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Pet Peeves- List them


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It really grinds my gears when religious freaks come to my door at 8am, Jesus pamphlets in hand, and ask me if I have "heard the good news." I make it a point now to answer the door in my boxer shorts and invite them inside.

Careful! At -40 you'll freeze your tallywhacker off.
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Guilty :blush:


You must understand, however, that when it's -40 here in Fairbanks, it's every man for himself. I'd park in a handicapped parking spot if I knew I could get away with it.


So you make your coworkers pregnant wife who is being food walk through that? Or your potential clients?

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"Be that as it may..." Translation...even though I know that this isn't the right thing to do I'm going to do it anyway.


Locker room interviews...."ya know what I'm sayinnnn" or "most definitely"


Most definitely hate those terms, ya know what I'm sayinnnn?

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Something that has been annoying me lately is the sound effects in TV/Movies.


Every time a hand is moved when there is a gun in it....."Klick, clak, klick."


Every arm movement (usually for a punch attempt)....."Whoosh"....as if they are moving so fast that they nearly break the sound barrier.


Padded based chess pieces "clicking" on the chess board.


Car tyres "screeeeaaaching" as it accelerates straight ahead.


.....and my all time longest running hated ridiculous sound effect.....the "sching" of a sword being drawn from a wooden or cloth scabbard.

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