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T master

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    Nashville TN

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  1. That is awesome God does answer prayers !!! I hope she continues to get better in time ! It's great that the first lady of the Bills being at practice she is a great example of a fighter & if the players see that i hope it influences them or gives them more motivation to fight to be better ... Continued prayers Mrs Pegs get even better soon !!
  2. It comes to both sides Democrats & Republicans, from businesses that want to persuade a POTUS to think the same way they do and to quite possibly by donating make them think they owe them some kind of favor . All of the corporate donations should go to help the homeless not to help a POTUS get elected . Let them do fund raisers like dinners, speeches, or things of that sort no outside business involvement at all in a election ! There's no conflict of interest in that is there ? If big pharma or say Monsanto donates millions to help get a president elected you don't think they will be asking for favors ? There also should be a rule that these "Super Pacts" or what ever they are, should be made known to the people so they know exactly where the money is coming from, that's as bad as having lobbyist in DC, alls they are is a paid bribery artist being nothing but high paid lawyers, none of that should exist in politics any where . Democrat or Republican both do it so do away with it all !!
  3. Okay so you may not be angry but i nailed the & it was rest nothing but net !!!
  4. Is it any wonder Joe put her in charge of the border crisis that wasn't, isn't, or never has been ?? Can we all agree she's a moron !!!
  5. And put more young black men in prison during her time as DA than anyone ever did in Cali. Along with the sex offenders .
  6. Big Bird to smooth over the things she will wind up screwing up .
  7. Let me guess - Angry - Non conservative - Trump hating - Bi polar millennial - Liberal Democrat ?? Close ? Just wondering . Nailed it !!! Anger management could help you immensely !!
  8. Given all that has been happening of late in politics the change in the board, if no one else has noticed has been a OMG thing . Use to be a day wouldn't go by with out a new Neo Nazi post from BT about the orange man & he usually had at the very least 7 different new posts or reply's slamming him . But as of the last few weeks crickets ! I haven't even seen any reply's slamming anyone else here . Nothing about Joes sudden change of heart deciding to retire or about the recent shooting . Is BT okay ? Has he had a revelation about the orange man and he is afraid to let it be known ? Has he been born again ? I'm starting to get a little worried . Maybe they fired him and no longer need his input against the opposition in this election cycle . BT Phone Home !! Just let us know you are okay brother, even the Donald has noticed your disappearance . Did i miss his good bye post here or is he just on vacation recharging his batteries to back Kamala now or what ? If you have heard please let us know inquiring minds want to know . Tibs must be very distraught with this development . Tibs have you heard anything at the office about BT's where about's ? I just hope he's okay .
  9. I'll bet him and Po won't get along real well this season ! Not seeing a invite to dinner or to come over & play Mario cart any time soon !!
  10. Well sometimes the truth can be a very hurtful thing, at least Aaron knows the truth and before you can move forward the truth must be known as such and you must admit it to your self ...
  11. No i never, but that's cool i didn't know that or see that episode . Great cartoon though loved the Jetsons as a kid !!
  12. Well at least there is a good start she knows she is a women & that she is sitting at a table - in a blue out fit - 3 for 3 on that one !!! But i'll just bet it's all down hill from there !!!
  13. And for that matter Bernard should be on the list too for his performance & i believe if he wasn't injured in the Chiefs game the out come would have been different than it was . Definitely would have been if Millano wouldn't have been hurt !!
  14. Every single politician, lobbiest, in DC needs to be fired and they need to put the gold standard back in place to control the unfettered spending that has happened ever since, there are no restraints to what these idiots can spend and they ALL just keep doing it !! My old man use to tell me all the time don't write checks that your ass can't pay & that's exactly what all of these politicians do ! The Presidents every one do the same thing because there is nothing in place to stop them, if they need more money they print it or just raise the debt ceiling & who pays for that stuff ? We do ! As long as things stay the same as they are now nothing will change . The other thing that has helped all of this is the Federal reserve act of 1937 . Up until that time the US gov't didn't pay interest on the money they had because they owned that money & any interest was paid to the Federal gov't not the Federal reserve . Then the Federal Reserve Act of 1937 (Thank you Woodrow Wilson - Dem. ) was put in place, which he later admitted was the worst thing he had ever done to the country & this was the exact thing in part that the people ran from England for . Then the Federal money was no longer owned by the federal gov't but by the Federal reserve & it's owners and then the US gov't had to start paying interest on the monies borrowed, couple that with stopping the gold standard so there was nothing to keep the spending in check & here we are today $32+ Trillion owed . And IMHO there have been people since killed because of all of this . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting things to change . NOT !!
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