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Has the final four replaced the SB as your most enjoyable sporting event!?


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The Stanley Cup is the most difficult Championship to win in North American team sports. Even though I’m an NFL junkie, I enjoy the NHL playoffs on par with the NFL.


 All other sports lag far behind those two for my viewing pleasure.

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March Madness is a great event, and the NFL does tend to overdo things, but you lost me with the idea that college sports is pure. College sports are in a time of upheaval, and many college athletes are being paid. 

Edited by SirAndrew
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College basketball was once great. It isn’t anymore. The best talents aren’t there long (if at all). They are also spread wider with NIL. The quality is poor. The first weekend of March Madness is still exciting but that’s it. It’s the equivalent of the MLB playoffs when the Yankees aren’t in for me. I’ll check in on games, make a few bets but might be folding laundry while that’s happening.

I have so many sporting leagues/events rated ahead of college basketball. The only reason that it’s even watchable is March Madness and even that is watered down. I have it behind (in no particular order): college football, nfl, nba, nhl, mlb, international soccer, and professional golf. There are other one off events that I’ll watch before a regular season college basketball game. 

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7 hours ago, DrPJax said:

Will always love the BILLS , esp the 90’s teams and their greatness, but imho the final 4 is more pure athletic joy to watch over the much hyped , but often predictable, often less competitive Sb! 


     For one thing tonight’s national anthem was performed beautifully , flawlessly , with no improvised runs or interpretation.  Done by a Native American who moved the crowd to chant USA, USA with no ongoing war , just moved by her performance which was fabulous and has replaced Whitney’s rendition imo ,{albeit it was still supporting the USA at a time of war}. Just my opinion , but thats how you show pride in your country with no political agenda. If that didn’t move you , maybe you are either very jaded or over medicated. 


      The quality of competition in march madness has been really good, and the meaning to each player , some of whom will never become pros , leads to the exhibition of passion pro sports fails to reach at this point. Now foes are just buddies, who share commercials, may even be teammates the next season, plus they are all highly paid and they know there is always  next year because there is no eligibility limit other than your teams needs / cap limits. However, there are 31 other chances to catch on.   The NFL  is a mans sport , and nothing can match the youthful  exuberance that we all Lose with time and experience. I loved the nfl/bills so much in my 20’s that iwent  to two superbowls.  Great experiences i was so happy to attend; yet now it is such a corporate , highly over priced event that there is no longer any amount of money you could pay me to be treated as nothing more than a commodity by a multibillion dollar business who still begs for taxpayors monies while holding communities hostage threatening to move  their franchises despite years of faithful support. 


      That leads to the actual players we are supposed to be fans of, enjoy their unique talents. Some live up to that lofty expectation and i salute those who somehow retain their humility. But then we are exposed to many criminals, many with children by several “baby-mommas” as if some badge of honor, and of course , the narcissists who speak about teamwork but whose actions prove they are only about their personal gains and are really not about anything but their “ bag”. It’s just not as prevalent in college and they still play for each other. enjoying possibly their only chance to win a championship. It’s a business still, but not as in your face as ‘THE SHIELD”  is. 

    Also , basketball is played much the same as it was in the 70’s , other than held balls and the 3 point line. Try and keep up with pro football , and the myriad of changes makes it hard to grasp each year   It’s  still way too often decided by too many part time refs and waiting literally on minutes for replay to still come back with not enough evidence or even frankly still wrong. Basketball doesn’t suffer from all the delays between plays , reviews, innumerable commercials .  Rare doe it have  Overhyped ,overextended halftimes.  It’s still a faster paced game. 


And never tell me about so called football experts, its plethora of podcasters that talk like they know more than regular fans, or all the draftniks who spend hours evaluation tons of mock drafts..  they are rarely even close and do all that wasted “film time” , as only 4-5 0f drafted players from each time will even see plating time. Yeah tell me experts have validity when almost 0 0f them predicted Diggs being traded. Actually criticizing any other opinion  sarcastically “because there was no way with that cap hit”!  It’s just proof , experts are no more than guessing amateurs and spending money on their “opinions” is just akin to scams. If you can’t predict a major trade like Diggs , how far off must your other advice be ?   


   But my main point still comes down to which event do you enjoy more?  The SB , with its multimillion dollar athletes who will do the same all over again next year , with little on the line for them personally as most have already made their fortunes , or the excitement of march madness who didn’t have 2 anthems sung to please its corporate crowd., and is still the same sport we basically all have played. I love the BILLS , but i really don’t care about the offseason that much. Because time after time , the season isn’t won until it actually counts.   The SB is good, most time anti climatic, but march madness and the final 4 is still ascending.  Give me a BILLS win and i might feel different,,,,but 55 years is a lot to ask!  Still, a great anthem tonight!  Great game tonight!  




that was an absolute wall of text to tell a professional football board that college basketball is better. Seems like keystrokes wasted.

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7 hours ago, LeGOATski said:

NC State's run was pretty exciting...

They were the ACC Champion and made the tournament over 30 times, including 2 championships, hardly a Cinderella

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7 hours ago, ToGoGo said:

With players transferring every year and teams being unrecognizable every season, I no longer follow college basketball like I used to. But March Madness was once must watch TV in my life. 

kinda like pro sports with free agency

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4 minutes ago, nucci said:

kinda like pro sports with free agency

Pro sports at least have contracts. But college sports had a different charm. Kids growing over 4 years and seeing them go from freshman to big time junior and seniors. 

Now I don’t even know what to watch for. They’re about to ban court storming even. 

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6 hours ago, julian said:

The Stanley Cup is the most difficult Championship to win in North American team sports. Even though I’m an NFL junkie, I enjoy the NHL playoffs on par with the NFL.


 All other sports lag far behind those two for my viewing pleasure.


Good point. After football season with the playoffs and Super Bowl then the most exciting sporting event is the NHL playoffs. Nothing better than a game 7 that goes in OT.

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The best part of March Madness is filling out the brackets. By the end of the first weekend my picks leave me less interested by the game.


I started losing interest in college sports when Syracuse left the Big East. Now it seems like all the conferences have been destroyed except the SEC and Big 20.

When Cal and Stanford are in the Atlantic Coast Conference there's a problem.

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