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  1. According to One Bills Live just now, they had over 200 applicants and did conduct interviews and evaluations. I think it was a matter of loyalty to a local guy. A lot of folks like him on play-by-play. Personally, I agree that he screams too much into the microphone and tries too hard with "catchy phrases."
  2. Because local law enforcement likely has more manpower. SS covers the immediate area and relegates the outer distances to the locals. That's my conjecture and I'm sure we'll hear more in the coming weeks.
  3. That's my point. I don't think this was an assassination attempt as much as it was a mass shooting. However, I will defer any further opinion pending the full investigation. I would add that if Trump was targeted by this kid, it could just as easily have been because he viewed Trump as a bully. I want to hear more confirmation regarding the explosives in his car etc.
  4. I agree that killing people is illegal. It just doesn't stop people from doing it.
  5. But not until after 4 people were shot...one fatally.
  6. Apparently, the entire perimeter was open and unprotected. The SS is saying it was the purview of local law enforcement. People in the stands could see the kid and we're trying to alert the authorities but no one was paying attention. Their focus was the immediate crowd.
  7. And a $15 donation to a progressive group (not the Democratic party per se) means nothing. The kid may have been concerned about climate change. I don't think this kid was political at all.
  8. I agree. This is just my opinion but likely this had nothing to do with politics. This kid was lashing out and wanted to make a statement. This was a public event, near where he lived with lots of people. His opportunity. Anyone who is pointing fingers at one side or the other is part of the problem. Too many shootings in this country...period.
  9. He was talking about his charity before he made his comments. Likely, he's trying to rile up the Bills fan base so they start donating! You hit the nail on the head!
  10. I lost my Dad in 2006 but one of my favorite memories was sharing wine and Monday Night Football with him one evening. I was visiting for the holidays. My Dad was hard to buy for, so that Christmas I bought a nice set of two bottles of French wine in a nice wooden case. The Monday after Christmas that year, Green Bay was playing. I can't even recall who they were playing, but I recall it was a good game. Mom was watching her sitcoms in their bedroom. Dad went out into the kitchen and came in with the bottle of white wine and two wine glasses. We enjoyed the wine and the game. Then...Dad went back into the kitchen and brought in the bottle of red. So...we killed two bottles of wine (albeit I do believe Mom got a glass) watching and enjoying that game. It was one of my fondest memories.
  11. As well as the national pundits who don't really watch the games and just go by past history. They see the players the Bills lost and extrapolate from there. They didn't pay any attention to how ineffective those players were in the second half of last season.
  12. That's why I've come to appreciate Mina Kimes. Like she said...she watches the games.
  13. They were saying it was cheaper for people to fly to Paris and watch the Taylor Swift concert there, than try to catch a concert in the US.
  14. I agree he is entitled to his opinion. I disagree with your statement about living in a "world where celebrating the nuclear family is negative." I don't see that. However, what I do see is a movement within this country to take steps backward when it comes to the rights of women and minorities. I think that has created a hyper-sensitivity when we hear rhetoric that even hints of supporting that. It's like if you took the Army's slogan, "Be All You Can Be" but added the addendum, "By the way, all you can be is...." (fill in the blank).
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