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  1. Hey bumping this because I just randomly hit Ticketmaster and was able to get my tickets. Clearly they've opened up some Grab them while you can!
  2. I saw Brown at the Speedway in the village of OP on Thursday night. Dude is just massive.
  3. You could say that yes. Note, I didn't say "wow, I'm convinced and will now vote for him and so will my 2 friends who care greatly about women's reproductive rights". My point wasn't that I was swayed but rather that for anyone who is undecided or someone on the fence that was a pretty compelling speech compared to anything Biden can possibly deliver.
  4. I watched the Don with 2 Dems and 1 staunch Trumper. For the record, I'm generally a "never Trump" guy. All 4 of us agreed it was a pretty damn good speech.
  5. He's just missing a piece of paper labeled "PRESS" tucked into the hatband to go full-on cartoon reporter.
  6. That's a pretty stupid and disingenuous take. I think he should be replaced too, but he is not the "democratically nominated candidate", not yet anyway, and he's clearly become medically and mentally incapable of performing the job.
  7. The quote would have been longer had you been able to actually understand some of the leading and trailing words around it.
  8. Yeah, "fought" is fine. If there are any other vets here that disagree, feel free to chime in.
  9. Being in an active theater of war counts as fighting in a war, even in a clerical position. Your life is at risk from mortar and rocket attacks. You're in the middle of an active insurgency. It counts.
  10. Yeah, in reading that memo, it doesn't reek of anything other than "we don't know much so don't speculate or editorialize".
  11. A TikTok trend convinced me to attempt seppuku with a frisbee. I'm much better now though... blockquote widget
  12. Imagine a thread that was effectively celebrating the high suicide rate of literally any other demographic.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/11/politics/fact-check-joe-biden-nato-press-conference/index.html All of the sudden they decided to fact check Biden. #PileOn
  14. The fact that this is not great, but is an order of magnitude better than the debate illustrates just how bad the debate was. But if this is his best, is that what we want? And how will he be 6 months from now?
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