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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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We need to send this video to all of those illegal aliens breaking into this country so that they at least bring their own birds.


'... except these... they will be eaten on Tuesday... they are yummy'



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No it's not the bots. It's people. And not just the new generation. I have some friends who all they pose is stuff about Trump. People who are well educated are posting the most inane stuff and doing absolutely zero research on what they were posting.

It's a mob mentality.

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No it's not the bots. It's people. And not just the new generation. I have some friends who all they pose is stuff about Trump. People who are well educated are posting the most inane stuff and doing absolutely zero research on what they were posting.


Losing to W twice was bad enough, Trump has sent them totally cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


3 of 5 times they've lost with a candidate that the Dems really put forward with confidence, this wasn't an OMG McGovern/Dukakis/Carter/Mondale toss to the lions.

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The saying "there is no such thing as bad publicity" is 100% wrong. She !@#$ed up.


Her career is completely over.


If CNN of all news networks cans you from an event that's over six months away, you're super, ultra, fantastically...done.

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The saying "there is no such thing as bad publicity" is 100% wrong. She !@#$ed up.


No, she didn't. Not to her base, which is all she cares about.


Her career is completely over.


If CNN of all news networks cans you from an event that's over six months away, you're super, ultra, fantastically...done.


CNN calls attention to scandal that is not a scandal by firing somebody no one cares about from event no one watches that no one knew that somebody was involved in because of stunt no one paid any attention to because nobody cares about somebody who pulled stunt.


If they were smart, they would have promoted their New Year's programming with "Will she or won't she show up with Dick Clark's severed head?"

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We need to send this video to all of those illegal aliens breaking into this country so that they at least bring their own birds.





I think his point is that the bots originate the threads and pass them along to the "like-minded" real people who have a history of passing such news along (based on an algorithm), and voila you have a story going viral.


Yep, and the fact that most of the recipients are followers and not thinkers, it becomes fuel to stoke their anger and outrage.



Kids been that way for at least 5000 years now. Give them some slack, I know I was sure like that when I hit the real world in the early 90s.


Lots of us were like that when we were young. The point is that most outgrew it before we became adults. I know people in their 40's that are still clueless, and there seems to be more of them every day.

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No, she didn't. Not to her base, which is all she cares about.

She has a base? I mean say what you want about Ted Nugent saying Obama was a subhuman mongrel who should suck on his machine gun, but at least he sang Cat Scratch Fever.

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"Lots of us were like that when we were young. The point is that most outgrew it before we became adults. I know people in their 40's that are still clueless, and there seems to be more of them every day."



always been that way, nothing new under the sun


hope you don't pick up a bunch of 40-somethings like this through marriage and have to feed and clothe their ungratefulness

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"Lots of us were like that when we were young. The point is that most outgrew it before we became adults. I know people in their 40's that are still clueless, and there seems to be more of them every day."



always been that way, nothing new under the sun


hope you don't pick up a bunch of 40-somethings like this through marriage and have to feed and clothe their ungratefulness


To repeat, most of us outgrew it. My point is that the number of people well into their adult years that are extolling the perceived virtues of socialism astounds me. A stupid, idealistic teen, I can accept it from. Someone who's been around the block a few times should know better.

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She has a base? I mean say what you want about Ted Nugent saying Obama was a subhuman mongrel who should suck on his machine gun, but at least he sang Cat Scratch Fever.

Surprisingly enough she does. Granted it's the same same base that watches The View, reads The New Republic, and chortles at any Sarah Palin joke no matter how many times it's been told.


So no, this hasn't hurt her one bit with her base.

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She has a base? I mean say what you want about Ted Nugent saying Obama was a subhuman mongrel who should suck on his machine gun, but at least he sang Cat Scratch Fever.


Yes. Basically the LGBTQ crowd that still believes Trump wants to put them in reeducation camps.

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To repeat, most of us outgrew it. My point is that the number of people well into their adult years that are extolling the perceived virtues of socialism astounds me. A stupid, idealistic teen, I can accept it from. Someone who's been around the block a few times should know better.


The love of the Soviet Union was all around us until it collapsed.


Having her over to ISIS to deal with.

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No. Pence.


That's the hilarious part of the push to get rid of Trump by the progressive left... Pence would be far worse for their beliefs. But, hatred blinds people to the obvious realities, and the progressive left hates Trump to the point of being blind to the consequences of what they're pushing for.

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To repeat, most of us outgrew it. My point is that the number of people well into their adult years that are extolling the perceived virtues of socialism astounds me. A stupid, idealistic teen, I can accept it from. Someone who's been around the block a few times should know better.

Are you flirting with me?

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