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Goodwin's tweet about fans booing


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Marrone is going to get all Parcells & Coughlin on their asses...




I felt this way for a little bit tonight, but they are athletes. Have they never ever been booed for a bad performance? Have they never ever watched or been to another sporting event were the fans booed their team?


I just can't let them off of the hook. Everyone has been booed. Kelly got booed all the time, hell fans even chanted Collins, Collins...


After thinking on it a few hours I think a part of what irked me, and likely Goodwin, is this isn't a 2-12 team in December. They are getting booed before they've even lost a game. That's a whole lot of history getting out on guys that haven't been here for most of it. Even if tonight was ugly, you don't have the home team on THAT short a leash, do you?


I don't love the boos, don't love his reply. Not calling anyone a winner in this but.... Don't think anyone truly hammering Goodwin is being rational about it.

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After thinking on it a few hours I think a part of what irked me, and likely Goodwin, is this isn't a 2-12 team in December. They are getting booed before they've even lost a game. That's a whole lot of history getting out on guys that haven't been here for most of it. Even if tonight was ugly, you don't have the home team on THAT short a leash, do you?


I can and do agree with what you say. However, the team and these players can't be that sheltered where they don't understand all of the frustration out there.I think most fans would be happy and more content if they saw progress, but it does look and feel like more of the same. The offense hasn't lit it up, the backups look like they have regressed, the OL looks like a disaster and the penalties haven't been this high in a while...


In all honesty, it is up to them to change that, if they don't they are a continuation of it. They are carrying the burden of all of this and it really is all on their shoulders. The pressure the frustration and everything else doesn't just go away of percentages get assigned out based on your time here. It is like going into any under-performing company, the pressure to produce is there and the turn around is up to you and the members of your current team; the others failed. All of the weight of not hitting metrics and numbers doesn't go away.... Now I am not saying it is fair, but then again life isn't fair.


Somewhere this off-season I turned from the optimist into a cyclical old fan. IDK wtf happened to me.


In a preseason game, eh that might be a bit much, especially on kids night...

Edited by Reed83HOF
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these guys are softer than fluff (see what i did there?). i haven't heard the entire interviews, so hopefully their whining about the fans came after a long discussion about their poor play and how they take ownership of it. if the context was, "we sucked really bad...and the crowd didn't help" then I guess it's somewhat ok.


this part, however, leaves me wondering: "I don't think they should have done that, especially when the game first started and they weren't as loud as they could have been," Bills running back Anthony Dixon said after the game. "I felt like when we first went out there they (were) looking for something to go wrong."


uhm, welcome to buffalo?


and this didn't help: "I think the crowd has to put it on their shoulders and be louder before the game. Everybody should be on their feet, everybody should have been clapping and roaring and getting into the game. After our first kickoff return, it wasn't like that. We had to wake some people up. I think they have to get that out of their system."


if that performance is how they go about waking people up, they better be ready for a lot more booing.


It's preseason. Why would it he loud. The Ralph rocks Boobie, just wait.


I'm with alpha on this. Fandom is at an all time buffalo low. This board is basically rioting and looting. It is sad really. Hating for the sake of hate. It seems like a large number of the negative posters seem to post with a vast array of personal insults and poor grammar.

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I'm with Alpha Dawn, JR in Pittsburgh and the few others who have taken the position that booing your own team is boorish, ignorant and classless.


Especially in the freaking preseason. But, then again, you don't need to meet a minimum IQ score to buy a ticket or to buy a jersey and call yourself a fan.


Reminds me of the time when RJ was knocked senseless and couldn't get to his feet, and so-called Bills "fans" cheered.

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I'm with Alpha Dawn, JR in Pittsburgh and the few others who have taken the position that booing your own team is boorish, ignorant and classless.


Especially in the freaking preseason. But, then again, you don't need to meet a minimum IQ score to buy a ticket or to buy a jersey and call yourself a fan.


Reminds me of the time when RJ was knocked senseless and couldn't get to his feet, and so-called Bills "fans" cheered.


Ugh, I don't remember that. It made me sick when the Texans fans cheered when Schaub got hurt last year, and Chiefs fans booed when Cassel got up from being shaken up a few years ago. Or vice versa. I didn't think our fans would do that though.


Edit: Just looked it up, yep vice versa.

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All this time I thought that the Bills sucked because of poor choices in player selection, conservative coaching strategies, and lack of a viable QB. Turns out it was the fans fault all along. If that is what makes a team suck, I am going to be NE's #1 fan. lol

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Have they never ever been booed for a bad performance? Have they never ever watched or been to another sporting event were the fans booed their team?



Apparently not....even the mighty get boo'ed:












From Wikipredia: This practice has in recent times come under criticism. The opinion is often expressed that to boo a bad performance is unkind and demonstrates a lack of sophistication.



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No outsider remembers that. They watch sportcenter and see fans booing, and think we are fickle.


Beyond that, I just don't like to hear our own players booed; maybe it's just me, but I think it's a lame reaction with probably no effect. I prefer despondency and depression.


Probably the worst part about it, too. It does nothing, makes the fans look stupid and evidently pisses players off. It's a real lose lose situation.


But by all means, if you're a paying customer…

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how exactly have the players turned on the coaches and fans? fights in practice??? goodwin's tweet? you have a very low threshold for mutiny, don't you?


The Bills' players are already turning on the coaches and fans and it's not even regular season yet!

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Booing doesn't make a fan base look bad. It's one of two ways the fans can be heard en masse, aside from leaving the stadium early to reveal an empty lower bowl in the 4th quarter.


It's not just a message to the players on the team, but to the coaches and front office as well. If you buy a ticket for any game- exhibition or not- with the intention of staying until the last play, and the product you've shown up to support resembles a group of donkeys trying to build a playground, what are you supposed to do? Sit on your hands and grind your teeth? Is that what makes a passionate fan base? Is that really better form than booing?


I've lived in New York and Philadelphia. These places have fans that boo all of the time. I'll bet Boston does, too. It doesn't show up that often on SportsCenter unless people start throwing things the field.


For Goodwin to complain about it is reactionary.

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Gotta hand it to Coach Marrone. This is the fastest any of our head coaches have gotten the team into midseason form in years.




I guess players are human and react to negativity. Keep piling on. That'll improve morale.

Good point. It will become the fault of the fans if the Bills continue to be disgraced on the field. I get it.

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I'm not one to 'boo', but I can understand why people would. I doubt many of those fans spent their time and money hoping to see their home team take a 24-0 beating in the first half. If they don't want the fans to boo, perhaps they should consider putting a competitive product on the field.

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I really see both sides of this, and I was really frustrated with that performance, as I am sure we ALL were. No, it's not fair to attach 14 years of failure to a 20 year old who just got drafted, but at the same time, here is where I am coming from as a fan who, if I were at the game, likely would have boo'd that performance at halftime:


Every year, we are sold this new koolaid for the whole offseason of the team is now taking it serious, redoubling their efforts to win now, firing coaches or letting go of players who were seen as negative towards that ultimate goal, and bringing in players who are difference makers and genius coaches who are geniuses and only accept winning... And most of us buy it, because we love the team, so we are forced to be optimists about it. Because what choice do we have? So when a game like this happens, it is the proof of the lies slapping us in the face like the lies of infidelity. We have been told them over and over and over, and we want so badly to believe them, but when we see this ugliness, it just gives us the feeling that no, nothing will be different. No, that QB coach we brought in that was supposed to fix EJ made no difference. No, the former Super Bowl winning assistant who is now an offensive assistant isn't going to improve the offense. The coaching changes, the player changes, they are just newer versions of Jerry Grey, Turk Schonert, Josh Reed, JP Losman, and Keith Ellison. Just promises that we now see are broken, again.


I'm not necessarily saying that this year is lost (maybe our offense is sorry it cheated, maybe it didn't mean it!), the season hasn't even started yet, but the reason for the boo's is grounded, because we have been lied to for more than a decade, and that's what it felt like that first half was, that revelation moment that we're going to be losers again, despite the reported stockpile of talent.


I'm hoping I am wrong. All Bills fans are. Nobody wants to root for losers. It God Damn wears on you.


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Booing doesn't make a fan base look bad. It's one of two ways the fans can be heard en masse, aside from leaving the stadium early to reveal an empty lower bowl in the 4th quarter.


That's right, and it isn't bad form in the least.


I remember the Bills being roundly booed as they trotted off the field at halftime on 1/3/93. And we all know how that one ended. I was only in my second year as a season ticket holder, and I just couldn't bring myself to join in. Well, you can bet I booed yesterday.


None of the new electronic distractions, fresh paint, piped in music and scoreboard exhortations are gonna paper over a truly dismal performance. Sometimes the added embarrassment of your home crowd booing you might be the kick in the pants you need to wake up and pull your head out of your man cave. Seemed to help yesterday.


I see it simply as a healthy, little family squabble...the underlying love and support are still there.

Edited by Bleed Bills Blue
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We get this same prepackaged crap from this organization year after year after year. The fact they stuck with this kid offensive coordinator, no viable qb option behind EJ (if he is even viable), status quo on te... then we will hear familiar excuses... The cycle is easily recognizable at this point and is no fault of the fans... other than maybe the ones who accept it and always buy into all the front office shuffling. Even then I don't think the org would have done much different.


I hope pegula hears us loud and clear and gets into the heart of this.



Of course. It's preseason. That game yesterday though was pretty extraordinary.

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After thinking on it a few hours I think a part of what irked me, and likely Goodwin, is this isn't a 2-12 team in December. They are getting booed before they've even lost a game. That's a whole lot of history getting out on guys that haven't been here for most of it. Even if tonight was ugly, you don't have the home team on THAT short a leash, do you?


I don't love the boos, don't love his reply. Not calling anyone a winner in this but.... Don't think anyone truly hammering Goodwin is being rational about it.

He's been here for over a year now. Is it too much to ask him to change the pics on his site?


What he said was stuupid IMO.


Also stuupid to get all indignant about it.

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I'm with Alpha Dawn, JR in Pittsburgh and the few others who have taken the position that booing your own team is boorish, ignorant and classless.


Especially in the freaking preseason. But, then again, you don't need to meet a minimum IQ score to buy a ticket or to buy a jersey and call yourself a fan.


Reminds me of the time when RJ was knocked senseless and couldn't get to his feet, and so-called Bills "fans" cheered.


Bully for you. Maybe you guys should all go eat your Snickers with a knife and fork. The rest of us see no issue with using the one tool at our disposal for expressing displeasure with the product on the field. Also, to compare booing a terrible performance to cheering when someone is injured is nonsense.


But hey, we're all feebleminded untermunchen to you.



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