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Bills OL coach Aaron Kromer arrested (Suspended 6 games)

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as we know a plea deal is admission of lesser charge and is orchestrated by the DA in conjunction with the Judge. If he is not guilty he should take it to it trial.

still think he is covering for his son. we may never know.



Um, you do realize that his son was charged too, right? And do you really think Kromer is willing to risk throwing away a high paying career, simply because he doesn't want junior to have a tiny little misdemeanor on his record? Give It up man, it doesn't even pass the common sense test. If anything, the opposite makes the most sense. Junior should have tried to fall on the sword since he doesn't have nearly as much to lose, if anything. Think about it. A young guy in his early 20's hitting a teen doesn't sound nearly as bad as someone in his 40's doing it. It wouldn't even make the local news, much less national sports news. Dad would still be the OL coach and junior would be facing a small fine and possibly some community service. No big deal at all for someone his age.


If your theory is correct, I don't even want Kromer anywhere near the team anymore. Because he would have to be the worlds biggest idiot.

Edited by KDS73
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love him or hate him on our staff, its a tough spot with how the league tends to handle this now, compared to years past.

a prosecutor, knowing he is being held out of work until its resolved gets a whole bunch of free leverage to pressure him. Kromer obviously wants it done ASAP... but does have to be careful about plea deals too, as that can end up getting him suspended. for kromer is something like a guilty plea and short suspension better off for him than a drawn out trial, even if he thinks he has a good case, but is out of work in the meantime? (not that im arguing the specifics of his case in any way here)

the leagues discipline process can really get guys in a pickle with finding the best way to resolve the legal side of the case.

In this case Kromer is still getting his full pay so that actually alleviates the financial stress of the situation. There is always the worry that not being at work can show you are expendable, but it could also show that you aren't. That's the same reason many players try to cover up injuries. His real stress right now has to be whether this gets him suspended or fired so putting as good of a face on the situation has to be job one for him. That might mean a plea bargain. Pleading "Not Guilty" is in line with both that as well as a court fight. Legally I can't see him getting worse than a fine and probation. Maybe not even that.


Something that I've not seen mentioned is this: Kromer's council would have told him not to discuss the case with anyone except him unless directed by him and only in his presence. So Kromer won't be able to say anything to the owner, FO or coaches until this is over. I'm sure they know better than to ask. It's a misdemeanor charge so it wouldn't happen, but technically someone could get subpoenaed if it came out that he talked to them about the incident. And you never know what's down the road. What if there is another incident? It wouldn't even have to be intentional. Heck, it could be unrelated or even made up. Crazy things happen. Best to steer clear and wait it out if you are the Bills. See what the courts say, see what he says and then make the call.

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Um, you do realize that his son was charged too, right? And do you really think Kromer is willing to risk throwing away a high paying career, simply because he doesn't want junior to have a tiny little misdemeanor on his record? Give It up man, it doesn't even pass the common sense test. If anything, the opposite makes the most sense. Junior should have tried to fall on the sword since he doesn't have nearly as much to lose, if anything. Think about it. A young guy in his early 20's hitting a teen doesn't sound nearly as bad as someone in his 40's doing it. It wouldn't even make the local news, much less national sports news. Dad would still be the OL coach and junior would be facing a small fine and possibly some community service. No big deal at all.


If your theory is correct, I don't even want Kromer anywhere near the team anymore. Because he would have to be the worlds biggest idiot.

He was not charged originally. he came forward later.

in the heat of the moment a parent will do some stupid stuff.Logic rarely comes into play and when the incident occurred i dont imagine it was a decision it was reaction.

Not like they said , okay who should hit him ? " He swung at me so somebody has to hit him! " you do it Dad" No you do it Son. I have an NFL career to consider."

i know it seems far fetched , thats why i am not trying to sell it. but as little as we really know factually its unfair to reach any conclusions at this point. we have statement from what seems to be some kids.

and i think you just called me an idiot.

: )

i am just having fun. dont take me too seriously.



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Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago
Charges have been dropped against Aaron and Zachery Kromer, assistant Florida state attorney Bobby Elmore tells me.

Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago
The charges against Aaron and Zachery Kromer were dropped at the request of the accusers' parents, Elmore says. Two sides reached agreement.
(Someone write a check?)
Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago

Charges have been dropped against Aaron and Zachery Kromer, assistant Florida state attorney Bobby Elmore tells me.

Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago

The charges against Aaron and Zachery Kromer were dropped at the request of the accusers' parents, Elmore says. Two sides reached agreement.


(Someone write a check?)

That's exactly what happened. I'd bet my house on it. It's illegal to pay someone to drop charges, but it clearly happened here. Edited by BarleyNY
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Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago

Charges have been dropped against Aaron and Zachery Kromer, assistant Florida state attorney Bobby Elmore tells me.

Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago

The charges against Aaron and Zachery Kromer were dropped at the request of the accusers' parents, Elmore says. Two sides reached agreement.


(Someone write a check?)

Probably a weak case with culpability on both sides, the kind that would have been dropped anyway if no one was an NFL coach. So yeah, the other side probably recognized they had some leverage and Kromer wrote a check since he had the most to lose if it dragged on.



We still have to fire him, though....right? (kidding)

I assume so, based on all the moral high horsing we had earlier in the thread. Edited by KD in CT
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Mike Rodak ‏@mikerodak 2m2 minutes ago
The charges against Aaron and Zachery Kromer were dropped at the request of the accusers' parents, Elmore says. Two sides reached agreement.
(Someone write a check?)



or the parents are huge fans / season ticket holders!

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