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90 Bills, 4 Falls of Buffalo


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Just some random thoughts

Man I'm in tears watching.

Was wondering who on here experienced that as an adult or late teen. How did that feel watching live? I think It'd feel like a loved one died.


The Bruce play that should've caused a fumble, never remembered that, man so many opportunities , like they said,  should've never come down to a kick..


Also how much a SB would've boosted the legacy of these guys, Thurman should be considered 1 of the greatest but rarely gets mentioned for example 


Also, this O would be perfect for the k gun. Not 100% of the time but maybe 4 5 drives a game. Just a thought, with our personnel 


Also for Bills fans to show up 30k deep and calling for Scott, was amazing.

I'm honored to be a real member of this fan base as an out of towner


Ya just some thoughts,  that 90 team was awesome! They deserved that 1. 😪

Edited by JerseyBills
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I was 16 during "wide right" and cried a little. I felt like something went wrong with the universe. There was no scenario going into that game that I thought we could lose. 

The rally for Scott was special, but after a couple of years it just got so negative. Like the whole world hated us. It was a rougher ride in retrospect than it probably should have been. It wasn't until much later people really started to appreciate what we had accomplished. It was the drought and "Bills Mafia" that made the Bills lovable again. 


The last one I really thought we were going to win. Having the lead going into the half, after that fumble it felt inevitable that we would lose. I wouldn't trade any of it now. It was honestly the wildest sports ride of my life. 

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I was 18 for the first Super Bowl, 22 for the fourth. Huge Bills fan, still living at home in Buffalo for the first two, then in college. I attended the last one at the Georgia Dome with my dad. We were sure we had that one.


It did, indeed, feel like someone important had died.

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45 minutes ago, JerseyBills said:

Also for Bills fans to show up 30k deep and calling for Scott, was amazing.

I'm honored to be a real member of this fan base as an out of towner


I will argue - while it is a great show of humanity to have a loser parade, if this is the prevailing attitude of management then it makes sense they never got it done.  They kept Norwood on thru the following season.  While he didn't bite them in the butt at the worst possible moment in 1991 (he tried against the Raiders), I'm sure the players see that and know at an unspoken personal level they're safe if they have an off day too.  Not what you need at the most elite level of your profession.


Also, I feel this fanbase today would have a bigger turnout for the "awe shoot, we came up short again" parade.  It's more about the peppa pig moments and less about the on field results.

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I tried to watch it when it first came out, I had to tap out a few minutes in. I just couldn't do it, the part that hit me was in the beginning when Bruce said "everytime I watch it, I still think it's gonna go through".


I want to try it again now, my sons are teens & only know what I've told them & what they've seen in clips, I guess it's time.

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I lived every minute of the pain.

In fact i lost so much money betting on my Bills to win a SB, that it's a good thing Wegmans has brought out more JA grocery bags for me to pack in whatever i still own into them.

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I watched & lived each & every game ! the first game had as much of a impact on me as the day i watched the twin towers come down I can remember exactly where i was & who i was with dressed head to toe in every Bills type of gear i had even my socks had Bills logo on them .


Every fan blamed Norwood for losing the game but there was a ton of missed tackles at opportune times by the Bills D that  allowed the Giants to stay on the field . Then the fact that if they had gotten just 2 or 3 more yards Norwoods percentage for making th kick went up immensely .


I've seen teams with 8 seconds or less go for a out route to get a couple more yards & the Bills had the hurry up & Thurman was killing them that game, i often wondered why they didn't go for 1 more play to get those couple of yards . 

Does anyone know (i can't remember) if they had any time outs left to where if they did try another play and didn't get out of bounds that they could used a time out ? If so that to me was another screw up by the Bills . 


I always wonder what if ? And while watching it think will it go win this time but we know that answer . But that is & always will be a huge part of Bills history, to another thing i question is would the Bills have won 1 if Kelly wasn't such a D**K when they drafted him & he went to the other league for the money ?


But here we are & i have faith in the team as it is & think that McD & Beane will  find a way despite the "Football experts" we have in the Bills Maia .


GO BILLS !!!! 

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3 hours ago, T master said:

Does anyone know (i can't remember) if they had any time outs left to where if they did try another play and didn't get out of bounds that they could used a time out ? If so that to me was another screw up by the Bills . 

Looks like Kelly spiked the ball with 9 seconds left...that's an eternity in today's game.


Full PxP: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199101270buf.htm#all_pbp  Linked page does not say when TOs were taken, but I believe the Bills were out of them.


I hear Four Falls is a great documentary but I won't watch...too soon.

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3 minutes ago, Ned Flanders said:




Looks like Kelly spiked the ball with 9 seconds left...that's an eternity in today's game.


Full PxP: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199101270buf.htm#all_pbp  Linked page does not say when TOs were taken, but I believe the Bills were out of them.


I hear Four Falls is a great documentary but I won't watch...too soon.

Ugh reviewing that game it's amazing how little time we spent on offense, drives all over the place of two-three minutes, it's no wonder the defense got gassed in the 3rd quarter. 

2 minutes ago, Haslett_Stomp said:

I've been getting texts from college friends who are not Bills fans asking if I've seen Four Falls.  My response:  "I lived it."

The worst to me was the third one, as felt like the greatest comeback was a sign that we were meant to take it that year only to get crushed by Dallas. 

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It's a brutal watch, but I love how it defines who we are as Bills fans. 


These games occurred on or around my 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th birthdays. 

SB25 was on my birthday. 

It teaches you how to take a punch, that's for sure. 

I really do feel like it's helped me deal with adversity.

But *****, I'd trade all of it for one damn Lombardi trophy. Haha





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I watched it once - it is excellent.  I can not watch it again.  Maybe if we eventually win one it would be less painful, but I won't go near it now.


We might have won 2 or 3 if we got that 1st one.  It was already in their heads to not be Denver by the 2nd one, and I remember Madden saying that it seemed like the Bills wanted to win "too much."  Never should have come down to Norwood in the 1st - quite a few missed tackles on that LONG drive the Giants had in the 2nd half.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  Losing a Super Bowl is the hardest loss in sports, and we did it 4 consecutive years.  

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Hasn’t this doco been around for like 10 years? Have they put out a new version recently given there have been a couple  threads about.? 

I lived it too in real time …


Still can’t believe they lost that first game … they were outclassed the other three times..so they don’t hurt me as badly ..


I remember the Redskins game … I was backpacking around Europe and  found myself in Seville Spain on the day( night)  … I spent money I didn’t have to check into a fancy hotel that had satellite TV to watch the game ( it wasn’t on Spain free to air TV at the time)


What a waste… think I was asleep by halftime ..



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45 minutes ago, Success said:

I watched it once - it is excellent.  I can not watch it again.  Maybe if we eventually win one it would be less painful, but I won't go near it now.


We might have won 2 or 3 if we got that 1st one.  It was already in their heads to not be Denver by the 2nd one, and I remember Madden saying that it seemed like the Bills wanted to win "too much."  Never should have come down to Norwood in the 1st - quite a few missed tackles on that LONG drive the Giants had in the 2nd half.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  Losing a Super Bowl is the hardest loss in sports, and we did it 4 consecutive years.  

I don't know. Losing the Stanley Cup on home ice in triple OT on a goal that shouldn't have counted when the Sabres hit one off the crossbar in the 2nd OT was pretty hard too. 

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