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  1. The season is way too short. There are ways around it to make it manageable. There’s no amount of games that is too high for me. I’ll take as much NFL as I can get.
  2. It’s day 1 so i won’t overreact but…. I certainly hope there’s not a world where Hollins can be considered a viable option for significant playing time. The dudes a 6 on an average offense.
  3. I still feel like somehow Hyde sneaks back in here for 1 more kick at the can
  4. Probably exactly what we all expected lol not really anything surprising
  5. It was probably one of our own to motivate him. Just like I’m sure the Bills leaked the tweets before the draft so josh would fall to us.
  6. The best/most reliable this offense was is prime Cole Beasley. Josh is a guy that Is going to make the occasional play within the framework of design but more often than not, he’s making an unexpected play after a breakdown. With his legs, or his arms or both….we need that shifty guy underneath that is uncover-able after 2 or 3 seconds. A guy with sure hands that will break free and give Josh the extra chain moving outlet. That’s what we were missing. I like the balance, I like the shift to Brady. Can one of these WRs become the security blanket when a play isn’t immediately there? If one of these guys can become that we are going to be hard to stop.
  7. I don’t need the days to click off faster but if we can get a break fro this heat I’ll be thrilled. It can still be July but can we get some 70
  8. Knew he was big but he looked really big in that video…..I like it. I’m starting to think we might end up looking sort of smart when these WRs show up
  9. The guy lost all confidence and was just slicing the ball so hard right repeatedly from like week 12 on. I’d bring in another guy to compete. Kickers are like MLB relievers. Lights out for a year and then just a nobody the next. It’s very strange.
  10. I really like the ravens purple helmets. To me a red helmet, Flutie/Johnson era white road uniform would be incredible. Like the exact music city miracle game look. So clean so beautiful. It’s a no brainer to me but I guess the bills aren’t interested
  11. Rodgers has missed almost every single football activity for the Jets this off-season but people are in here questioning our QBs commitment?
  12. It’s a shame we couldn’t get creative and work it into something for Aiyuk. Give him a contract where obviously the bigger money starts next year. I really like our WR room as across the board depth but adding a very good guy would put us in another world offensively. A young legit #1 that can come in and fit nicely, not go overboard with commanding targets…it’s just an ideal fit IMO. I know it’s a pipe dream but I feel like there’s a way.
  13. I was pissed on draft night and let down that we didn’t make a trade for one of the SF guys…but the longer I sit with it, the more I’m ok. I think we might be really deep at WR. As long as these guys can create separation and can’t just get completely smothered from a lack of explosiveness I think we will be ok. I wanted us to transition more to a balanced, physical point of attack team for 3 years. I have wanted the 15’ panthers offense from day 1. My favorite offense may have been our 2019 Texans loss offense. As inconceivable as that sounds. I want balance. I like the move towards a more consistent, less top heavy look. I just hope a good corner tandem can’t completely neutralize us. And all along I have expected Samuel to be the actual number 1 option at WR. I have envisioned him as the (early) Jon Brown and maybe Shakir/Kinkaid as the Beasley. Sort of a hybrid of 19/20/late23 offense with better RBs.
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