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Bills' Player to Tyler Dunne: Rob Ryan was the Problem on D

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Rob seems to be a "lightening in a bottle" DC. He needs to have the perfect players for more than a year in order to have success.




I'm no grammar nazi, but "lightening in a bottle" sounds pretty funny. In fact, it might be an apt description for this defense.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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What's funny is watching so many here gobbke this down and slobber this knob like they knew this all along. I could name names, but I'm not going to.

It's a joke that a few here; coach Tuesday, firechan, gg, hopeful ... Didn't take the bait. Didn't go off on Gilmore. Didn't want to throw stones at players because a truly intelligent football mind can see whaysngoing on and it wasn't the players. It was coaching. All coaching.

Kudos to us that were smart enough to see. Shame on you who denied us our place and you must know you're the reason this board is 99% unreadable.

Also, DC Tom has been surprisingly accurate to break down events, not because she knows football but because he knows common sense.

To summarize:


Cuz Rex Sux

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No surprise. You only had to watch the games... it had all the traits of the worst of both Ryans in recent years. A read and react pass rush (Rex) and a totally confused secondary (Rob).


Dennis Thurman famously said "you guys presume I know what's going on - I don't" sadly he was not the only one.

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To summarize:


Cuz Rex Sux

To be fair, the players sucked pretty bad too. Blaming others (i.e. the coach) on sucking, is pretty sucky.


And i still have to read people saying what a talented roster we have.

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Blame the Clampetts for allowing Rex to hire his twin failure.

The Clampetts? You're so funny. If only they had gotten their money the traditional way......by marrying into it like your team's fat drunk of an owner. Thank God he was boozing it up.....again......while Ralph slipped the poison pill into the lease. Bon Jersey must be so disappointed in his Godfather.

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Yes, I see this as another hit on the whole organization including Whaley. When Rex floated the idea of bringing his brother in, let alone a real organization today should never allow nepotism, considering his poor defensive record someone should have had the wisdom and/or balls to say heck NO! If Whaley already didn't like the job Rex was doing he never should have allowed it. And Pegula should have been smarter than that. Honestly, how many people even on this board thought that would work out well? You don't have to be a football insider or expert to know that was a stupid idea!

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And no wonder they wanted to see Dennis Thurman run the D on his own in the last game


By the way this is no surprise based on Rob's previous stints

Too bad the damage was already done. Thurman didnt stand a chance just like Lynn

Yes, I see this as another hit on the whole organization including Whaley. When Rex floated the idea of bringing his brother in, let alone a real organization today should never allow nepotism, considering his poor defensive record someone should have had the wisdom and/or balls to say heck NO! If Whaley already didn't like the job Rex was doing he never should have allowed it. And Pegula should have been smarter than that. Honestly, how many people even on this board thought that would work out well? You don't have to be a football insider or expert to know that was a stupid idea!

I hated the Rex hire and hated bringin fat Rob in even more- it shows the pure dysfunctional makeup of this organization.

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In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.


No thats absolutely wrong. Ive heard on this very site that the reason we didnt have a great season is because Tyrod didnt throw for 300 yds every game. He also forgot how to make tackles on defense, thats why we just about led the league in broken/missed tackles. Thanks a lot Tyrod!


And I thought that Rex completely ruined this defense. If this is true, Rex was even more stupid than I thought.


The only thing that gives me hesitation is that immediately the defense played better. The first month Rob was here the Bills won four straight games and the Red zone defense which he was put in charge of was at the top of the league. Not sticking up for Rob in any way, he and Rex together screwed over this defense and this team and this season and I'm thrilled they're gone. But I'd really like to know who this one guy was, and whether his teammates agreed with him.

Yeah I thought Rob was doing a great job in the red zone and I actually believed the propaganda that Thurman was actually calling the plays and running the defense. SMH Bamboozeled again. I wonder what happened though, we were doing real good on Def until the 1st Miami game then it all came unglued.


Yet another example of posters on this board being smarter than the Bills' front office.


PTR, you listening? Lots of folks here predicted this would happen when Rob was hired (I was not one of them).

I was right there with you, I figured, "oh hes just helping coach up the LBs to the scheme, no big deal, his bro wont let him be DC when he remembers how bad the Saints Defense was". Well damn we were !@#$ing wrong! :wallbash:

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Had an interesting chat with one #Bills defensive player today on what went wrong for them this year. Will pass along a couple quotes.


More from this #Bills player on D: "Rob ruined our whole defense. He took over everything. ... He confused us." Called it a "disaster."


This #Bills player said that Rob Ryan -- not Rex -- was the problem. Rob was basically the team's DC in 2016. "He changed everything."


Bills defensive player on Rob Ryan's D: "Players hated it. Everything we played was dictated off the offense. We had no identity."


One other note: Player I chatted with said Rob Ryan mixed man with zone so much it confused everybody. "It was all over the place."


In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.



Same as Rex ruining Schwartz D the year before. It's not just Rob it's the Ryan Scheme overall.

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Same as Rex ruining Schwartz D the year before. It's not just Rob it's the Ryan Scheme overall.

Yup. My first thought upon reading the OP was, "Well okay, then whose fault was it in 2015?" I'm sure Rob was part of the problem, but the real issue was the Ryan scheme and the inflexibility of Rex (and Rob). They didn't change their scheme to keep in step with today's NFL and they sure didn't tailor it to their personnel. That major coaching failure is on them.

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Yup. My first thought upon reading the OP was, "Well okay, then whose fault was it in 2015?" I'm sure Rob was part of the problem, but the real issue was the Ryan scheme and the inflexibility of Rex (and Rob). They didn't change their scheme to keep in step with today's NFL and they sure didn't tailor it to their personnel. That major coaching failure is on them.


I think these guys might be done in the League but really looking forward to them as broadcasters

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