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    639 Exchange Street Road

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  1. So you’re saying that you and your wife are rimmers?
  2. They haven’t been relevant since 2009. They don’t deserve their own thread!
  3. People sitting in window seats who refuse to shut the blinds after takeoff.
  4. That 2015 Royals team was built perfectly. I don’t know who the GM was, but the entire batting order was made of players who made contact. All the time. It was ingenious. It’s practically opposite what Cashman keeps churning out year after year. Small ball and decent coaching will always beat the “out-HR everyone” model.
  5. That’s the team they chose to build. And pinning your hopes on a pitcher in his mid-30s to be your savior is never smart. Once Cole went down with a bad elbow, he was done. Yes - he can still pitch - but he will not be dominant this season, if ever again. Couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of #######, including their ####### fan base. I also think it’s cute when Boone says naughty words and thinks it’s going to help. They’re getting what they deserve after letting Girardi go and replacing him with this idiot - who had never coached/managed at any level of baseball in his life. Idiots.
  6. Watching Snoop carry the torch is what I’m looking forward to most. I can’t find anything re: Snoop and Kevin Hart doing commentary this year. I hope it happens.
  7. F*ck this thread. The obnoxious Yankees thread is where it’s at!! See you the there, Blah Blah Bilz!! 😘
  8. Im still gonna post on the Yankees thread.
  9. Other than injuries (which are reported), fights (reported) and notable absences (reported) … what could we possibly care about when it comes to training camp/practice? I’m not sure where all the concern and outrage is coming from.
  10. Gugny

    2024 Concerts

    Went to see Sammy Hagar at SPAC (Saratoga Springs, NY) last night. Sammy Hagar Michael Anthony Joe Satriani Jason Bonham Primarily Van Halen tunes from the DLR and Hagar eras. A little Sammy, a little Montrose and one Satriani tune. Hagar is 76-years-old and man, he doesn’t look, sound or act it. His voice is showing signs of age, but not horribly. He can still belt ***** out. He did show signs of fatigue, letting the crowd sing some parts and on a couple occasions, Michael Anthony bailed him out on mead vocals. But all in all, Hagar was phenomenal. Michael Anthony (my personal favorite part of the show) does not age. His voice is still killer and he showed some nice chops on the bass. Jason Bonham was fantastic. 1000x the drummer Alex Van Halen ever has been and ever could be. Joe Satriani …. It should go without saying that he was ridiculous. He was. He played EVH parts with respect and stayed true to Eddie’s form, style and sound. My spoiler is that they did not do Eruption, which I am certain was out of respect - which I liked. My biggest takeaway from last night was that, while Satriani nailed all of the chords and notes (the guy is a virtuoso, after all), a lot of the chord progressions seemed a little choppy and almost labored. This isn’t a knock on Satriani. It’s more of an acknowledgement/realization of just how amazing EVH was. I’ve seen videos of Eddie playing the same tunes with a natural flow and grace. Yes - I realize that he wrote them and that’s a big reason the transitions were so smooth and flawless. But I’ve seen Satriani play an entire set of Hendrix tunes and it was jaw-dropping. Don’t get me wrong - Satriani was amazing last night. But it seemed like more work for him than the other couple times I’ve seen him live playing his own stuff and Hendrix stuff. I’ve always considered EVH a Top 3 rock guitarist of all time. After last night, I find myself contemplating crowning him as the GOAT.
  11. I am firmly in the “Josh Allen is a top 3 QB” camp. But I also believe that he could be closer to the best in the NFL if he could keep his head on for an entire season. I think he lacks maturity and mental strength. My only knocks on him since day one. That level of maturity and mental toughness is what separates Mahomes from Allen. Mahomes matured more quickly than Allen. Hence the rings.
  12. I don’t think he’s overrated, per se … but none of this (below) is incorrect. Josh Allen has been Josh Allen’s biggest enemy. I don’t think that can be denied. “Immense talent but he makes a lot of mistakes. He’s underdeveloped at winning at the line of scrimmage, tends to lock on to targets, more of a thrower than precision passer, forces throws into traffic.”
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