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Everything posted by zow2

  1. Von had no bend or acceleration until maybe the KC playoff game, and even that was like 50% what he normally would have. Hope he's mostly back this season that's for sure. Seeing the Milano video and interviews I'm getting Von flashbacks. Hope Matt takes his time on the come back.
  2. While I'm glad she's still alive, this is beyond sad what's happened to her in her prime years.
  3. The WR room is fascinating to me. On the surface, other then Shakir the guys seem a bit meh, like they are decent names but haven’t had these great careers (yet). But on the flip side, they’ve never played with an A+ QB like Allen who extends plays and throws dimes on the run like none other. You also have very motivated guys who might be on their last stop if they can’t succeed.
  4. As someone who had Sunday Ticket since inception up through 2022, Show me the money!
  5. zow2

    Matt Araiza

    I'm glad for Araiza, I always felt like he was bum rushed out of the league by social media and public pressure. The Bills had no choice in that moment to do what they did. I said it at the time. It's just annoying that the KC Chiefs have impunity when it comes to signing players with sketchy backgrounds (not involving Araiza). Rashee Rice is the lastest problem child...we all know Tyreek Hill's history and they have had some other lesser known players on their SB teams that have not been the highest character. Yet somehow the football gods still reward them. Oh well. As Beane said in one presser leading up to the draft, you want high character guys but the team can't be all choir boys.
  6. Trying to tweak the mechanics on his throwing motion that is ingrained into him from youth, is probably going to mess up some of his throws. Hope not obviously.
  7. It's all great, except for the 737 full of KC fans coming to Buffalo 🤪
  8. You're not going to get away from the turnover thing. I don't live in Buffalo anymore but I'm around a lot of NFL fans for various teams. When I get into discussions with non-Bills fans the vast majority tell me that Allen is tremendous but turns the ball over too much. I spew out stats about 50 TD's, etc.. and how statistically he's one of the best playoff QB's in the history of the game. No one cares. All they come back with is, OK where's the MVP? where's the Lombardi?!? I've said is plenty and I'll say it again....Mahomes may be the best QB in football, but Josh Allen has been the best overall player (athlete) for a few years and that can't be disputed.
  9. Yep, and some folks prioritize a nonstop over a cheaper connecting flight. Especially in December. One bad weather front could mess up a connection in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, etc. and your whole weekend is screwed.
  10. I see a nonstop on Friday 12/6 at 1:25pm to LAX. That has to be it as SW normally does not fly to LA nonstop from BUF. The return leaves on 12/9 at 12:15pm The one stop flights are so much cheaper as of today.
  11. Pretty cool that out of 21 flights that Southwest added to their schedule (specifically for NFL fans), 6 of them involve Bills games. Week 2 @ Miami Week 4 @ Baltimore Week 5 @ Houston Week 10 @ Indy Week 11 KC @ Bills Week 14 @ LA
  12. They look cool but I think it's mainly because we aren't used to seeing the Vikings in frosty white helmets and accents. So it's different. If they want to wear those once, maybe twice a year fine...any more than that, nah.
  13. The All-World QB is so good, he just relies on himself in crunch time. 15 rushing TDs last year is sick. Shakir made a few Wow plays last season. The other WRs not so much. And of course when we needed the biggest catch of the season, a perfect 66 yard heave...Diggs dropped it.
  14. People that don't watch the Bills closely are so overestimating the loss of Gabe Davis. He had his moments but so often was invisible or had dropsies, bad route communication w Allen, etc.. Of course he had a role in blocking but that can be replaced. Losing (first 8 games) Diggs is one thing...but when they talk about our weak WR corp, they always include Davis who just wasn't what his reputation says he is.
  15. Only size Small are left in yellow. And no adult in Buffalo wears a small.
  16. All the arrests and thuggery mean nothing. The Chiefs have beat our a$$ when it matters and won Super Bowls. So in the end they won.
  17. Yep, even though GB is a small city Lambeau is more centrally located and easy to get to for visitors just for a quick stop over. The stadium site in Orchard Park is just out there, in nowhere's-ville. I just try to imagine myself and my family being in town during random weekdays between Dec- end of April when the weather sucks. What would get me out to the stadium area other than a game? They would probably have to build mixed use residential/retail/restaurants and museum type attractions. That just seems like a pipe dream.
  18. Josh will not have 15 rushing TDs this season. Probably more like 8. and i believe his INTs will be down and TDs slightly down as well.
  19. I was actually pretty excited Sat night to see them win it all again. It's good to see any Buffalo team raise the trophy and have confetti raining down. I had SportsCenter on in the background Sunday morning and they didn't show one highlight, not even a Top-10 play,,,,and the game was an ESPN+ production. That really brought home the fact that NLL Lacrosse is probably on par with NBA G-League in terms of moving the needle nationally. So yeah, it's great they won but only the people that follow NLL know about it.
  20. Yeah, when i think about this stuff it bother me. A team like the Steelers have all the trophies and their best two QB have been Bradshaw and Roethlisberger. I'm sorry but Kelly and Josh Allen are better than that duo and we have squat. So obviously it points to coaching and a serious lack of clutch defense when it matters most.
  21. Poyer was probably only signed by Miami to pass along any intel on the Bills offense and Allen. Who knows if he will even stick on the final 53.
  22. Can't say it was done on purpose, but seems like several of the elite AFC matchups will take place earlier than mid-season. I feel like the NFL is trying to avoid having the big teams playing against each other late season then again a week or two later. One exception is Bills/KC week 11. But as has been pointed out, Taylor Swift plays in Toronto a day or two earlier so that timing is probably orchestrated by the NFL to have her in Orchard Park for that game.
  23. Yeah, lol. that's the first reaction I had. The New York Montreal Habitantes Giants
  24. i’m not a Parks and Rec guy so it didn’t hit for me…..but was still pretty good. Maybe someday Josh could nail the Jim from The Office comedic timing, that would be awesome. He’s got time.
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