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  1. Best news of the day was that Kim Pegula was there.
  2. I’ve been saying the entire off-season the success or failure of the offense rests with the ability of Brady to scheme things.
  3. I agree. I would say if they don’t like the way the WRs are shaping up Beane may go get a guy like Adams or Aiyuk in a trade. But doubtful. And this may be McDsput up or shut up year.
  4. They got Diggs. They drafted Davis and drafted Shakir in lower rounds who were productive. They drafted now Coleman. They drafted a lower round guy again in Shorter who has yet to show his potential due to injury. Several years ago they brought in Beasley, Brown, Sanders in free agency. They brought several guys in as FAs this year. And of course brought in 2 TEs in Kincaid and Knox. They have worked on the WR position, but more through trades and FA vs. draft. When you say relative to the rest of the league it would be helpful to actually show data on that. He’ll be at best their second option. We’ll see how he does. His competitive spirit could either cause him to do great this year or make Stroud’s life miserable demanding the ball all the time.
  5. Thanks for a reasonable take vs. some of the hyperbolic stuff we’ve seen. Let me respond in kind. As I’ve stated previously, the biggest difference in this awe corps is not having Diggs. The question then is which Diggs will we be missing: the Diggs of his first few years or the Diggs of the last part of last season? Greg Cosell is a guy whose opinions I value, and he has stated Diggs was not commanding as much attention the last half of the season. Or, in the vernacular, he was no longer a “#1WR”. In contrast, we saw Shakir’s production make a huge jump the latter half of the year. So can Shakir now fill Diggs’ shoes? Maybe not the Diggs of 2-3 years ago, but the Diggs from last year I’d say so. The other loss was Davis. From a receiving standpoint certainly guys like Samuel or MVS or Coleman can do as well. We may miss Davis more from a blocking perspective than from a receiving perspective. Any discussion of the Bills receiving corps has to not just focus on WRs but on the extent of ALL those in the passing game. So Kincaid had an outstanding rookie year and should be poised for more. That is not unreasonable. Nor is it unreasonable to think Knox offers a second productive receiving presence in two TE sets. Then you throw in Cook and possibly Davis. Frustration has been shown over the Bills not surrounding Allen with talent and prioritizing defense. But they traded for Diggs, drafted Cook and Kincaid and now Coleman with day 1 or 2 picks, and added to the O line to protect him either by FA (Morse, McGovern) or the draft (Torrence). So there has been effort made. I would also argue you can’t treat this as an either/or situation: you can only focus on offense vs. defense. You have to have both; the Chiefs showed that last year and of course historically this is the case. The Bills have not drafted a really high end WR because of their success: they have been in the low end of round one for a while so those guys go early. Could they have moved up? Sure, but at the sacrifice of other spots. One of the things I find curious is how many folks are convinced Worthy will be such a huge hit for the Chiefs, and equally convinced that a guy drafted just a couple positions lower in Coleman (who Josh apparently really wanted) will be a bust. We will see starting this week how Brady constructs the office. And if the receivers look suspect I think Beane will look to make a move. I don’t think he’ll need to however.
  6. Except for going 6-1 as interim OC and 1-1 in the playoffs for the Buffalo Bills
  7. We have a lot of Nostradamus wannabes on this board. If they were as good at predicting the future as they think, they would be on their private island sipping cocktails after making a fortune on Wall Street. So we’ll see how Brady does. The guys mentioned above all started at some point as well.
  8. You’re such a cheerful person. For all we know this WR corps does fine, Josh thrives under Brady and we’re all at the parade in February.
  9. Interesting philosophies. Some will sell out to get one Lombardi then have things fall apart due to cap issues and such. Some want to be competitive on a yearly basis and win that way. Not sure either is right or wrong. still waiting for a single defensive lineman to make a difference in a post-wildcard playoff game. Your words. Thought you were talking in general.
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