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  1. The difference between Trump or Biden and someone like Ramaswamy is astounding. I wish we had a candidate who could communicate normally at the very least.
  2. Kind of a double edged sword, but they can control the narrative better without a debate.
  3. Not from an unbiased perspective. And I think Kamala said she'd debate too, but I think it would benefit the Dems to keep her off the stage.
  4. They're not tripping anymore. That's the problem, and the payoff from pulling the switcheroo with Biden. Maybe they'll be stumbling again when Kamala gets on the debate stage, if that even happens.
  5. That's the most simple aspect of the situation and it holds more weight than people think. All Trump had to do was sit back and watch the left trip all over itself. Trouble is that the left is playing chess, while Trump is playing checkers. It's not too late to replace Trump with Ramaswamy.
  6. I understand the points being made and how to distinguish between the two articles. Very neat.
  7. Trump had it in the bag if Biden stayed. Now, who knows.
  8. You don't need evidence when you can simply connect the dots....... Work smarter, not harder.
  9. If you solely consider the post-Biden withdrawal period, then yes, they are organized Imagine if there was suddenly a void at the end of Trump's term? You think they would've stuck with running Pence for the next election?
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