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  1. Congratulations Tua ... Personally, I think you could've gotten 60 Million out of them.
  2. When they hit turbulence he may just end up in your lap or on top of your head.
  3. Damn ... Now the Chiefs will win that division.
  4. Can't wait for Josh to hit Coleman on a deep ball ... 3 step drop and unload a 60+ yard pass... TD.
  5. This is the perfect spot for the standing Bison helmet.
  6. They get to play the Bears twice a season, they'll win 5 games.
  7. This probably comes from a GM paying Tua or a 50 year old AAron Rodgers.
  8. For that one hot and sunny game a year, being at the stadium wins out. For the other 7 home games I prefer being warm and dry.
  9. Kicker - Bass didn't look so good late last fall, last winter. It looked like he lost confidence and that can be difficult to regain. Having a 2nd Kicker on the roster right now instead of a 17th O-Lineman or 13th WR seems to make sense.
  10. Adams left Green Bay and Rodgers to go play with his college buddy in Oak Vegas. Now that his buddy is in New Orleans the Saints seem like a possible destination. Keep in mind that Adams is 31 years old and won't be cheap.
  11. Somebody is going to have to get creative to take the Darwin award away from this jamoke.
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