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Johnny Hammersticks

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    Australia, Mate!

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  1. I meant that “performance art” stuff like CdS and Blue Man Group isn’t usually my thing. 😂 Butt head.
  2. I kind of hated Vegas the last time I visited in the summer time. Just too hot to enjoy anything. The one thing that I did enjoy was eating a crap ton of edibles and going to see the Cirque du soliel Beatles show. I went bc my wife really wanted to see it, but it ended up being incredible.
  3. Gin and tonic or gin and grapefruit juice is my go-to summer time cocktail.
  4. If I drink more than 8 or 9 gin & tonics that just means that I need to drive with one eye closed so the lines aren’t blurry.
  5. I love to eat roast duck. I order it almost every time I see it on the menu. If I could I’d clobber a few of those suckers over the head with a tire iron to take them home and cook them. The little ones are so damn cute though. These 2 little buggers (no mama duck in sight) were crossing the road from the woods to a pond. I wonder what they were even doing in the thickly forested area across the road. Could that be where their nest is? What do baby ducks eat?
  6. I would prefer to be in the stadium for every single game. Given that I live in Vermont and have two kids that play winter sports (hockey & ski team), however, it is almost impossible to make it to more than one game per season. If I lived closer I would most definitely have season tix.
  7. My kids love frozen watermelon. It kind of has the texture/flavor of Italian ice.
  8. I was wondering about the increased heat/humidity. Not sure about all areas of the country, but we’ve had rain just about every day here in Vermont. Record rainfalls and flooding on a couple days. Ponds, wetlands, river and streams are all overflowing. One other possible factor is all the road construction on the chunk of Rt 7 that I drive multiple times/week. They’re replacing one bridge and resurfacing the roads in many areas. That must have the animals all f’ed up. I said 3 quacked of contritions and moved on.
  9. Been seeing lots of dead porcupines by the side of the road this spring/summer. Coincidence?
  10. Intetestingly, I’ve never hit a bird until recently. Smoked like 5 of those bast-ahds in the spring. Not proud if it, but why you hate my Subaru Outback so much, birds?
  11. Was driving home from my son’s lacrosse practice, and two of them zipped right in front of me as I was going around a sharp corner. One made it, but the other I greased. I feel awful. Thoughts and prayers accepted. 🦆 💀
  12. Bridges. John Wayne was corny as hell, IMO (ducks).
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