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Bob Jones

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  1. One big, BIG difference between Kap and Butker is that Kap did his thing on “company time.” To me, and to many others, that makes a world of difference. An analogy would be if right after the SB win, down on the field in post game interviews, Butker would have said some of the stuff he said at the college commencement speech.
  2. Unfortunately, my pool’s water right now. LOL Just added HTH’s “Green to Blue” chemical mix to it about a half hour ago. We’ll see what happens overnight !
  3. https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article288545627.html
  4. One thing that was very interesting to me was the NFL's need to come out with a (puzzling) response for this. First off, is there EVER a time when a player speaks on behalf of the NFL? Or for that matter, even on behalf of their respective teams? I don’t think so, although maybe somebody can correct me. Both the NFL and all teams have PR departments that speak for them. My belief is that players ALWAYS speak just for themselves. Secondly, the NFL made a point to say that they are "inclusive" to everybody. My reading of Butker's speech sees nothing that says certain people shouldn't be NFL fans, or NFL refs, or NFL/team employees. The main complaint was that he wants women to be "barefoot and pregnant, and in the kitchen." I'm pretty sure that even if the latter accusation was true (it's not), he'd still want them to be NFL fans, and watch games on Sundays, Mondays, Thursday, Saturdays, and Christmas, or buy NFL gear. LOL Also, you can opine that transgenderism is wrong and is a mental illness, but that doesn’t mean you dislike those folks, or that you don't want them to be fans. Finally, the biggest criticism of the NFL was that were very quick to respond to this while they stay silent on many other cases where their players are doing things FAR WORSE than what Butker did. IMO, that criticism is justly deserved.
  5. Duke University here..."Hold my Beer." LOL (They had Jerry Seinfeld as their commencement speaker this year).
  6. Wow. Shocking. Just goes to show, even if you're the top golf pro on earth, getting to the course early to ensure you have time to warm up AND make your tee time is VERY important! LOL
  7. You should have jumped at their deal they offered last November, on Black Friday. I pay only $2.66 a month for it!
  8. Somewhat pertinent to this matter. Edit to Add: Seems that in this case, as in many other similar cases over the past several years, the pitchfork carrying mob coming after Butker has taken his comments out of context and/or “read between the lines” to infer something he never said. That’s the gist of this tweet below. And I’d bet the farm that 90% of the people signing petitions, and who are “outraged” over this, have NOT even listened to his whole speech.
  9. I agree, and that is a good point. My point is that the cost for the average guy is getting way too high….as we’re seeing with the PSLs/new stadium….folks are getting “priced out.” The latter also applies to other big time sports too….people’s discretionary spending is way down currently too. And regular Joes/Janes put in 40-50 hours a week of real work get paid a pittance to what most athletes are getting nowadays. There comes a point when the resentment/jealousy/envy boils over and you’re done with being a fan. Like somebody else surmised, if I wasn’t a 50+ years suffering Bills fan, who is hoping for them to win a SB, I’d be done watching the NFL right now.
  10. It's just mind boggling, isn’t it? You ever step back and think about the big picture? Makes me wonder how we ever got to this point. Somebody could come out of college, get a "good" job paying $100k per year, get small increases for the next 44 years, work 50 weeks a year, 5 days a week, and make maybe $5-6 million. And then we have athletes who can make TEN TIMES that amount for roughly 7 month's work! I guess they'll keep getting paid even more, until the fans finally say "we've had enough and we don’t care anymore." Personally, I'm almost there.
  11. I want you to watch.....CBS assign Nance & Romo to this game. 😂
  12. Pretty sure you need a high speed internet service for streaming video, no? That ain't cheap. And this is especially true if you have: multiple users, WFH users, security cameras using the connection, etc.
  13. Agreed. It’s really just crazy how some of these NFL owners throw money around.
  14. So you make my point then, as the Bills (as long as they're good/JA is around) would have been selling out ALL seats in the current stadium. With as much as PSLs AND higher new tickets cost, they may not be selling out all the non-suite seats in the new place. We shall see. If I'm reading the signs correctly, and from perusing social media over the past week, I think I am, the Bills have overestimated their ability to get fans to buy in at these high costs.
  15. Why would other owners care how much $$$ the owner(s) of the Bills rakes in? Shouldn't they mind their own effing business?
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