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  1. To add to this. EVERY flight is full these days. They should really just announce when we don’t have a full flight, that would make things easier. The pre-check line is even getting absurd. It’s to the point where I’m seriously considering getting Clear so I can skip the pre-check line.
  2. From what I’m reading, Darnold is the favorite to start.
  3. The problem with this is, with the lack of any space at all, there isn’t even room underneath for a bag. I always fly with a backpack, I also am a taller guy. If I put my backpack underneath the seat in front of me, my knees would be in my chest for the entire flight. Therefore, it always goes above. My logic is, I am as entitled to space in the overhead bin as anyone else. Also, I’m usually traveling with my family of 4 and we almost always only have 2 backpacks. So we always under-utilize our space.
  4. It could be Randy Moss, T.O and Calvin Johnson, it wouldn’t matter with Sam Darnold at QB.
  5. I don’t like the caption the Chargers put on this. If Harborough can do it, I’d put money on almost any younger coach being able to do it. Tomlin, McDermott, Salah could easily.
  6. That division has been so depressing. I thought one of those teams would have had a chance in years past. This year, I don’t feel any of them have a prayer. Herbert has his worst support cast of his career, Denver has… Paxton Lynch… I mean Bo Nix, and Oakland has fat Derek Carr (Aiden O Connel). No way they are competing.
  7. Ha, done this flight before! Usually in southwest we just buy the business fares to get A1-A5. If you are flying to Orlando you better have A or you are not getting in the plane. Entirely pre-boarding and family boarding for those ones.
  8. Came here to post exactly this. No other airline gets 10-20 preboards on a normal flight. Lots of invisible disabilities on a southwest flight.
  9. I completely missed the article saying 2022. Thank you for that.
  10. The rams were expecting a 6th round rookie to start at CB? I understand injuries may happen that necessitate that during the season, but that doesn’t seem like a tremendous plan to start the year off.
  11. At least they didn’t make the poor guy Epstein himself.
  12. That doesn’t look very good. Reminds me of the Tony Romo “cramp” of a few years back.
  13. I can’t say I’m shocked. He isn’t getting moved.
  14. In their defense, the voters really decided this one. Haley smokes both Biden or Harris. Republicans, once again, chose the least electable candidate - just like in 2020.
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