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  1. so the above videos are AI generated? I remember when I was mocked on here for stating the GOP wants a national abortion ban. You all laughed and said it was fear mongering.
  2. That link doesn't say anything about late term abortions. The trump nonsense about abortions "after birth" is the classic fear mongering. About 93% of reported abortions in 2019 were performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy, 6% were conducted between 14 and 20 weeks and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  3. To be fair, you can't even put a number on your fear. You should worry about the economy, or the massive amount of people pouring in from our southern border, oh wait. But UBER Christians are the issue, got it.
  4. partisan voices fear mongering as usual. The rates of all vaccines are down. People remember the vaccine mob and how wrong they were. Lost a lot of integrity and trust with the public. The op would be the voice of said mob.
  5. I really feel we need a super impactfull WR to strike fear in opposing defenses. But i agree that draft capital is valuable this year due to the multiple holes (don't forget Safety 😉). To that end, I wouldn't mind using our 2025 2nds to move up into the lower teens to grab a Thomas. I didn't vote because I am okay with such a modest trade up but not a monster one as Kirby is advocating.
  6. Fear mongering is on the ballot. GRETCH wants to fight like Hell to protect birth control. Stop laughing. Welp, this should be an easy fight because birth control is literally legal everywhere and even one brand of the pill is now available over the counter. Hey, we get it, they're trying really hard to scare women into thinking they will lose birth control since they've been working hard to convince them Republicans killed Roe Think about it, the only way to get people to vote for them is to scare them which says a lot about Democrats and ain't none of it any good. https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/06/09/whitmer-claims-birth-control-is-on-the-ballot-n2397112 .
  7. I too would love RO. And I do think the Bills draft two good prospects at the WR position. I fear they may well have to move up in the first but I see it more for Thomas or Mitchell, not one of the top three. Given other needs I don't see them picking another one until later in the draft, fourth or fifth round perhaps.
  8. Why are many of you so worried about nearly 41 year old Aaron Rodgers? The expectation around here seems to be that he’ll simply just regain his MVP form…despite turning 41 during the season, despite coming off a major injury, despite still being new to playing in NY, despite increasing media and “extra curricular” obligations, etc etc etc. A “healthy” Aaron Rodgers in 2024 just doesn’t incite the automated fear and respect in me that so many of you seem to have. Tua is more concerning.
  9. Taron limited, that's huge! Was fearing DNP today.
  10. Diamonds are forever, they are all I need to please me They can stimulate and tease me They won't leave in the night I've no fear that they might desert me
  11. Which is our crude oil reserve. Changing a word in it is only semantics, and the name change was likely due to cold war fear mongering. If you do visit the chart on Macrotrends(from the EIA) check out our oil exports chart that is there also. Our oil exports went from 5 million barrels in 2016 to 10M barrels in 2020. Why did we export double the amount of oil we were shipping out, while we were crying for oil independence at the same time. Also, there is a chart of Saudi oil production, which shows very clearly how they've been manipulating production to keep prices high.
  12. I generally agree. We need Brady to draw up schemes that leverage the unique skills of our players. I still hope McBeane lands a high level deep threat at WR in the next year or so (one defenses truly fear) but I hope Brady maximizes the talent he has at his disposal. I’m confident that Coleman has enough juice to do some real damage if used well. I want to see a smash mouth running game and an A level deep threat added in the future.
  13. I actually don't remember Brady doing that at all. They didn't fear our offense.
  14. The viability number should be carefully and very deeply researched from a large swath of doctors. The non-secular GQP nutjobs shouldn't be involved, whether they are lurking behind the door or not. This is only a discussion about viability, and if you have, what you believe to be a better determinative factor, I'm all ears, even if it's nebulous. I have no fear of messengers, just the people that are enveloped in a cult mentality, that only believe their messengers, despite the facts/truth before them.
  15. I would prefer Dan Campbell because his decision-making is based on analytics and not fear-based / risk-aversion. I think McDermott tries to base decisions on analytics but to his core he focuses on his fear of what can go wrong as opposed to focusing on what can go right.
  16. I'm glad that you're OK, and hope that going forward, you make it through without any big complications. As someone who is now 60+, my biggest fear/concern about life is my health, and how basically at any moment my life can be drastically changed in an instant.
  17. Doc is right. This is the trend people are forgetting. This whole trade back will depend on whether Worthy pans out or not. Obviously our scouts were less impressed than KC. And I too had my issues with Worthy like size, durability and just a straight line speedster like Ross/Goodwin. We have 2 second round picks. Maybe we use a 4th & 5th to get another? I guess my biggest fear is if we double dip on wrs, it will be lower tier guys like Wilson, Rice, McCaffrey.....
  18. Is this true? For the 2022 season, my wife and I decided to get season tickets for the Bills. We called, and - boom - we had season tickets. Granted, they were somewhere above where the angels fear to fly, but they weren't bad seats. A lot of people have asked me if it was hard to get season tickets. They were not.
  19. Just curious how “it’s clear as day” that Josh doesn’t respect or “fear” his coaches? Also, what does Josh have to “fear?” He gets paid $45 millIon. They aren’t gonna bench him. This isn’t Varsity on Friday nights. There isn’t a Steve Young waiting for his chance behind Montana. So…
  20. Sure. Your claim that the reserve is always historically low was correct. Your claim that Obama was the one that started raising the SPR was correct. Your claim that the reserves are not low by any historical standard despite being at their lowest level in 40 years is correct. Your claim that they only started calling it the PSR out Cold War fear mongering is correct. The very idea that the PSR is nothing more than semantics is correct. You couldn’t have been more wrong on the topic. Why are you doing this to yourself and what’s the point of posturing as an authority on a topic when it’s clear that you are wholly uneducated on it? Go back to your first comment on this tonight and do some critical thinking. This is embarrassing.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/3rd-strike-trans-rape-suspect-080011578.html Tremaine "Tremayne" Deon Carroll, 51, is an incarcerated biological male who identifies as a woman and faces two charges of forcible rape and one of "dissuading a witness from testifying" in Madera County, according to a criminal complaint first obtained by the website 4W, and later reported by Reduxx. Carroll is one of several female-identifying biological males represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, Transgender Law Center and Lambda Legal who intervened to oppose WoLF's lawsuit in August 2023. In sworn testimony, Carroll stated, "I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men. But I am not a threat." Less than a year later, Carroll would be accused of rape.
  22. I think he is a 5th round prospect. I would break my tv if the Bills draft him anywhere. But as much as I don't want it to happen I fear it is very much in play. He is their type, they have had him in the building.... but it would be a wasted pick. I think he is "worried" but I think he knows he doesn't have many options for addressing it. They are going to have to reach on a guy in this class, hit gold in late FA (a bit like last year I suppose) or ride with what they have.
  23. Hard-nosed QB Coach that strikes fear into the heart of Josh Allen, but not Kyle Allen, but also Jim Kelly and Frank Reich need to do the Bills a solid and be the Hard-nosed QB whisper coach who Josh respects but mostly fears because he has turnovers and other bad stuff even though Josh is great-sucks.
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