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  1. It’s almost like I posted for a decade that it was a missed opportunity as we trotted out Lee smith. Hidden perks - real snaps for a young OL to develop too
  2. weird. You’d think having a rb, te and slot wr as your top targets would be deep sideline throws
  3. he’s injury insurance through the season and a well liked guy that makes the Monday-Saturday a better experience immediately no more no less
  4. yea right behind Trevor Lawrence and directly ahead of tua and Goff like I said, no one’s putting him with the josh-mahomes-burrow-Lamar crowd he’s a top 5-10 guy on his good days, and 10-15 when not on his game. and he’s paid as an unchallenged starter with some untapped upside
  5. he got paid like a starting quarterback
  6. I’ve never been super high on him but also I don’t think you really see him counted in the top group (and barely in the second tier)
  7. I think Tom might be talking as a broadcaster that’s trying for attention and not as a player giving true insight but who knows
  8. it’s all relative and his replacement is not fast
  9. how has he proven to figure out his post season failures between August and early December of this season? if you ask me to predict how we lose in January - it’s not Josh that I’m guessing. hopefully he proves that wrong. I think having our two new coordinators will help out.
  10. im not a doctor, I haven’t seen his records and it’s not my career. if he’s cleared and he’s made the decision - more power to him. unfortunately any given game we watch a dozen guys that will struggle mightily later because they provide us entertainment now. All we can do is wish them the best if we aren’t going to walk away from watching. Its a dangerous game.
  11. I think there is a balance and I do buy arguments that it’s a tough spot for a defender when you ask them to hit a qb at the belt buckle and then tell the qb to slide so his head is in the center of that zone I’m really struggling to see this issue here though. it was a solid 5 yard gap and the defender was not traveling head on at full speed. 15 feet is across the room you are sitting in reading this - two guys full speed head to head, maybe on the edge. Not the case here. Additionally he used his braced arm to hit him in the face - not a natural movement for a defender if tackling an upright player or if avoiding the sliding player. It was textbook inflicting pain on the guys head.
  12. could also be the past history, the ensuing fight and the follow up fighting after he was ejected all contributing too
  13. you know, call me crazy but I think that a dirty on field play should be a stiffer punishment than poor behavior in the offseason you know, integrity of the game and safety of coworkers being more important than being role models when deciding who needs to be taken off the field?
  14. yup. Ultimately, he was kind of part of a group of mid tier guys thrown at holes that on paper they could but were maybe not likely to fill. He outplayed his deal and 2 other vets were cut mid season as a strategy, this year we don’t save much with money wasted on MVS and Mike Edwards but next year we will be a little ahead. That we had him in house makes sense he had a better shot
  15. I mean, I agree he will get a bit knocked off but I think you might be swinging too far the other way with the waited until the last second to slide narrative. If you have to have a 10 yard buffer to slide it’s a meaningless rule
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