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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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My initial observation of the video:


After watching both videos quickly, I am not able to draw any conclusions one way or the other. Maybe I have to spend more time watching them, but, at least at first glance, I do not see a whole lot to convict McCoy based on the videos themselves.


He might be innocent or guilty as hell. I have no idea.


As an aside: Shady is a great football talent. I was initially against not signing CJ, trading Kiko, and signing Shady to a contract that exceeds both of their contracts.


When healthy, Shady was a dynamic runner. When he kissed the Eagle etc. at the game in Philly, I had that feeling that he would never feel that way about my team and hometown and he would always prefer to be in Philly over Buffalo.


When this story broke yesterday, I found myself defending Shady (maybe because I am an attorney although not a criminal attorney).


In the end, no matter what actually happened or did not happen here, I can say with just about 100% certainty that CJ never would have been involved in something like this (or even present at such a membership club).


Shady is a dynamic runner, but I really hope that this incident is not a distraction throughout the off season or next season. If he is guilty, the Bills may have to move on (depending on what he is guilty of). If he is not guilty, I hope that this is established quickly.

Edited by Peter
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Not looking good for Shady. At best it's just another exercise in poor judgment. At worse, his career is over and we are left again to pick up the pieces. If he is jailed, do the Bills still owe him guaranteed money and does it count against the cap??

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i see shady throwing at least one haymaker punch in the melee.


he gets pulled off, but goes back in for more.


he gets pulled off again, held back, directly looks towards someones phone videoing the fight, he calms down.


he is in a heap chit of trouble.

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"We believe the man in the red boxers who gets pulled into the ice bucket is LeSean McCoy."



There's a quote you don't see every day

Edited by stevewin
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i see shady throwing at least one haymaker punch in the melee.


he gets pulled off, but goes back in for more.


he gets pulled off again, held back, directly looks towards someones phone videoing the fight, he calms down.


he is in a heap chit of trouble.

He sure is. It is clearly him.

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From a criminal law point of view:

  • if Shady has past problems with the law--this event is going to leave a mark
  • if his record is fairly clean, he might come away here not to damaged

From a civil law point of view--Shady has big problems here. Especially with the guy reported to have a skull fracture.

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Not looking good for Shady. At best it's just another exercise in poor judgment. At worse, his career is over and we are left again to pick up the pieces. If he is jailed, do the Bills still owe him guaranteed money and does it count against the cap??

Since the cash has already been paid the Bills would be on the hook for the remaining cap hit from his signing bonus, of which $10.5M is remaining. 75% of that could be deferred until 2017 with a June 1st designation. His $4.8M salary for 2016 becomes fully guaranteed on the first day of the league year, which is March 9th. The Bills could almost certainly get out of that though. They'd also have to draft or find and sign another starting RB. The real problem here might be timing. Who knows how long the legal process will take? Or if Goodell would suspend or otherwise discipline McCoy in the meantime. I would not be surprised if McCoy played part of, or even the whole, 2016 season while the case is pending. This could go a lot of different ways.

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The new TMZ video is the smoking gun. The other one was grainy and bad resolution. In the TMZ one you can clearly see Shady throwing a punch at someone that appears to be on the ground. He's not getting away with this one.


I'm absolutely embarrassed this guy is on our team. He looks like an ignorant a-hole saying Chip is a racist and now this. No wonder Chip got rid of him. Way to prove him right. At this point I wouldn't care if we cut him and drafted Elliot from Ohio state. He will be cheaper, less injury prone, and probably more productive. Then we have Karlos and Gillislee too

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The new TMZ video is the smoking gun. The other one was grainy and bad resolution. In the TMZ one you can clearly see Shady throwing a punch at someone that appears to be on the ground. He's not getting away with this one.


I'm absolutely embarrassed this guy is on our team. He looks like an ignorant a-hole saying Chip is a racist and now this. No wonder Chip got rid of him. Way to prove him right. At this point I wouldn't care if we cut him and drafted Elliot from Ohio state. He will be cheaper, less injury prone, and probably more productive. Then we have Karlos and Gillislee too


He'll do no time, 3-4 games from the NFL...

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My 1st concern is my football team.....they are a better team with Shady on it




I was much impressed with Karlos and Gisalee this past year.....and I think we can weather the storm of 3-4 games

in an odd scheduling quirk, it will be announced in April that the Bills play the Pats** twice in the first 3 weeks of the season
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