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How will you react to a blowout?

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Yeah that's ESPN radio. Mikes Greenberg and Golic in the morning. And I agree, the station is generally worth listening to if you like sports talk.


As to the thread topic, I'm not expecting a blowout, but I am expecting the Broncos to win. Crazier things have happened, of the 3 remaining tough opponents, Denver seems to be the one where the Bills have the best chance, and that's why they play the games and all that. But the Bills are just not ready to be included in discussions with the likes of Denver, NE*, and GB. And Kyle Orton is not even in the same universe as Manning, Brady, and Rogers. But if it does end up a blowout I go about business as usual. What's the worst that realistically happens, the Bills end up with a better record than they have had in far too long at 8-8 and are on the obvious upswing.

Yeah it's espn radio but once 3:00 rolls around it's local and Bills oriented even though it's still "ESPN Radio"... Just want to clarify in case others want to check it out. To me anything is better than the WGR option from 3 to 6 (or 7 as it were)

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The Marrone going for 4th discussion made me start thinking what if the coaching staff just says WTF and goes totally balls out this game, going for it on 4th down, trick plays, fake punts...

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If Peyton is surgical and puts up a ton of points because of great execution, I'll be disappointed but not angry.


However, if the Bills show up for this HUGE game and, like they seem to do every time there is a huge game, make dumb mistake after dumb mistake and just look unprepared and undisciplined, THEN I will be upset. Like I am every time there's a huge game.

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You do realise the foolishness of taking these two positions at the same time don't you?

No foolishness at all, the Bills are in the position they are in due to ten years of mismanagement and poor coaching; an average team that will have everyone thinking playoffs but never getting there.
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Manning is a HOFer, but he does have weaknesses.


We need to exploit those to the fullest if we are going to have a chance at winning.


1) Manning is a statue, and doesn't like pressure straight up the middle. Try to find a way to get that pressure up the middle. Kyle Williams needs to have a great game.


2) Manning is at his best at the line of scrimmage, making his calls, and surveying what the D is showing him; he is a coach on the field and makes last second adjustments constantly. It is therefore CRUCIAL to confuse him. Mix things up, lots of movement, show false blitzes and so on.


3) Some have said Manning's arm is "not quite what it used to be." That is not correct. It is flat out weak now. I am amazed at how many of his passes now almost float to the receiver. Of course, when you can read the field as he does and put the ball right where it needs to be, a lot of the time a lack of pure arm strength doesn't matter. Try to take away the short 5 yard gains from Manning and make him zip the ball into tight coverage at medium or longer ranges; he will have more trouble if he has to do that.


4) We seem to have a talented defensive coordinator; I think he is the smartest guy on the staff. He needs to pull some magic out of his butt for this one and really do some clever stuff. Show Manning things he hasn't seen before if possible; confuse him as best we can; do unorthodox things with the LB corps; maybe even move the D line around often; anything that is "a bit out there" and challenges Manning. If we run a conventional D and do common things Manning has seen 1,000 times, he will eat us alive.


5) Although stopping Manning is a top priority, the D can't do it alone, no matter how well they play. Manning will find a way to get his points. The O simply HAS to have one of their better days and keep up their end of the scoring. For what it is worth, Orton is a classic backup journeyman QB, meaning he is hot and cold; he wins one, he loses one; he looks good, he looks bad. The guy is due for a good game! He really is.


6) Thin air in Denver. OK, I'm just making that up; if anything that helps Denver; they are used to it. Although Carpenter may set the NFL record for longest field goal of all time; the guy is a machine and that thin air does make a difference to the kicking game.

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A real fan would say "how would you react if the Bills blow out Denver "

So am I not a real fan because I believe the Bills are very, very, very, very unlikely to win this game?


The Bills are playing a team that gets into the endzone at will. The Bills get into the endzone at practice.


I'd love to see it. I'll be ecstatic if they do it. But no way in hell am I expecting the Bills to beat the Broncos.


And my fanhood ... it's real ... and it's spectacular.

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Few things, so losing a game that no one expects the Bills to be competitive in to a super bowl contender is going to push head office closer to firing Marrone? If they expect to lose badly, why would this push them to consider firing him anymore then now?


Second, so the defence is supposed to be elite, playoff worthy defence, yet everyone's expecting Manning and the Broncos to. destroy the Bills by blowing them out? If the defence is as good as people call them, shouldn't they be able to keep the game from getting out of hand or high scoring?


But obviously, a lose, no matter how much of a blowout or how close will have this board throwing wild tantrums with calls for Marrone and Hacketts heads immediately with cries about how bad this team sucks (except for a few players or the defence)

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So am I not a real fan because I believe the Bills are very, very, very, very unlikely to win this game?


The Bills are playing a team that gets into the endzone at will. The Bills get into the endzone at practice.


I'd love to see it. I'll be ecstatic if they do it. But no way in hell am I expecting the Bills to beat the Broncos.


And my fanhood manhood ... it's real ... and it's spectacular.

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There are probabilities, but no certainties when it comes to predicting wins and losses...that is why they play the games. I will be hopeful and that hope will be tempered by reality. I accept that a defeat in Denver is more likely than not; however, I do not accept that a loss is inevitable. So, in answer to your question, I hope they win and I will be disappointed if they lose...

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sigh.... the "revenge on the Broncos for ditching me for Tebow " game for Orton ? OMG stop it now. Network will play this angle up you know it... and then Orton will go out and put up 20. Great. Just saying there are 4 games left, not just one. Just need to win 2 of them. 9-7 might get it done. 10-6 and you'll be nominating Marrone for president.


Need lots of help after Brown blew the KC game for us with one key fumble, but it can be done.


We needed a lot of help with Bledsoe in 2004 and got it, but didn't handle our business against 3rd string Steelers...


I'm not even going to expect a win. so it won't bother me much. Defensively the Bills have a big advantage. The backfield has had issues these last 2 weeks, lets hope they get their heads on straight and cover receivers well.


Not so sure about that...Denver's defense is ranked #3 in the NFL based on yards, 2 spots higher than ours, and that is pretty impressive considering how often teams are in catch up mode against them...

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If Peyton is surgical and puts up a ton of points because of great execution, I'll be disappointed but not angry.


However, if the Bills show up for this HUGE game and, like they seem to do every time there is a huge game, make dumb mistake after dumb mistake and just look unprepared and undisciplined, THEN I will be upset. Like I am every time there's a huge game.

Lol. That is exactly how I feel. well stated.

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