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  1. Better than Murph and could be worse, much worse, like the Sabres choice.
  2. Someone told me lower level between the 40s visitor side was going to be 15k per PSL. Those are my current seats and I have 4 of them. Has anyone else heard similar (as they dropped the cost almost in half....I believe he said). Still, that's going to be 60k before even purchasing the tickets. I just don't see the ROI on that, not even close.
  3. I just purchased my Season Lot 7 at 10am this morning. If you did not have a season Lot pass last year, you will not have access (unless there are any left over after today for Lots 7 and 4). There are a few thousand less than last year they are saying.
  4. I see 11 wins here which should be enough to win the division
  5. What makes you think those callers are not these people here?
  6. Just as I said, that I I heard two months ago…Texans
  7. Yup, Buffalo, the land of the Fortune 500. The thing that is going to piss me off the most is when I have to give up my seats of forever and then, when they realize how badly this is going to go, they will open it up again and the original STHs will probably get shut out again.
  8. Not sure but he was pissed after the deal with Jax went through. That leads me to believe that he would have matched it but never had the chance.
  9. This morning from a friend who knows Beane VERY well. He sees him multiple times a week and apparently he was pretty pissed when this deal fell through. Armstead just went totally dark after the verbal.
  10. Beane had a verbal agreement with him and then he went dark and signed with Jax the next day.
  11. Nice to see the NFC signing some of the bigger names. Last year it was only the AFC West it seemed like.
  12. Chiefs are going ALL IN to make history for a 3rd consecutive SB. Chris Jones already said he is staying and you know darn well that if it isn't Ayuk joing their WR corps, it's going to be someone else wanting to be a part of history. They will add another WR in the first 2 rounds and that offense is going to be humming again (along with a top D). Buffalo better nail this draft like no other to stay competitive with those guys.
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