got out of the house safely.
  22. I don't follow college football. All I knew was that JA17 was among the 4 top QB prospects, and that the Bills traded to get him. I was thrilled. Then I was like your dad. He's a Bills now, I root for him 100%. And for some reason, I liked his demeanor and liked him right then on draft day. Love at first sight you might say ha ha. I clearly recall that I was shocked to see the hateful posts on here. Be mad at Beane and the team for the selection, not at the player drafted! Some "fans" clearly wanted Allen to fail so they could be "proven right", and that Josh Rosen was the right Josh all along. I'll never get this one either. It's not like I pretend I knew better, just that JA17 was our QB so I wished him nothing but success. My "fear" was not that he would be a bust (those you move on from), but good without being elite. He has been awesome and the best thing to happen to the team in decades.
  23. if hill is healthy how can you think they should not be feared. Winning this game basically gets a huge monkey off the dolphins back. They are going to be even more confident now.
  24. That's the spirit!😄 Don't be such a Debbie Downer... They, as unlikely as it seemed just a few weeks ago, have the opportunity to take the 2nd seed and host 1, possibly 2 or 3 home playoff games. This is no time for fear of failure....this is the time to rise up and seize the opportunity. It's time to shine.
  25. I never bought into him being the best. I thought he was probably the purest and craftiest route runner, but he never had physical attributes a defense had to fear - size (average), speed (above average), hands (excellent?). He’s a high level possession receiver and should’ve received a 2 year pay raise - not one for almost $100M - given his age and malcontent history.
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