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Ned Flanders

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    Annandale, VA via Rochester, NY

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  1. Last couple of times I've flown out of DCA, they have you go past the bomb-sniffing dogs, so that when you get to the checkpoint, you can keep everything on and just put your bag through the x-ray machine. Much more convenient. Dogs...we don't deserve them.
  2. USA Today has not been relevant since Larry King died.
  3. Fran Tarkenton Gene Washington Alan Page Was a Viking fan in the early 70s...fun team to watch, always on TV.
  4. Recall his original name was Tralfaz, in the episode where his supposed original owner came to reclaim him from the Jetsons.
  5. In 1973, week 4, while with the Eagles, Dempsey shanked a kick that would have given Philly the win at Rich. Six years later, history repeated itself, but in a bad way.
  6. Tiger scouts were in Norfolk over the weekend to look over Holliday, Mayo, Norby, Stowers.
  7. Remember the Saturday night lineup with MASH, Mary Tyler Moore Show, All in the Family, Bob Newhart Show, Carol Burnett. Did people stay home more on Saturday nights in the 70s? Nowadays, Saturday night is a TV wasteland. On Carson, he and Rickles use to talk about their vacations overseas together with their wives...hilarious TV.
  8. Agreed, halftime of that AFC championship game was the best part of the day...it was the happiest 20 minutes of being a Bills fan. The concourse was a huge, drunken party...and it couldn't have been any better any other way. Remember, we had gone to war only a few days before, so the country was on edge. But the game provided a three hour release from the madness and when the West Point marching band left the field after the playing the national anthem, you knew there was no way the crowd would let the Bills lose.
  9. I don't think this is hyperbole here...I certainly remember the angst about signing a new lease. Ralph, who is cheap BTW, wasn't throwing bombs about moving the team but there was a certain uneasiness about the franchise. There was a lot of political wrangling on all levels, federal, state, local, to get the lease signed. I remember the late great Tim Russert talking about going to visit with Sen. Chuck Schumer in DC as a "Son of Buffalo" in support of a new lease. It was certainly a tumultuous process, that thankfully, got done.
  10. Remember hearing Flutie say that the play was supposed to be a handoff to Thurman, but they got their signals crossed. Good thing, because as the video shows, Thurman was stacked up at the line on 4th down.
  11. That one's up there for sure...recall though that the game was blacked out in WNY, due to not selling out before the 72 hour deadline. I remember listening to the call on the radio. Believe it was during the short time when Van wasn't on the radio, it was Al Meltzer and Rick Azar.
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