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  1. Shaking in the garden, the fear within you grows, Here there may be roses, to punch you in the nose. Put my arms around you, love you til you cry, Wrap you in your sweet perfume and squeeze you 'til you die. When push comes to shove, you're afraid of love. RIP Robert Hunter
  2. Anger and fear are the most potent ways to get a reaction from people. It's also the easiest. Chuck Dickerson succeeded on the radio because he got people mad. And when you're mad, you stop thinking.
  3. Nick Foles won a Superbowl, was above-average accurate, had more 400-yard games than I can even count, AND is No. 6 since 2000 in clutch drives. But he was never really respected. Got to just boil down to the fear factor. Regardless of his stats and consistency, the top five in that list are game-planned for. Nick Foles, probably not.
  4. To be honest I don’t care how , or with who buffalo wins a Super Bowl.. my biggest fear is we’re having this conversation ten years from now, especially having Allen as our QB ,
  5. greetings. Health issues are a thing that we all can empathise with when it is a family member or even yourself to a certain extent Her families request for privacy I think is understandable. But we fans who wanted the best for her and hearing nothing was in its own way painful. For us But to them I think they were trying to take the path of less resistance and keep it private. Once we did find out what happened was as bad as many feared sucked. God Bless Kim Pegula
  6. They're going longer every time. That should be obvious. This is the third season for the USFL teams and the XFL only took a break because of McMahon's shenanigans. They've set expectations better than the previous leagues and are following the MLS business model, which has managed to survive and maintain a broadcast presence despite poor national interest. Have no fear, the league will still be here for you to gleefully disparage next year, with FOX even airing games on Friday nights.
  7. You literally just cherry picked my last post. Nice try. You are a sick fck. All the receipts are there for anyone to see. You're fear is showing...
  8. Yeah, a bloodbath could never be started by MAGAs https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pro-trump-disruptions-in-arizona-county-elevate-fears-for-the-2024-vote/ar-BB1k5iPC
  9. I’ve been reading the same media you have and I think a lot of the problem is people fearing they will lose their seats, due to huge price increases and losing their specific spot they have been in for decades, often with close friends nearby. The latter part really is too bad, but it is the nature of having to reseat everyone in a different stadium. I also think people are fearing the timeshare type pressure sales job they may get. These are all reasonable concerns in my opinion. But I can see why the Bills are doing it the way they are with respect to limiting the options people have to buy seats during their presentation. The current stadium has a lot, in fact is mostly, season ticket holders. The Bills can’t be offering a menu of different price levels while still maintaining an inventory for the rest of the season ticket holders. Many STHs have expressed concern they will lose their seats to people who turn down club seats for a lower-level option. The Bills are working it so that doesn’t happen. Like so many things, people fear the unknown. They also fear someone having control over them. Both of these fears are at work presently. People also feel their personal STH seniority should carry more weight than it appears it will in the PSL process. So that is creating some anger and angst too. We all believe we are more important than we really are. That creates a lot of the anger and anxiety from what I’m reading on Facebook in particular. Patience and acceptance go a long way in these situations. Most people struggle with those qualities.
  10. Do you think Allen feels relief after the Diggs trade? YES ! absolutely like walking on eggshells with diggs around. now josh is the undisputed leader and voice on offense. not to mention he can truly spread the ball around and take what the defense is giving without fear of angering diggs.
  11. While I hate that the Jets get 2 mid round picks to move down one spot and still get the guy they wanted, I am still very happy they didn't have a chance to get Odunze. I will never fear a lineman. While they are certainly important, I am surprised they didn't go with the TE.
  12. Keep hearing that. and then see moves like this and it makes me think they draft 1 guy in rd 3 or 4 and call it a day. Sad but I fear may be true
  13. Maybe this will prove as accurate as the Maliq fears, but I’ve had multiple people tell me today that Copeland is gone too. Heard Taylor transferring is a certainty as well for different reasons.
  14. The only way I can think they would do this is if it came from T Pegula. That is my fear, that without Kim, T Pegula may be tightening the purse strings and want to save for a boost next year with the stadium filling as a concern. But this would have to be against Beane's wishes. Beane will look terrible if this is the talent he is sending out there this year. It would be his worst year as a GM by a lot.
  15. Apropos of this topic, this is a great song recounting various 80s things, like ocean pacific, piercing your left ear, mustaches, and Tears for Fears.
  16. Yeah he was really in fear for his life there that he had to wind up and punch her with all of his strength. He could have just walked away.
  17. I think as evidenced by the fact that he skipped the previous weigh in, there was fear he was going to weigh in significantly heavier than this lol
  18. I think I go with the “it happened on his watch” theory of blame because these alternatives are, well, more depressing. But I fear that at least some of it is true. What we see here at PPP is a lot of high information voters. But the wrong information. Not all information is created equal. Some random Twitter feed’s take on a news story is not the news story. People have completely lost the ability to make that distinction.
  19. our biggest needs going forward IMO- WR who can take the top off, that opposing D must fear their speed RB who can pass block, and own 4th and 1. those are our biggest needs IMO with additional draft picks- LB depth, Edge depth CB depth and special teams demons
  20. In the howling wind comes a stinging rain See it driving nails Into the souls on the tree of pain From the firefly, a red orange glow See the face of fear Running scared in the valley below Bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue sky Bullet the blue Bullet the blue
  21. So this is a big nothing burger, but fear sells so, buy up I guess. Btw I'm not religious at all.
  22. Just horrible. As said by others, our allies don't trust him, and our enemies don't fear him. The man is a foreign policy disaster. As former Defense Sect Robert Gates said: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Denying Israel this shipment is idiotic, counterproductive and lunacy. "
  23. Beckham was really only elite with the Giants, and that's because they moved him all around and threw him the ball a TON. He was heavily featured there. So, it has been a long time since he has been a player to fear.
  24. These are the stories I was fearing, but knew were inevitable. It’s not even “simply” the extra cost right now, you get to marinate in a dark sense of unknown before they ever show you the sticker. Nobody likes the unknown. I get it. Good luck to all of you.
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