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    Raleigh NC - 650.29 miles from Nick Tahou's; 656.97 miles from the old Mulligan's Brick Bar; 643.02 miles from One Bills

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  1. In one of the summaries yesterday (can't remember who) the person reporting had a snippet that he watched Solomon a bit and he wasn't able to generate anything for the snaps this guy watched. Doesn't mean anthing in the overall picture but it was the one mention I've seen
  2. So if you listen to the PC and the whole comment around what he said - what he meant was that WRs will have no single assigned/designated position to learn for a play, - ie. they should all be ready to play any of the WR positions and understand what to do from any spot in a formation - not that there are literallly "no positions"
  3. That's pretty high praise lol To a person every interview I've seen where Hollins name comes up players/coaches gush about him. Can he marry my daughter?
  4. I'm willing to bet it is something closer to this. From Jessica's article alluding to the extent of the brain damage it certainly wasn't a given she would ever recover fully
  5. So you're saying Samuel will be a 1000 yd receiver?
  6. I remember one game - I can't even remember the situation - Mularkey said after the game about some key play in the game "There was no Plan B" - which I guess could be interpreted as "We were all in on that" but I think he meant they literally had no alternate plan 😛
  7. It's also about the sum vs individual. The everybody celebrates thing - team goals - anti-diva
  8. FWIW I'm a fan of separate threads for each day vs one mega thread - impossible to easily go back and find things from any previous days, also allows dicussing specific things from separate days in an ordered way
  9. The whole kickoff thing could be interesting. Lots of opportunity for innovation - feel like some teams are going to be trying some wild things early on - and lots of things likely to be copied (and needed to be accounted for) as the season goes on
  10. VIP have the best shot at autographs since they have access to fence on the field that players may wander over to (my avatar pic). If you don't have VIP they usually have a few players designated to sign in the stadium after practice is over. Not sure if sometimes a player or two will come over the the bleachers when it is over - I leave by then but seems like I've seen clips of that. Sometimes players will sign going to/from the field if you can get a spot on the fence outside of the tunnel entrance. Sometimes a few will stop at the tunnel coming off the field but that can be a mob scene (and most direct access even for that is the VIP section on the field). One year my son got his hat signed by Beane by yelling 'Go UNCW Seahawks!' (both Beane and my son went there) from the top of the tunnel and got his attention and tossed his hat down then Beane signed and threw it back. That was back when things weren't so crowded - some people may still try to toss things (or even dangle things from strings) but not sure that would be recomended if it's really crowded (someone hit Josh with a box they tossed down in Highmark tunnel when he wasn't looking last year or a couple years ago and he was not happy). Things are way different than it used to be in terms of access. You used to be able to hang along the fence all around the field and be close to the players (and there was only a fraction of fans). One year Willis McGahee was hanging around with some RBs running sprints after practive and we called him over and he just walked up and signed my son's shirt. Now the fences are further back and the VIP takes most of the close access. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about the whole autograph thing anymore. IMO the experience is much more enjoyable and stress-free if that is not on the agenda.
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