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Diggs traded to Texans for picks

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2 minutes ago, Augie said:


Brady used to piss me off when he’d start a game with 11 straight completions to 8 different guys. 


I do believe that was all Brady and HIS gameplan.  I so want Josh to start to think that way.

Sometimes you have to purposely wait for the 3rd read to come open.

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1 hour ago, ColoradoBills said:

 I so want Josh to start to think that way.


That'll make Josh a consummate QB.  S with you, that's what I've been looking for.  



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5 hours ago, Chugga said:

Maybe I just watch the wrong sports media but I’m blown away by how this has played out.  Every single offseason the national media basically said that Diggs was a malcontent that was causing friction on his team and with his QB.  He’d throw out those famous cryptic tweets and every media outlet would take 30 minutes deciphering how unhappy he was.  His brother flat out trashed his QB and Josh did nothing.


Now Diggs is traded and Josh Allen fed up after 1 loss makes an offhand remark (mind you no one seems to know what Diggs said before that remark) and that’s the whole story now.  The Bills got robbed, Diggs is going to be part of one of the best offenses in the league, he’s suddenly a top 5 WR again.  But man Josh Allen yelled at him ONCE.


Just crazy how it all flipped.

I think other people have mentioned - Graham's mention of the incident in his article was intended to be sympathetic to Josh and a bad look for Diggs - in the context that things may not have been 100% rainbows at the beginning of the year - but how much was it "Diggs being Diggs".  Josh was feeling terrible after loss, other players were consoling him and trying to pick him up, and Diggs goes over and whispers something - that obviously wasn't supportive or consoling - that set Josh off.  I haven't seen people pushing the Josh yelling as a negative angle - if they are they are not reading the original portrayal of the incident in the article correctly.  

Edited by stevewin
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Another interesting take - podcast with Matt Parrino and Joe Buscaglia.


Buscaglia is, I think, quite well connected inside the Bills.


Buscaglia has some interesting takes:


1) "I don't know that (the situation with the Bills) was "as toxic as some people are making it out to be".  He says Diggs is a "vastly misunderstood dude, quite honestly".  He says Diggs is a "very intelligent, self-aware, thoughtful person who understands what he's doing when he's doing it" but also "has not allowed his personal feelings, for the most part, to get in the way of his work ethic and trying to get the most out of everybody on the field". 

[all I can say to that is, Just Wow Joe.  Frankly, if that's true that Diggs is very self aware and understands what he's doing when he's doing it, then Shame On You, Stefon for some of the crap you've pulled]

He goes on to say "that said, was there some fatigue?  Yes.  I think that is very obvious, whether it was Stefon being fatigued with coming up just shy in the playoffs, whether it was fatigue of Stefon's I guess, intensity, from the building, but there was some general fatigue to where the Bills had opened themselves up to the premise of potentially trading him"

Joe says (and remember, he does have good connections) "from everyone he's talked to" that the Bills went into the 2024 off-season open to the idea [of moving Diggs] but also "believing that Diggs would be part of their 2024 plans".  He makes an analogy to Zillow and the blue "Make Me Move" dot, and says the Texans came in with a "Make Me Move" offer for Diggs, offering what may be a high 2nd round pick next year.

2) They discuss whether "the beat" missed the signs - brought up the Tim Graham anecdote from the Jets game.  Parrino points out he has a background in communications (not PR, how humans communicate) and that he felt a lot of the clips that came out (Josh and Stef being playful in practice) was PR and that he couldn't remember in the locker room seeing him communicate with Allen or interact with him.  So they feel there was a genuine disconnect, and neither of them know how and what it was (both say they've been trying to find out).  Interestingly, they both speak very highly of how great Diggs was to deal with in press conferences and how much more they got from him  [no mention of stuff I've heard directly from other media guys about Stef dodging his press responsibilities or declining to talk to press in the locker room for weeks or months at a time] 

They point out the reporters see everything in training camp, and then once the season starts and rules change, they only see about 15%.  


They both comment that Josh seemed like "a different dude" last season, in a press conference before Dorsey was fired he seemed "subdued" (and during the Denver game, after he scored to take the lead, wasn't pumped up or celebratory).  After that they spend a good bit of time going back and forth about Josh's demeanor and Stef's demeanor in interviews after the season with nothing substantive, ending by reiterating that they don't think the Bills came into the off season thinking they had to move Diggs, and at one point thinking they wouldn't, and then Houston came up with "a great offer".  They both agree that there was a real disconnect between Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs but they don't know what it is.

3) they discuss Buscaglia's mock draft and various WR in the draft




Anyway, give it a listen if you like.  I think the most substantive thing was Joe Buscaglia's take that the disconnect between Allen and Diggs was real, they don't know what it was, that per his sources the Bills didn't go into the off-season feeling like they "had to" move Diggs but that they were open to it, that the Texans trade was a good value that "made them move".


I personally was a bit shocked by what I would describe as Buscaglia extolling Diggs, how very intelligent and self-aware person he is and how he "understands what he's doing when he's doing it".  If that's the case, then Diggs is self-aware that he's behaving like a total douchecanoe at times (leaving the building after a tough loss).  Diggs seems to me more to fit the classic pattern of a narcissist. 

He is known to be a "player" romantically.  Those are usually narcissists, guys who can turn on the charm and make their target feel like 2 million bucks while the guy is "into them", then flip a switch and "drive by" with no concern for the former target's feelings or perspective.  They've moved on, why can't you?  And narcissists are the classic "double standard" guys, where they'll be happy to let you know everything that you're doing that isn't up to their standards, but God Forbid you hold up a mirror and expect them to see what they're doing that isn't up to the standards they have for you - That's Different.

So it doesn't surprise me that two press guys would perceive Diggs as giving a lot to the press and coming across very well to them, but somehow miss the big picture point that he would dip out on his NFL mandated press responsibilities when it didn't suit him - and I don't think Diggs has any clue what the impact of him dipping out on the team after a tough loss would be.


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5 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

There are so many false narratives about Diggs, why pick nits on this one?

Respect for facts. This particular one is not a big deal, but why contribute to misinformation?


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6 hours ago, Buffalo716 said:

You have no proof that Josh Allen does not work out with his receivers in the off season

You're talking about a kid who had a world class work ethic now all of a sudden since he got good he's a bum with getting chemistry with teammates




Palmer and Kyle Allen mentioned something about "Kincaid is out here now" on one of their recent podcasts.

IIRC Kincaid said something about he and Shakir were throwing with Josh last off-season. 


I can't tell you whether Allen does, or does not, put in the off-season and off-field work to elevate his play to another level

I don't need to tell you the level he's at is pretty damned fine


I'm just a bit aghast at the credulity people display about little clips on social media.  "Pics or it didn't happen"

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43 minutes ago, Beck Water said:




Palmer and Kyle Allen mentioned something about "Kincaid is out here now" on one of their recent podcasts.

IIRC Kincaid said something about he and Shakir were throwing with Josh last off-season. 


I can't tell you whether Allen does, or does not, put in the off-season and off-field work to elevate his play to another level

I don't need to tell you the level he's at is pretty damned fine


I'm just a bit aghast at the credulity people display about little clips on social media.  "Pics or it didn't happen"

I agree.  Josh has never been one to seek self promotion or stage photo/video ops.  In fact, quite the opposite.  

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4 hours ago, Beck Water said:

AnHe says Diggs is a "very intelligent, self-aware, thoughtful person who understands what he's doing when he's doing it" 

[all I can say to that is, Just Wow Joe.  Frankly, if that's true that Diggs is very self aware and understands what he's doing when he's doing it, then Shame On You, Stefon for some of the crap you've pulled]



Many have been saying this for quite some time now.


He knew what he was doing with the cryptic messages and things he would say.


Some even feel he took a shot at Allen today with this tweet:



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2 hours ago, Estro said:

I used to really look forward to Joe B's takes on thr Bills and draft content going back to his young days at WGR......but the last several years with the athletic his content hasn't been the same, IMO.  It's always like he's walking on eggshells, afraid to just tell it like he sees it. 


I still listen, but I've just noticed a difference. 

Feel like he was pretty fair on that podcast. 

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3 hours ago, jkeerie said:

I agree.  Josh has never been one to seek self promotion or stage photo/video ops.  In fact, quite the opposite.  


He does do promos and so forth, but they're pretty clearly paid promotions. 

He pretty clearly leaves Instagram and Twitter (X, whatever) to his media team to post said paid promotions and 'like' posts about Bills players and Bills team moves just enough to make it look like an active account.


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3 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Think about it for a minute. Beasley, Davis, and Diggs all left and feel bitter towards Bills fans.


Why is that?


Because they weren't good enough and the organization recognized it and acted on it.

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4 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Think about it for a minute. Beasley, Davis, and Diggs all left and feel bitter towards Bills fans.


Why is that?


Every single Bills fan?  I mean, these guys were all heavily criticized by Bills fans on social media.

Beasley for his covid opinions.

Davis for his consistent drops and disappearing acts for stretches at a time.

Diggs with his big drop in KC, his constant cryptic messages, his blow up on Allen on the sidelines, disappearing acts in the playoffs etc...


Diggs paid someone to write a heartfelt goodbye to the city of Buffalo.  


I think this should answer your question.

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1 hour ago, Simon said:


Because they weren't good enough and the organization recognized it and acted on it.

Yeah but they all seem overly defensive. I mean Beasley just recently is replying to tweets from fans saying Allen did it all himself. Why does he care what a fan on twitter says?

I just wonder if any of this spilled over to the locker room. Maybe the WRs felt they didn’t get enough credit for Allen’s rise to stardom. Something definitely there IMO.




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5 hours ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Think about it for a minute. Beasley, Davis, and Diggs all left and feel bitter towards Bills fans.


Why is that?

Because the best QB in the NFL is no longer inflating their stats? 

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